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Forum > Europe West BBB Leagues > Europe West BBB #15 > Be careful, Cancun. This is the type of player you just got
As we all know, releasing players just isn't going to happen. You pay for EQ, and if a player isn't happy for whatever reason, you try to find that player a new home. Very rarely will an Owner just release a player they have invested time and money into.

Cancun, don't misunderstand and think that our owner stiffed you guys with a bad seed purposely. This player asked to be released, because he said he wasn't happy on the team. So we traded him away. It wasn't until after he was traded that he showed his true colors. The type of Agent no team wants. So I am just bidding you a beware warning. You think an Agent would be happy to have his player be traded to a 10-1team.

funny that trading my player when I asked for them to be you either release my other player or the builds of all the players on this team will be sent to all the teams in this league and the next incase you get promoted.
We will talk with him and thanks for the heads up. Next just PM us as you did and post a thread. And I only say that because we don't know what all happened when he was with you and we will find out. But Thank you for you heads up in the PM and we will see what the deal is.

AND I TOTALLY AGREE with you on the trading him. As an owner you pay for a guys EQ(AS I pay for all my players out of the team funds) and then a player just asks to be released? No it dont work that way Esp in the higher levels when you just gave them 1.6 mil for EQ. You were right to trade him and we will talk with him and Thanks Again for your concern and heads up!
Send in a message to Support about the guy threatening to release player builds. That's a no-no that will get you banned in a heartbeat.
Yeah! But he didn't send them so nothing will be done. Either way if he would get banned I would lose no sleep! I wish I would have known about this before our owner traded for him. I dont know maby he will be happy here, then again maybe not.
Last edited Jan 24, 2009 11:59:06
Threatening to release player builds in GLB should be the same thing as saying 'bomb' in an airport.
LOL Agreed!

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