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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > WC game 11 power rankings 1/23
Rk- Team----------record---------Last ranking------next game-------write up

-----Conference title contenders and the home 1st rd playoff guys-------

#1 NuvaNut Knights-----(9-2)-----(1)------------#16 Toronto Red Devils------The 2vs3 matchup did nothing for me thinking I should bump this team out the number 1 spot. In the final 5 games 4 of the 5 opponents having losing records. With the likelyhood of some tie breaker rules between mulitples teams coming into play, these games are really important since one of the tie breakers is most points on the season.
#2 Northern Demons----(10-1)--------(3)-------------#13 Ottawa Jaguars-----------In the number 2 spot in the power rankings and in the driver seat for the number 1 spot overall. Still has to play the 10-1 "Pitbulls" that with an upset could pull off the shocking number 1 spot for the playoffs.
#3 Whistler Warriors--(9-2)--------(2)------------#14 RC Gladiators--------------Played the Demons tough but fell just short. 4 of the final 5 games will be a cake walk for them.
#4 Vancouver "Pitbulls"------ (10-1)---------(4)--------#8 New Cologne Bears---------This team is 10-1 with a win over the Knights and Lights, and only really need to beat the Demons to earn the top spot. Why wouldn't they get put in the title contender category?

-------Second Tier Teams------------------

#5 Vancouver Northern Lights --------(9-2)--------(5)-----------#9 Montreal Mutants------------When ever it looks like this team is even or slightly behind level wise with a opponent, they always seem to win. Max is a great game planner and deserves all the credit in the world. I am singing him praises again. The rest of the schedule is pretty tough with the Demons and Warriors still left on the schedule and they better not sleep on the Mutants and Bears.
#6 Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters-(8-3)--(7)-------#10 Culver Eagles---------------Claims the number 6 seed for the time being, but has a bigger issue at hand. My OC has quit the game and now I am left without offensive leadership. I will be taking the reins myself for the rest of the season, but the problem is I have DC'd several teams the last 3 seasons, but have never touched the offensive playbook.
#7 Hogwarts Wizards-(7-4)-----(6)-------------#12 Da Nang Gang Bangers----------A some what suprising loss to most people in the league. I knew the Lights would give them a game and I hope they just didn't look past them. Should get back on track versus the Bangers.

-----The Battle for 8th--------

#8 New Cologne Bears---------(6-5)------(8)---------------#4 Vancouver "Pitbulls"---------The battle for the 8th spot continues on. The Bears remain the leader and an upset over the "Pitbulls" or a loss by the Mutants would pretty much clinch the 8th spot.
#9 Montreal Mutants-------------(4-7)---(10)----------#5 Vancouver Northern Lights-------------Their season comes down to this. How bad do they want it? A win followed by 3 easy games gets them to 8-7 and a showdown with the Eagles and maybe the number 8 spot on the line. A loss and the season is over.
#10 Culver Eagles ------------(5-6)--------(9)----------#6 Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters----------Well this is funny. My next game is against this team and the GMs for this team was basically the co-OC's for the team that my OC owned. I was the DC for that team. I know these guys and now we are all left wondering what happened to that team and ready to face each other with these teams.


#11 Cardinal Redbirds------------(4-7)---(11)-------#15 Alberta Mounties-------------They have the same record as the Mutants. Shame on you Mutants.
#12 Da Nang Gang Bangers-------(3-8)-----(12)-------------#7 Hogwarts Wizards----------Might only win one more game on the season.
#13 Ottawa Jaguars --------(2-9)----(13)-----#2 Northern Demons------------Crushed by the Bears and it will be worse against the Demons.
#14 RC Gladiators-------------(2-9)---(14)--------#3 Whistler Warriors----------The Warriors will take out all their frustrations on this team.

------Headed down to BBB-----

#15 Alberta Mounties---------(1-10)----(15)-----#11 Cardinal Redbirds---------A matchup of BBB #5 season 1 league champion and season 2 league champion. This rivalry is nothing like it used to be.
#16 Toronto Red Devils------(0-11)-----(16)------#1 NuvaNut Knights-----------Scored on the Redbirds and yes it was a WR screen. I highly doubt they will score on the Knights though.

Games of the week:

#5 Vancouver Northern Lights (9-2) vs #9 Montreal Mutants (4-7) - The games this week took a step back. Not to many good games, but this could be one. Montreal needs a win in the worse way. The Lights have played way above expectations. I give the edge to the lights by 6 knocking the Mutants out of the playoff chase.

#6 Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters (8-3) vs #10 Culver Eagles (5-6) - With the recent distractions in the Yellowknife organization, it will be interesting to see how this plays out. In the last 3 games where I had to do some of the OC work the average score has been 171-6, but that was against the Red Devils, Mounties, and Bangers. This will be the first real game I will need to prepare for.
Last edited Jan 23, 2009 22:57:40

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