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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Canada A4 Can't Stop Okoye
Originally posted by LionsFan0513
Originally posted by Dirkdolan

Name calling does nothing but make you look like a fool. You can call me or us whatever you want, it doesn't make you look smart, it makes you look very unintelligent which helps the rest of the forum believe your full of it. Yet you continue to name call.

By stating that if "The big 3 go down, we'll all go down" your stating that that economy revolves around the big 3. I thought i just explained to you why that isn't true? Did you miss that part? Obviously, they hold an influence, but if ONE of them goes down, someone else will step in there place. Its America.

As many people as there are in the white house asking for an automotive bailout, there are just as many wanting to deny a bailout. The auto bailout is a mere fraction compared to the size of the Sallie Mae etc. bailout, so throw that shit out the window, because it's countering your argument

Another depression? Dude we are in a depression, where have you been? Look around, people and businesses are going down everyday.

They can't move because it would cost millions and because NO ONE would want them. Any state? Are you fucking kidding me? You know how many people blame the big 3 for poverty in detroit? Do you? Jesus kid! The enviromentalists would never have it. Maybe you should check Michigan's state economy and compare it other states and then tell me how we would all love to have the Big 3. They would never, ever be accepted in San Diego. Ever. That's just dumb right there.

You really need to educate yourself on all of this.

But of course, the AP, the people fleeing form the city, the people that i work with that hated it there, wiki, the web the statistics and everyone else must be lieing right?

Im sorry for challenging your uber IQ

For starters, I couldn't give 2 shits what people think about me on some video game forum. lol.

For you to even THINK that we are in the midst of a depression is laughable. Are we on the brink? Yes. But are we already in it? Hell no.

Okay, so one mans opinion says San Diego wouldn't want the Auto Industry, thats lovely. But the entire South would take them in a heartbeat, as would most of the Mid-West. Creates jobs, and circulates money.

You can believe whatever the hell you'd like to believe. But the fact remains that unless you actually COME here, then whateve you say is load of crap because you hear the nonsense that is spewed about.

I was referring to what people think of you regarding your argument. "Some Video game Forum" is a cliche way for you to try to tell us that our opinions don't matter, but they obviously do otherwise you wouldn't post.

Like i said, A lot of Enviromentalists would stop them from moving in. But i guess you can make your assumptions that having manufacturing plants is desirable. Whatever. Maybe you should COME to San Diego and see a real city
Originally posted by Dirkdolan
Originally posted by LionsFan0513

Originally posted by Dirkdolan

Name calling does nothing but make you look like a fool. You can call me or us whatever you want, it doesn't make you look smart, it makes you look very unintelligent which helps the rest of the forum believe your full of it. Yet you continue to name call.

By stating that if "The big 3 go down, we'll all go down" your stating that that economy revolves around the big 3. I thought i just explained to you why that isn't true? Did you miss that part? Obviously, they hold an influence, but if ONE of them goes down, someone else will step in there place. Its America.

As many people as there are in the white house asking for an automotive bailout, there are just as many wanting to deny a bailout. The auto bailout is a mere fraction compared to the size of the Sallie Mae etc. bailout, so throw that shit out the window, because it's countering your argument

Another depression? Dude we are in a depression, where have you been? Look around, people and businesses are going down everyday.

They can't move because it would cost millions and because NO ONE would want them. Any state? Are you fucking kidding me? You know how many people blame the big 3 for poverty in detroit? Do you? Jesus kid! The enviromentalists would never have it. Maybe you should check Michigan's state economy and compare it other states and then tell me how we would all love to have the Big 3. They would never, ever be accepted in San Diego. Ever. That's just dumb right there.

You really need to educate yourself on all of this.

But of course, the AP, the people fleeing form the city, the people that i work with that hated it there, wiki, the web the statistics and everyone else must be lieing right?

Im sorry for challenging your uber IQ

For starters, I couldn't give 2 shits what people think about me on some video game forum. lol.

For you to even THINK that we are in the midst of a depression is laughable. Are we on the brink? Yes. But are we already in it? Hell no.

Okay, so one mans opinion says San Diego wouldn't want the Auto Industry, thats lovely. But the entire South would take them in a heartbeat, as would most of the Mid-West. Creates jobs, and circulates money.

You can believe whatever the hell you'd like to believe. But the fact remains that unless you actually COME here, then whateve you say is load of crap because you hear the nonsense that is spewed about.

I was referring to what people think of you regarding your argument. "Some Video game Forum" is a cliche way for you to try to tell us that our opinions don't matter, but they obviously do otherwise you wouldn't post.

Like i said, A lot of Enviromentalists would stop them from moving in. But i guess you can make your assumptions that having manufacturing plants is desirable. Whatever. Maybe you should COME to San Diego and see a real city

I've already stated i've been to LA, Santa Monica, Hermosa, and Hollywood.... I've seen a plethora of "real" cities in California.

But any who, we both have different opinions, and we both feel we are right. No use to keep on arguing when neither one of us can sway the other.

Okoye, you're the shit.
Goat Father
guys one thing you are forgetting about the big three's problems and that is the Union's that have driven the company's into the ground. I know of people that worked for GM that made $78 a hour that is ridiculous. there is no one in the country worth that. unless I can pay that to get between some models legs that is. the economy is failing due to greed by almost all management in the banking, automotive, and oil industries. you guys talk about the problems with businesses going under well we as americans better be worrying about the farmers going under. If the farmers go under where are we gonna get our food. there is no other country that has to deal with all the sanctions as the farmers do and they are failing everyday. No food then we become ethiopia all over again and what country would help us.
"the economy is failing due to greed by almost all management in the banking, automotive, and oil industries."

The greed isnt only contained to the business world. Personal loans requested and granted for people who have no business even applying for them has really f'd things up too.....

Its all a big circle anyway. It'll turn around. Hell, it will probably turn itself around before we stop discussing on this thread (at the rate we're going).

Okoye is the man, but STP (Aggies) gives him a run for his money!!
Originally posted by hatchman
guys one thing you are forgetting about the big three's problems and that is the Union's that have driven the company's into the ground. I know of people that worked for GM that made $78 a hour that is ridiculous. there is no one in the country worth that. unless I can pay that to get between some models legs that is. the economy is failing due to greed by almost all management in the banking, automotive, and oil industries. you guys talk about the problems with businesses going under well we as americans better be worrying about the farmers going under. If the farmers go under where are we gonna get our food. there is no other country that has to deal with all the sanctions as the farmers do and they are failing everyday. No food then we become ethiopia all over again and what country would help us.

You make a VERY valid point about the farming.

biased, much like michael moore's works, but gives you some pretty decent points to start doing your own research about things.

Education is the silver bullet. Watch the movie, ask yourself some questions, then do some research to figure out wether you believe it or wether he's feeding you bullshit. I'll tell you straight up there is some pretty bullshit stuff in both the video's on the site, but they make for good starting points of finding out more for yourself.
Originally posted by LionsFan0513

You make a VERY valid point about the farming.

There is a very valid point in there, that even in this modernized, industrialized world, that most wealthy countries have really strong farming/aquafarming bases.
Originally posted by LionsFan0513
Originally posted by hatchman

guys one thing you are forgetting about the big three's problems and that is the Union's that have driven the company's into the ground. I know of people that worked for GM that made $78 a hour that is ridiculous. there is no one in the country worth that. unless I can pay that to get between some models legs that is. the economy is failing due to greed by almost all management in the banking, automotive, and oil industries. you guys talk about the problems with businesses going under well we as americans better be worrying about the farmers going under. If the farmers go under where are we gonna get our food. there is no other country that has to deal with all the sanctions as the farmers do and they are failing everyday. No food then we become ethiopia all over again and what country would help us.

You make a VERY valid point about the farming.

Originally posted by LionsFan0513
Originally posted by Dirkdolan

Originally posted by LionsFan0513

Originally posted by Dirkdolan

Name calling does nothing but make you look like a fool. You can call me or us whatever you want, it doesn't make you look smart, it makes you look very unintelligent which helps the rest of the forum believe your full of it. Yet you continue to name call.

By stating that if "The big 3 go down, we'll all go down" your stating that that economy revolves around the big 3. I thought i just explained to you why that isn't true? Did you miss that part? Obviously, they hold an influence, but if ONE of them goes down, someone else will step in there place. Its America.

As many people as there are in the white house asking for an automotive bailout, there are just as many wanting to deny a bailout. The auto bailout is a mere fraction compared to the size of the Sallie Mae etc. bailout, so throw that shit out the window, because it's countering your argument

Another depression? Dude we are in a depression, where have you been? Look around, people and businesses are going down everyday.

They can't move because it would cost millions and because NO ONE would want them. Any state? Are you fucking kidding me? You know how many people blame the big 3 for poverty in detroit? Do you? Jesus kid! The enviromentalists would never have it. Maybe you should check Michigan's state economy and compare it other states and then tell me how we would all love to have the Big 3. They would never, ever be accepted in San Diego. Ever. That's just dumb right there.

You really need to educate yourself on all of this.

But of course, the AP, the people fleeing form the city, the people that i work with that hated it there, wiki, the web the statistics and everyone else must be lieing right?

Im sorry for challenging your uber IQ

For starters, I couldn't give 2 shits what people think about me on some video game forum. lol.

For you to even THINK that we are in the midst of a depression is laughable. Are we on the brink? Yes. But are we already in it? Hell no.

Okay, so one mans opinion says San Diego wouldn't want the Auto Industry, thats lovely. But the entire South would take them in a heartbeat, as would most of the Mid-West. Creates jobs, and circulates money.

You can believe whatever the hell you'd like to believe. But the fact remains that unless you actually COME here, then whateve you say is load of crap because you hear the nonsense that is spewed about.

I was referring to what people think of you regarding your argument. "Some Video game Forum" is a cliche way for you to try to tell us that our opinions don't matter, but they obviously do otherwise you wouldn't post.

Like i said, A lot of Enviromentalists would stop them from moving in. But i guess you can make your assumptions that having manufacturing plants is desirable. Whatever. Maybe you should COME to San Diego and see a real city

I've already stated i've been to LA, Santa Monica, Hermosa, and Hollywood.... I've seen a plethora of "real" cities in California.

But any who, we both have different opinions, and we both feel we are right. No use to keep on arguing when neither one of us can sway the other.

Okoye, you're the shit.

What is going on !!!

Other than the post I replied to I have not read a single post in here lol


I love ya Wyndex.... lmao unreal
Last edited Feb 5, 2009 18:50:47
all day okoyaa
Last edited Feb 5, 2009 18:51:06
How often can you change a player name? The name's gonna suck next year in Canadian AA2!
Originally posted by Slimer
How often can you change a player name? The name's gonna suck next year in Canadian AA2!


Funny you should say that... he and our RB that is returning to the team (Yes, the almighty Fitz Toussaint!) are in the midst of working together to have a good set of names.

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