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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > LA gets ok to build NFL stadium
Originally posted by rlranger
Originally posted by Timmah

Originally posted by rlranger

living in hawaii the closest thing we got to the NFL is the Probowl and now their taking that away from us

I've heard talk of that. Is that decision final?

in 2010 the probowl will be held in miami a week before the superbowl, which makes no sense to me no superbowl bound players will risk getting injured playing in the probowl

Originally posted by Timmah

Originally posted by bashemgud

shanny is going to KC

It should be illegal to be the head coach of three division rivals back-to-back-to-back. Although it does remind me of the incestuous relationship the all the head/assistant coaches in the SEC have with the other conference schools.

yeah but you know shanahan wants to stay in the AFC west just to play against the raiders twice

I should ask Al Davis if I can coach the team. I may be the most qualified person to actually WANT the job, and I'm perfectly okay with taking 2 Mil and being fired the next year. I'm being serious when I say that I'd never wish harm upon anyone, but maybe his time has come.
The Rams should return to where they ORIGINALLY came from...

That way, that city would have two crappy NFL teams.
Originally posted by Timmah
Originally posted by rlranger

Originally posted by Timmah

Originally posted by rlranger

living in hawaii the closest thing we got to the NFL is the Probowl and now their taking that away from us

I've heard talk of that. Is that decision final?

in 2010 the probowl will be held in miami a week before the superbowl, which makes no sense to me no superbowl bound players will risk getting injured playing in the probowl

Originally posted by Timmah

Originally posted by bashemgud

shanny is going to KC

It should be illegal to be the head coach of three division rivals back-to-back-to-back. Although it does remind me of the incestuous relationship the all the head/assistant coaches in the SEC have with the other conference schools.

yeah but you know shanahan wants to stay in the AFC west just to play against the raiders twice

I should ask Al Davis if I can coach the team. I may be the most qualified person to actually WANT the job, and I'm perfectly okay with taking 2 Mil and being fired the next year. I'm being serious when I say that I'd never wish harm upon anyone, but maybe his time has come.

hook me up with a corridinator job i suck at it but what the hell

News about L.A.
I heard that today, LA Chargers......hmmm.

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