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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #4 > Zeta Pick 'Em Game: Season 7 Game 11
Scores for Game 11: Wow, this was a tough week!!!

4 Points: mutleyddmc, IU Hoosier, Chief Bootnaka, cdcollins
3 Points: Steelrain72, cosmoxl, tttbrian
2 Points: Swift, mgoblue71, MidnightJacket

Average points of players who made picks: 3.10 (toughest week by far)
Total points off from the spread: 124
Number of spreads within 7 of actual: 1

Congratulations to no one for taking top honors this week by themselves - no one got more than half right.

Current Standings (parenthesis show total of all weeks and score dropped so far)
..1st: 37 Points - cosmoxl (39,2), mutleyddmc (41,4)

..3rd: 34 Points - IU Hoosier (38,4)
..4th: 33 Points - MidnightJacket (33,0)
..5th: 31 Points - Steelrain72 (34,3)
..6th: 30 Points - Swift (33,3), Chief Bootnaka (30, 0)

..8th: 28 Points - mgoblue71 (28,0)
..9th: 27 Points - cybermacy (27,0)
10th: 24 Points - cdcollins (24,0)
11th: 21 Points - tttbrian (21,0)

Just 4 weeks left. It is a tie for first, but there are still several people who have a shot. Also, no one has gotten a perfect week yet with all 8 picks, so someone can win that honor (probably all by themselves if they can pull it off)! We have been 4 times that 7 points were gotten during the competition (twice by mutleyddmc, once by IU Hoosier, and once by cosmo). I guess that's why they're in the lead!

If you want to review your scores, here is the spreadsheet:
Last edited Jan 22, 2009 13:07:31
I'll start trying now.
me too. close at the top. i think we shouldnt have a drop week
Originally posted by Swift
Scores for Game 11: Wow, this was a tough week!!!

4 Points: mutleyddmc, IU Hoosier, Chief Bootnaka, cdcollins
3 Points: Steelrain72, cosmoxl, tttbrian
2 Points: Swift, mgoblue71, MidnightJacket

Average points of players who made picks: 3.10 (toughest week by far)
Total points off from the spread: 124
Number of spreads within 7 of actual: 1

Congratulations to no one for taking top honors this week by themselves - no one got more than half right.

I got started late!!!

Current Standings (parenthesis show total of all weeks and score dropped so far)
..1st: 37 Points - cosmoxl (39,2), mutleyddmc (41,4)

..3rd: 34 Points - IU Hoosier (38,4)
..4th: 33 Points - MidnightJacket (33,0)
..5th: 31 Points - Steelrain72 (34,3)
..6th: 30 Points - Swift (33,3), Chief Bootnaka (30, 0)

..8th: 28 Points - mgoblue71 (28,0)
..9th: 27 Points - cybermacy (27,0)
10th: 24 Points - cdcollins (24,0)
11th: 21 Points - tttbrian (21,0)

Just 4 weeks left. It is a tie for first, but there are still several people who have a shot. Also, no one has gotten a perfect week yet with all 8 picks, so someone can win that honor (probably all by themselves if they can pull it off)! We have been 4 times that 7 points were gotten during the competition (twice by mutleyddmc, once by IU Hoosier, and once by cosmo). I guess that's why they're in the lead!

If you want to review your scores, here is the spreadsheet:

Looks like I'm crapping the bed, just like last year.
Clean sheets is the remedy, lol
Originally posted by cdcollins
Looks like I'm crapping the bed, just like last year.

Last edited Jan 23, 2009 11:36:27

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