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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > WC Game 9 Power Rankings 1/20
I'm filling in for Crow while he cools off this week. I feel that it needed to be done, so I’m doing it to give him a break. While some of you think that I will be a homer, I have to be unbiased in these rankings. We are now over the half way point of the season and we are approaching the home stretch. Good luck to everybody.

Rk- Team----------record---------Last ranking------next game-------write up

-----Conference title contenders and the home 1st rd playoff guys-------

#1 NuvaNut Knights-----(7-2)-----(5)------------#5 Vancouver Northern Lights------Despite the early 2 losses and a 7-2 record they keep the top spot until somebody proves wins over Whistler and the Demons were a fluke. They have a tough match-up with the once beaten Northern Lights and are looking to remain in the top spot of Crows power rankings. I feel they are just keeping the spot warm for the winner of the Demons/Warriors match up in a few days.
#2 Whistler Warriors--(8-1)--------(2)------------#8 New Cologne Bears--------------Whistler is on cruise control until their matchup with the Northern Demons in 3 days. This should be an easy win as they out-level the struggling Bears significantly.
#3 Northern Demons----(8-1)--------(3)-------------#10 Montreal Mutants-------------------The Demons bounced back from their devastating loss to NuvaNut with a narrow victory over the Hogwarts Wizards. They have an easier match up with the struggling Mutants who are coming off of a tough loss to the New Cologne Bears. It looks to be another stat game for the Demons who will look to conseal their gameplan for their match up with the Warriors

-------Just a notch below the tops------------------

#4 Vancouver "Pitbulls"------ (8-1)---------(1)--------#13 Ottawa Jaguars-------------Rebounded nicely from a their first defeat of the season with a stat game against the Alberta Mounties. They also took over the top spot in the computer polls as well, but we know better. They have another easy week as they look to dismantle the Jaguars and push for a home playoff game.
#5 Vancouver Northern Lights --------(8-1)--------(4)-----------#1 NuvaNut Knights ------------We find out if the Northern Lights are for real or not. They take on the Enigma of Canada A#3 in the Knights, which happens to be only their 2nd test of the season. They got beat up by the Vancouver “Pitbulls” earlier in their only tough match thus far. I see them slipping to the 5-7th spot in the playoffs.

-----Bottom of the playoff latter------

#6 Hogwarts Wizards-(6-3)-----(7)-------------#14 RC Gladiators----------The Harry Potters have an easy victory lined up against the RC Gladiators. All they need to do is show up.
#7 Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters-(6-3)--(6)-------#16 Toronto Red Devils---------------Yellowknife gets a stat game. No wonder Crow took the night off. His team wont need to use any brain power to beat the Red Devils tomorrow.

-----The Battle for 8th--------

#8 New Cologne Bears---------(5-4)------(8)---------------#2 Whistler Warriors---------The Bears don’t really stand a chance today, but I like them in the 7th or 8th spot in the playoffs. They are likely going to lose tomorrow but pull the Ottawa Jags the following week and should rebound nicely
#9 Culver Eagles ------------(4-5)--------(9)----------#15 Alberta Mounties----------Another stat game. Culver is a scrappy team who is still trying to find their way in Canada A. They are vastly improved from last season, but still one year removed from a playoff spot.


#10 Montreal Mutants-------------(3-6)---(11)----------------------#3 Northern Demons-----------------No chance
#11 Da Nang Gang Bangers-------(3-6)-----(10)-------------#12 Cardinal Redbirds----------What happened to these guys. They actually have a chance this week against fellow cellar dwellar, the Cardinal Redbirds.
#12 Cardinal Redbirds------------(2-7)---(13)-------#11 Da Nang Gang Bangers--------------------Its not looking good, but there is no need to panic yet. There is always next season.
#13 Ottawa Jaguars --------(2-7)----(12)-----#4 Vancouver “Pitbulls“----------------I wouldn’t look at the score if I was on this team once this one is done.
#14 RC Gladiators-------------(2-7)---(14)--------#6 Hogwarts Wizards----------This team is lucky Alberta and Toronto decided to rebuild.

------Headed down to BBB-----

#15 Alberta Mounties---------(1-8)----(15)-----#9 Culver Eagles------------------------Still celebrating their only win on the season.
#16 Toronto Red Devils------(0-9)-----(16)------#7 Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters----------------Only stat that still matters. 28 points put on the Mounties and the entire season.

Games of the week:

#1 NuvaNut Knights (7-2) vs #5 Vancouver Northern Lights (8-1) - Is NuvaNut for real or do they = Yawn? Can the “OTHER” Vancouver prove that they still belong in the top 5 even with the light schedule? We shall see.

#11 Da Nang Gang Bangers (3-6) vs #12 Cardinal Redbirds (2-7) - winner will inch out of the cellar and creep closer to the final playoff spot. This is a chance at redemption for the Gang Bangers who have been getting banged themselves all season long.
Good job Cap!
Great job CW. I think the top 8 is locked up now. The Bears have tie breakers over the Eagles and Mutants.
well done
Thanks guys. It takes a lot longer than I expected. Props to you crowbar for doing it every 2 days.
Originally posted by cwcapper
Thanks guys. It takes a lot longer than I expected. Props to you crowbar for doing it every 2 days.

thanks. now you see where I am coming from over C's comment. I welcome intelligent debate about it, but hate junior high comments when I do put a decent amount of time into it.

Let me know if you want to keep it up or if you want me to pick it up again tonight. It is up to you. I could careless either way.
Last edited Jan 21, 2009 11:55:52
Originally posted by crowbar832001
Originally posted by cwcapper

Thanks guys. It takes a lot longer than I expected. Props to you crowbar for doing it every 2 days.

thanks. now you see where I am coming from over C's comment. I welcome intelligent debate about it, but hate junior high comments when I do put a decent amount of time into it.

Let me know if you want to keep it up or if you want me to pick it up again tonight. It is up to you. I could careless either way.

I would prefer you to keep it going, but maybe we can do separate polls so we can have something to compare to. I actually would like to do a top 8 power list to gauge what the playoffs might look like.
Nice, both of you doing them so can we get graphics next time? lol
CW, how would you do a power like this:

1 Warriors vs 8 Bears
2 Knights vs 7 Hunters
3 Demons vs 6 Wizards
4 Pitbulls vs 5 Lights

Are do you have some other plans or what?
I would be fine with more than one list. I have been doing it for 3 seasons and have tried to get others to pick it up at times because I would like to see what others think of my team.
Originally posted by crowbar832001
CW, how would you do a power like this:

1 Warriors vs 8 Bears
2 Knights vs 7 Hunters
3 Demons vs 6 Wizards
4 Pitbulls vs 5 Lights

Are do you have some other plans or what?

No...just a top 8 instead of doing all 16 teams.

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