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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #1 > Week 10 Rankings and matchups
Fiji-- Still #1 They've had an easy schedule since their Guam game so no reason they'd be moving down. Up next a worthy opponent in the Tigersharks. Tigersharks have played the better competition close, but they've let up some losses against people they should have easily handled. This game could actually go either way, but I predict Fiji by 17.

Danish-- Another team that has had a relatively easy schedule since I started doing rankings. Only loss comes to HDW, but beat Fiji. Up next Taylor Bulldogs who are fighting to get that 8th seed. Danish is just too much and runs away with this one.

Guam-- Still has a tough schedule coming up and has to face #1 and #2 in order to move up. I think they'll beat Danish but they lost to Fiji who beat Danish, so you know how it goes. Mcnuggs are next followed by Taylor who Guam will easily handle both.

#4 HDW-- Now I had Wagga here, but after their less than impressive victory over Taylor, and their loss to Oahu I don't think Wagga's win over HDW was anything but a fluke. HDW easily handled the Other Guam last game, They face the Jihads, which I don't see giving any problems, followed by Tigersharks.

#5 Wagga Wave-- Bumped down 1 slot because of a less than impressive victory against Taylor. Up next Trilla Titans, a loss here and they could quickly fall down the rankings. A tough 3 game stretch for these guys... Trilla, Danish, Guam.

#6 Tigersharks-- Tigersharks right their ship and win a vital tiebreaker over Trilla. Up next they face Fiji followed by HDW. Both of these games they could win, but don't see them beating Fiji and it'll be a throw up between them and HDW, but the way they've been performing thus far I predict a loss on both. However, they have an easy schedule remaining besides those that they SHOULD win out of.

#7 Trilla Titans-- They've got a better record than the Tigersharks, but they've got a tough schedule remaining. A 5 game streak where they play the top teams in Alpha is not in Trilla's ranking favor. However, they do finish the season with 2 of the easiest teams in the conference to try and fix their record. Trilla could pull an upset but I see a -6 game streak coming up in their future.

#8 Oahu Waves-- Got beat pretty bad by Guam, but kept it close until the 4th. Really only have 3 games left, unfortunately it's the last 3. Lucky for them they hold the Tiebreaker over the 9th place team, unless the Mcnuggs sneak up there. I think they've pretty much clinched the playoffs, and the top 8 are secured.

Everyone else is pretty much out of it from looking at the schedules and current records. Better luck next year.
Thanks Schaffer
Originally posted by Daw1git

You guys just lost too many tie breaker games
I know

hopefully we will knock off a few top seeds and sneak into the playoffs

we keep comming close as allways just never makes the gain winning type plays
I have been very sick with the flu, so until the Trilla game, I had not really done any gameplanning since the second game or so. I am slowly getting better, so I am finding a bit more time to be thorough with my gameplan. I dont expect to win out, but, I can assure you noone will be blowing us off the field. Just opne of those things. When you dont have the energy or time to put as much attention on the details of gameplanning, you are going to lose games to those who gameplan better.
Originally posted by larandtra
I have been very sick with the flu, so until the Trilla game, I had not really done any gameplanning since the second game or so. I am slowly getting better, so I am finding a bit more time to be thorough with my gameplan. I dont expect to win out, but, I can assure you noone will be blowing us off the field. Just opne of those things. When you dont have the energy or time to put as much attention on the details of gameplanning, you are going to lose games to those who gameplan better.

Why would you come back right before our game? Dick
Originally posted by Schaffer05
Originally posted by larandtra

I have been very sick with the flu, so until the Trilla game, I had not really done any gameplanning since the second game or so. I am slowly getting better, so I am finding a bit more time to be thorough with my gameplan. I dont expect to win out, but, I can assure you noone will be blowing us off the field. Just opne of those things. When you dont have the energy or time to put as much attention on the details of gameplanning, you are going to lose games to those who gameplan better.

Why would you come back right before our game? Dick

Cuz we always circle this game on the schedule
can I get some money behind that

sounds like a slick was or saying you will beat HDW
Originally posted by Daw1git
can I get some money behind that

sounds like a slick was or saying you will beat HDW

never said we would beat them. they always seem to have our number so we always look forward to trying to even up the score
Originally posted by Daw1git
can I get some money behind that

sounds like a slick was or saying you will beat HDW

Nah Tigershark and HDW game is always a close one but thus far we've always come out on top by a little.

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