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Originally posted by BRG
Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by BRG

Originally posted by Billsman

I felt the way you shook my hand and gazed into my eyes, creeped me out to be honest.

Uhhh - dude - lay off the strong stuff -

If you actually can remember - Once we shook hands I backed off a few feet. When I backed up into my wife she told me you had a rise in your pants when we shook hands.

Why else would I turn down Lobsters - I mean that's my favorite food.

That's why I ran like Hell outta there...

You backed off? You mean you bent over is more like it. hehe

Talk about false statements

I left as you were about to spray ketchup on some poor schlum with an ass on the back of his pants - - - now you want to talk about homo... Spraying things on some dudes ass...

But again, I think i'm going to back off and just walk away from that one

Why were you staring at some dudes ass?
guys..guys..guys. This is the "gayest" thread in here. Go bump uglies somewhere else.
Originally posted by cwcapper
guys..guys..guys. This is the "gayest" thread in here. Go bump uglies somewhere else.

Well if you ever seen the pitbulls guys you'd know why this topic came up.
Originally posted by Billsman
Originally posted by cwcapper

guys..guys..guys. This is the "gayest" thread in here. Go bump uglies somewhere else.

Well if you ever seen the pitbulls guys you'd know why this topic came up.

furthest thing from the truth i've ever read
Victory Jones
Originally posted by cwcapper
guys..guys..guys. This is the "gayest" thread in here. Go bump uglies somewhere else.

a guy named Rick with a username of Bill's man calls other people gay = irony of ironies...
Originally posted by Victory Jones
Originally posted by cwcapper

guys..guys..guys. This is the "gayest" thread in here. Go bump uglies somewhere else.

a guy named Rick with a username of Bill's man calls other people gay = irony of ironies...

A guy named Victory, whats that? Manly?.
Last edited Jan 30, 2009 21:49:20
Originally posted by Victory Jones
Originally posted by cwcapper

guys..guys..guys. This is the "gayest" thread in here. Go bump uglies somewhere else.

a guy named Rick with a username of Bill's man calls other people gay = irony of ironies...

Still sore your team got its ass kicked?
Last edited Jan 30, 2009 21:49:36

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