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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > Scoot's words of wisdom
Originally posted by Petey
I think it means he wants to fuck everything...

Must be a teenager! Although when I was a teenager I wasn't just "wanting" to do it! Damn, High School was fun!
Sounds like a new Cult to me, lol
Anyone wants to have myspace sex?
Ok guys, Scoot has told me to apologize for not writing sooner but he has been consumed by a new book he bought, "How I Found God Thru Anal Sex" and it really made him contimplate and while contemplating into his hypercube he wrote something beautiful, here it is:

Thanatos makes this planet a hells of rapes, jealousy, first cause of the homicides in the world, cancer and much of misfortunes which One eats unconsciously, and who pollutes Us from our exit of the original garden of planetary paradise. This is why simultaneously I communicate informations to transfor this hells in a parAdis, while releasing from our ancestral practices and disastrous traditions, to have to kill to survive, sufferings made to the Animal Divinities as One drive back in the unconscious One, because We would not be able to eat them while thinking of the sufferings caused with these sensitive Beings. And when One thinks of it, One find quickly excuses... Too much the Human ones are doped by the taste of dead food. Thus several continue to nourish Oneself as at times of poor wretch poverty, whereas They have more choice today. It is more than time that the Human One wakes up and becomes aware of what come in its Being, as well for its total health as for its pleasure of an incomparable quality of life. In spite of all the dangers and limitations caused by the mischiefs of this infernal planetary state, the Divine point of view, it is of much more significant to respect the Divine function of Direction of Oneself by Pleasure-Love-Orgasme God in Oneself, Which must be Free of the Choice of its Loves in any time, that to not degrade this significant Divine function of Direction of Oneself, Amour which is also the Nature of its Being, which when if persecuted, is in power to cause grinds misfortunes and to lead to the suicide. It is of much preferable to become aware of all this while thinking of it seriously, which is the first direction to meditate, faculty that Nietzsche said that it misses with Human and that the cow has, that to ruminate, here its thoughts. And Consciously & Freely, to Choose to put Oneself in operating condition as originally designed to function perfectly, without diseases, without jealousies, with a free sexuality of Thanatos and limitations, which according to its importance obliges Eros, God sexy in Oneself, to limit its sexuality to the function of reproduction, by a sexuality of identification Limited to the couple and generating an organics repulsion for any example of sexuality which leaves this function then vital.

It's a mouthful....but so deep and insightful....what a guy that Scoot is......
Scoot, you sir are a genius.
i impress even myself sometimes.

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