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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > Enough is enough (Please read mods)
Guys can't we all just get long????

Everyone knows the in all seriousness thread was a pile of lies

Why is everyone is such an uproar????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????v????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I miss the days when we all got along and everyone was happy

Days when we used to have group hugs and kissfests

Let's all hug and kiss plz
Catfud, I would like to be the first to extend to you the possibility of a no-homo nuzzle fest, if you would be willing to join. In fact, I am confident enough to also allow every Cap member that wants to put any nasty-ness behind them to get in line behind Catfud and allow me to whisper sweet nothing in their ears about how fantastic their team is, how amazingly intellectual and spot on all of their comments are, and how they are kings of an internet game that, relatively, no one in the world knows about.

In all seriousness, Brown, you're lying, this threat is ridiculous regardless, the comment about Amber was completely out of line, and yes, in anything competetive there are assholes, but they don't usually drop to such low standards of remaining faceless behind a computer screen when they do it. That's a big difference, and the consistency with which many of these terrible comments are made are a big reason for the bans, not just that they happen at all. And this goes for people beyond just Cap players, although they are quite stellar at playing the role of Craig Kilborn in Old School.

And they're right. If you don't like them, ignore them. But they are not right, where if they say something that crosses the lines of the GLB standards, which are clearly laid out, then it is there fault, and they can't complain about it, because they agreed to those terms.

That's something else you need to understand, people. You don't have rights here, beyond what GLB has clearly laid out in their user agreement. You paid for a private service, so you abide by their rules. And if they don't want you here, get over it. Follow the rules or GTFO. Simple as that.
kasu327 - Please don't create threads to complain about other users, regardless of if they have done the same.

You can contact a Mod directly if a user has violated a rule.
Last edited Dec 18, 2008 09:20:22

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