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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #8 > All Good Things Must Come to an End
Well guys, I have had a lot of you PMing and asking if the rumors are true, and they are. Caprica is done. We have had a great run of 5 seasons but I'm afraid we just can't go on any longer. We have had a few key agents quit last season and this season, and I personally just don't have it in me to recruit all those players. I know roger doesn't either.

To be honest rogerdyates and I did all the work for Caprica, just the 2 of us. And I think in the long run it took its toll. The level of competition this league brings is to much for two people to handle. It was becoming so much work it was making the game a drag. So, we will be taking our leave.

I'd like to thank everyone for making this league and the BBB#15 as great as it was. We had a blast and I wouldn't trade these last 5 seasons for anything. Special thanks to the following:
Rogerdyates - Without Rog I wouldn't have been able to run this team. I may have been the "owner" of Caprica, but in reality it was just as much his team as it was mine.
Skeetersmif - Better known to many as Jojo. His HB and Rogers combined to make an awesome RB tandem. Skeet helped the team along more than anyone next to me and roger. Thank skeet.
All of our Agents - For being so solid these past 5 seasons and sticking with us. Couldn't have done it without you guys. (well, maybe Dr. Phil)
Griz - For giving me so much advice... and whores.
Peyton and all the Rapid City guys - For being such solid competitors and good friends. Much respect.
DVD - For the great rivalry and never shutting up. (well, that last part was mostly matta)
Anchorage - For always being our bitch.
NBSK - For being stuck in the BBB#15 for so long.
And everyone else from the BBB#15, for making our experience in this game so amazing.

We will still be around. We may be selling the team but most of us will just be taking our players else where. No players have be "spoken for" yet. So you guys are welcome to inquire. Just PM me or Roger or any of our agents you're interested in.

I'll leave you all with the same quote I left our guys: "They may take our team, but they can never take our FREEDOM!!"
Well it will be sad to see you guys go, and I know as far as I'm concerned any of your players need a home I would be happy to have them on one of my teams. Thanks for the fun I know the Otters enjoyed trying to beat you all this time.
Damn. It sucks to see Caprica go. It's like the Yankees losing the Redsox, or the Eagles losing the Cowboys, or Michigan losing Ohio State. Half the fun of this place was playing you guys.

Good luck, whereever your guys go.
Yeah it always sucks to see an old team disband. Best of luck to all of you. Just don't stack on team in the A8 East
doc ock
Damn now I'll never beat you guys; not that it was looking that way anyway. I guess I'll have to find a new team to bitch us out!!!!!
Hell of a ride Morph.

You should all join us or Rapid City just to spite the rest of A8. Or join Walla. lol...

See you round.
I have been crazy busy, I will also miss Caprica VS. everyone. I will still be around. We will always be around in the BBB for life Forum. Later.

Imagine the Japanese is me finding out you're splitting up.
Originally posted by stahu miguel
Hell of a ride Morph.

You should all join us or Rapid City just to spite the rest of A8. Or join Walla. lol...

See you round.

Wala is definitely gonna get an upgrade I think
Originally posted by jblaze
Originally posted by stahu miguel

Hell of a ride Morph.

You should all join us or Rapid City just to spite the rest of A8. Or join Walla. lol...

See you round.

Wala is definitely gonna get an upgrade I think

After I wrote that, I thought to myself:

Damn, that's where Yates is going... SHITE! lol.
So yeah, as you can see we decided for the most part where a lot of our guys are going. Wala Wala is pretty much our new home now. Me and roger and a couple other agents from Caprica are going there. They're getting a few of our star players and me and roger as GMs to help out with offense and defense. B.B Yates will be there, Buddy Hiccson, Don McNaughton, Gavin Crux. Should be a good new start for us.

As for the rest of our guys, we're sort of spreading the love. Rog and I will also both be GMing for Tonga Ikale Tahi and the Sevastopol Seamen (skeetersmif's team). Both teams are getting some of our players too. Rapid City may get a couple as well. All in all, while not all is totally finished, we're pretty happy where we ended up.

Thanks to all those who PMed us about players/GMing. As I said, its not quite over yet, so if you have not got a definite answer you still may.
Good luck from the Mustangs. We had a couple of good games this year... sucks to see you go.

Damn, sorry to hear it. Good luck to all of you going forward.
Good luck guys.

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