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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > Protector vs First Step
I have to choose one between those two.

Is it a no-brainer when your player hasn't settled in a left/right spot yet ?

I mean First Step is useful on both sides, while Protector requires to be a Left Tackle... but Protector is an end-of-the-tree SA...
FIRST STEP. It;s something you don't normally have. and it's the joint.
I agree first step is nice but if you ever become a LOT you will most likely wish you had the protector piece . One other thing if you go with the first step piece remember that you can only raise that SA ever other upgrade so lvl 8 upgrade its +2 lvl 24 its + 3 and lvl 40 its +4 it still might be worth it just one more thing to consider.
Level 18? So what, you've probably hard capped str-blk and are working toward a soft-cap in agility. Pretty soon it will be time to decide ROT or LOT, in my opinion.

My advice is to decide your build plan, then it is a no-brainer! Deciding which way to build is way more important than somehow picking which piece is best for a random OT. Random OTs will end up as a muddled garbage build, imo (like my current one - lol).

Additionally, what comes WITH those equip? If its a +2 str/blk/agi +protect, the choice is clear - you're becoming a LOT, lol. If its +3 spd/agi/str/blk +first step, and just a simple +protect, I'd probably grab the first step and make a ROT!

Boy, I just dodged the question a million times, and still wont give you a real answer
Well, I am going to be a Left Tackle

It's a +1 Strength, +1 Protector while the First Step is raw.

And yep, level 18.
3:1 Strength
2:1 Blocking and Agility (all equip in Blocking)
If you are absolutely certain you're playing LT go with the Protector piece. Otherwise go with the other.

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