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Michael Vick
Originally posted by Derkin
Originally posted by BroncosBeTheBest

Detroit should actually be 4th. We own the tiebreaker on Rhode Island

Its actually in a 3 way tie ATM. We beat Indy and lost to you. Indy beat Detroit but lost to us.

So, its settled by Points Scored for now and it goes Indy, Wolves, Destroyers.

Indy still has a tough matchup next game and should they lose; Detroit would be 3rd unless we all lose another game LoL

Oh, well if I knew that I would have tried to run up the score in some of these easier games instead of trying to let them off easy
Last edited Dec 8, 2008 17:06:23
Hey TeamRiots, it was a great game, one of the more excited games I have been apart of in along time, we changed up all our tendacies except for the strong I cause it was working so well for us, and apparently it helped. we still had our 4th down AI wrong and nearly costed us a game, but you seemed to give us a break with the late pass

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