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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > All 99 Reasons in one post
Prince Darius
99) When you play for Washington you immediately garner the attention, recognition and most of all RESPECT from every individual in the league.

98) We've got Prince Darius.
97) Our monthly bowling trip paid for by our team sponsors.
96) Buttafuoco! Buttafuoco! Buttafuoco!
95) we're about to trade away that traitor hooptie.
94) We post all of your PMs to us on our forums and make fun of you.
93) we get jokes...and they're usually on you.
92) LilDawg's ugly girlfriend is a groupie.
91) We have the hottest mustaches.
90) Admerylous ran a train on Bootleggerz mom.

89) Hutchins gives the team head before every game.
88) most of the members are very active.
87) I am not a homosexual but I am not afraid to admit on our "what do you look like?" post on our team forum that we are a surprisingly hot and sexy group of men. Absolutely, without a doubt, the hottest and sexiest team in the league.

86) We make everyone else spend time getting riled up about us instead of watching game films, adjusting tactics, and getting better at GLB.

85) We are not racists.
84) You have 99 problems and your bitch (Darius) IS one!

83) Our average I.Q. is far greater than the rest of the teams around the league.

82) We are not bigots.

81) The Caps feature brilliant minds of so many key areas of life including English composition, literature, history, medicine, mathematics, chemistry, engineering, etc. Collectively they could create a small, powerful nation employing all of the other peons in the league as grunt labor.

80) We've got tundrafunk.
79) We gave Tundrafunk to your mom
78) The Caps have, without a doubt, the largest contingent of fans in the league.

77) We've got players from multiple different countries, continents.
76) Largest penises.

75) Tightest butts.

74) The Caps hold themselves to higher standards than the rest of the garbage that tries so desperately to bring them down. They are stalwarts of all that is good in the world.

73) The Caps can cook better than you or your significant others.

72) The Caps can score substantially better on GRE and MCATs than other posters on this forum.

71) Did I mention the abundance of fans?
70) the caps can ignore other posters and keep their countdown going at the proper number.

69) haha, 69!

68) the caps have the highest ban per agent ratio in the league. most common reason for the banning: being too awesome for the forums.
67) Prince Darius goes on vacation, and it's next man in to rile up all you yokels
66) We make more money than you do.

65) We live better lives than you do.

64) We are happier than you are.

63) We are vastly more intelligent than you are.

62) We could, if we wanted to, beat any team in this league with ease.
61) When you're a Cap you don't even have to work to make your opponents look stupid, they just simply do it themselves... over and over again... and over again.
60) We make other posters want to post in threads dedicated to us, even when they know they're going to get ignored
58) stfu stfu stfu
56) can't wear skinny jeans 'cause our knots too big
55)Can rile up response from the whole league, even when half the team is banned

54)largest collection of Jonas Brothers memorabilia in GLB
53)once "grabbed a boob"
52)you guessed it, Frank Stallone
51) They are the epitome of class
50)spends the most time making crap up to post on the boards to get people fired up over nothing.

49)always bored so they have to post something (see #50)

48)Key memebers never been in the Military.
47) Most of their regular posters are probably banned from that other thread and thus this one will probably not be getting updated as much
46)Up to us to finish off the list with our natural wit
45)Our uncles "paid alot of attention" to us, and we harbor alot of animosity
44)Super original name!
43)Got beat up in school alot, now I beat up people here!
42)Caps Got big dicks
41)Caps got the biggest dicks ever
40)Came runner-up in the felching contest, had to redeem myself
39) We can count only victories
38) We got so many victories over 5 seasons, we lost count
37) Were like a country club, whites only
36) Admerylous knows if you sleeping at night or awake
35) Half the members are from official Washington Capitals board, the other half is from the ghetto.

34) We only run goallineblitz on quad core computers
33) All Caps members have Firefox so we can run greasemonkey scripts and eat out own fieces

32) Capitals have only one play in the offensive playbook, Yardage Guarantteed
31) Capitals have only one play in the defense playoff, the Pansack
30) Our dicks are so big, we combined them, cut them up, made 100 dash lines, and put them as yard dashes in our stadium. and we still got 10 inches to spare each.
29)Learned how to interact with our fellow man from another dude in Washington..
he lives on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
28)Favorite show: Sopranos
27)Guy that owns the team got his name from a cool black metal band from Norway
26)Willing to mutilate our genitales for a fictional simulated football game
25)With every win a sodomy buffet is offered with some dude named "Stormrider" that everybody seems to like. Sorry boys, he's not singing "Raspberry Berret" tonight.
23) "Prince" Probably never heard of the song Erotic City....Which by way kicks ass when fucking.
22) Kick ass theme song!
21)Don't let personal beliefs get in the way of "business"
20) everything the Caps say is bs but without the bs this forum would be boring.
19)Caps can count
18) Caps look like Brad Pitt
17)Caps grind penises for a living.....Walla Walla Wackers penises that is
16)Put BerkeyTerps penis in a grinder and fed it to DrkSandman
15)Everyone has a tatto of the Caps on their muscles
14)Adam Hanzist can trip like no one can
13)No meth heads
12) Retired in memory of Peter Bondra.
11) I can post again.
10) We're keeping much of the top 99 list a secret from the general public. Only Caps members are able to see it on the private forum.
9) Caps keeps secrets, like they fuck ntemans mom twenty times.
8)8. BBB#4 was dominated by the caps7) The Caps have never lost a game because another team was better than they were. Ever.
6) Also, they will never.
5) We'd be even better at fantasy hockey.
4) Ted Leonsis pays for all of our flex points.
3) George McPhee doesn't tell us what to do.
2) Alexander Ovechkin.
1) Using a purely unbiased system that quantitatively measures the greatness of teams based on their in-game performance, community contributions, quality of managers within the team and other such factors the Washington Caps have managed to outdistance the nearest competitors by NINE THOUSAND TIMES the nearest point total. This margin of victory is theoretically impossible for any competitor to ever catch or surpass the Caps, cementing their legacy as GLB's greatest team ever for eternity.
Last edited Dec 1, 2008 22:20:33
you changed 25, Raspberry Berret reference makes no sense now
if you were to fuck my mother, than you are desperate.
Last edited Dec 2, 2008 00:11:39
And that's enough of insulting other users

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