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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > The Demons have 2 games circled now that the Mounties are gone. Walleye and Clan, be afraid!
We did have a great BBB league with many good owners and teams, we talked and still talk crap but many of know it's all talk, no harm meant.

I would have loved to keep my roster in tact from last season but we weren't allowed the luxury to be competitive while growing into an uncapped league. You can do that going from A to AA, AA to AAA and even AAA to Pro but you try that with a BBB to A move and it's team suicide, no one (now a days) will remain with you while you grow (and lose) for the next 3 seasons.

I think I saw your pic in a post office the other week.
We would have LOVED to keep our team from last season, but sadly a certain someone on the team never sent out contract extensions..but I won't name drop..let's just say he left me in the dark all offseason and I rebuilt the team by myself from 6 players to the roster we have now. I'd say I pulled off an incredible BBB Season, went into the BIGGEST upset moving into the A...rebuilt one hell of a team...let the "know it all" control the team unplanned...and than he walks away and leaves me alone again..this time w/ no one to turn to for the help as I'm shut out of the Defensive AI...Anyone who knows me can tell you I'm one hell of an OC, I work some pretty amazing things, but we all know; Without defense there is no positive outcome. It seems like I'm making excuses, but I'm 100% left in a terrible situation...fighting for air inside a plastic bag.
Maybe you shouldn't have circled this game. You failed to instill fear in the Walleye and I doubt the Clan are very afraid. You guys have a solid team, but are not on the same level with the Walleye or Clan.

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