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Considering your defense only gave up 37 against our potent offense, I'd have to say it IS a pretty good defense.

See you in the playoffs.
Ouch. Next game is a shutout, your offense is terrible.
LOL. Well, I tried to be nice.

Anyway, it's not the truth (that your team isn't nearly as good as you think it is) that hurts, it's the sudden realization of the truth that is painful.

I guess that game was about as sudden as it could be for you, eh? A lot like Bikaben and the Blackbirds, actually. He thought his team was a lot better until they played us. Either we are far underrated or you guys are really overrating your teams.
It's the fact that you're a dick that is "painful."

Originally posted by cherrie
Why is everyone in our league so poor?

Originally posted by cherrie
I'm scouting Dresden, and it looks like we've underestimated their ability. I can't really find a weakness on the team, except for the play calling.

Unless the play calling at Dresden dramatically improves, or they get a ton of lucky bounces, I expect Dublin to win pretty easily. Fortunately, the Warlords have a great team, so you don't need good play calling against most teams. Please notice I said 'most'.

So, before scouting, I initially made the prediction 37-33 Dublin. I am officially changing my prediction to 45-23, Dublin.

Originally posted by cherrie
Considering your defense only gave up 37 against our potent offense, I'd have to say it IS a pretty good defense.

See you in the playoffs.

Originally posted by cherrie
LOL. Well, I tried to be nice.

Anyway, it's not the truth (that your team isn't nearly as good as you think it is) that hurts, it's the sudden realization of the truth that is painful.

I guess that game was about as sudden as it could be for you, eh? A lot like Bikaben and the Blackbirds, actually. He thought his team was a lot better until they played us. Either we are far underrated or you guys are really overrating your teams.

I was just playing your own game, lying and bashing other people/agents/teams to make myself feel better.
Last edited Nov 26, 2008 10:06:27
I was just trash talking pregame. This was being a good winner and good sportsman. Unfortunately, I think that not only do you not understand the difference between trash talking (which is just a load of crap to have some fun), and good sportsmanship post game. Win or lose, I would have posted a GG thread.

You either:

a) take this game far, far too seriously, like it's your life.
b) are a very, very poor sport.
c) are a 10 year old boy who is on the internet 20 hours a day and has nothing better to do.

I'll leave it here, instead of the constant nonsensical BS you are throwing around after getting beat, and just say "Good game, Dresden. We'll see you in the playoffs."
It had nothing to do with the fact that you made a "GG" thread, but what you put in it. If you had left the trash talking to pre-game, and hadn't brought it over afterwards, it'd be fine. Nothing you did other than making the thread was sportsmanlike.
Haha, I just noticed that our loss on our team page, 13-37 spells out 1337.
Back to where it all started... the Dublin/Dresden rivalry started with a GG thread by me, just to have Buer, the terrible loser and bad sportsman that he is, BRUTALLY and NONSENSICALLY, attack me and our team.

It's nice to see you still take things way too seriously, blow them (yes, I said it) way out of proportion, and cry about it afterwards that I'm the bad person... and to top it off you say you don't care what others think, yet you continually come back to show how much you really do care about what others think by arguing everything I say.

As I'm guessing you are c) in my last post, I'll say "You are a funny little boy."
Lol. I'm glad my Blackbirds aren't part of a rivalry yet.. well.. not really, as it would be fun.. but I suppose you guys realize I don't have my head up my ass meaning I don't say bullshit. Lol.
Originally posted by Bikaben
Lol. I'm glad my Blackbirds aren't part of a rivalry yet.. well.. not really, as it would be fun.. but I suppose you guys realize I don't have my head up my ass meaning I don't say bullshit. Lol.

LOL... that's truly a funny statement, if it was seriously made... which I doubt.

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