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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > [WESTERN CONFERENCE] Weekly Power Rankings
Originally posted by 4th Quarter
Originally posted by Mooser

Originally posted by BobbyBlackk

Originally posted by 4th Quarter

Random question about the mechanics of the spreadsheet.

We dropped 384 points on Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen, but due to the 8 bit thing, it displays as 255. Does this spreadsheet count the 384 or the 255?

384? The score was 255-0 CLAVENHOUSE...where is this 384 coming from?

The way the final score is stored is in an binary 8-bit word which means the largest number it can display is 2^8, which is 256, and starting at 0 gives you a maximum value of 255.

The original post already acknowledged the 8-bit thing. I'm asking about the spreadsheet.

I downloaded the spreadsheet, and it's only accounting for 255 points and not the 384 we scored. That's probably a good thing since that ridiculous score will taint the results too much.

I wasn't respondig to your question 4th, I was explaining the 255 max final score/ overflow bug to BB.
Originally posted by JSin
It had nothing to do with your post, I'm just satisfied with my team being number 1, once we drop down again expect the bitching to continue.

Promise? Someone better pick up on the whole Power Rankings next season since I'll be else where

As for the spreadsheet; It IS 100% Up To Date & Accurate now...when the new Power Ranking drops tomorrow morning (really my night time...I suffer from a case of "Work Induced Insomnia", meaning; I DON'T know how to turn my brain off into relax mode, I work 7days/week, 14+hrs/day and when I get home it's NON STOP GLB time as I ALWAYS have new ideas or something I NEED to do on the those 'ole wheels in the dome of mine never stop working. Thus in translation, my brain doesn't know when to tell my body to sleep because I don't allow it...) everything will be 100% correct and accurate

So who am I going to teach how to operate the spreadsheet format for Season 7?
Originally posted by Billsman
So Canada's lifelong A team, the tin can clan, dropped big numbers on a CPU team, wow, impressive.

hahaha the CPU team put up points on you guys...haha

edit: although it was 164-7...but we still scored on you guys!!
Last edited Dec 6, 2008 19:00:09
Sorry guys;

Due to a User and his comments and attacks, I'm forcing myself way from this forum, I don't want to be around it, 'nor will I tolerate it. I apologize the rankings have to suffer, but I won't be posting the rankings anymore. I wish you ALL the best of the luck in seasons to come.

Thank You,
Who is lame enough to bash someone because of a spreadsheet? lol Loser.

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