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since u blocked my pms ill just write it here. I never asked u to be my OC, i asked for your AI to test it, we tested it for two games it was horrible. I have deleted it. Good luck to you and thanks for trying, you are not ready for the pros
wow, what an amazingly classless thing to do.
And the point of this is?
I dunno who Supgreg is but clearly this dude wants to call him out and embarrass him based on some vendetta. Pretty infantile, it just makes him look bad because he's attacking someone in a public forum based on what looks like a fight about a video game.
what does sup gregs have to do with this league even...

why post this here?

grow up, its a game...
This is supgreg

Owner of the monkeys.

From what I gathered he was OC for this guys team in the Oceanic Pro League.
I guess that he didn't like the results and removed him. Instead of talking to him about it he posted here on SupGreg's league forum.

I feel like a new reporter. Taking a little bit of information and writing a whole story about it.

Sorry for waisting everyones time with my write up.

actually you are half right. Supgreg is a good guy dont get me wrong, he tried to run the offense of my team and he failed at it. That was basically it. He wasnt as active as id like, and so i removed him as OC without even discussing it.Then when he got online next i received a nasty PM from him. I tried to reply and he had blocked PMs from me, lol. The way i see it is like this...Im paying for the team and im paying to play this game. Im not about to let a random stranger continue to run my offense at a subpar level, so i decided to run it myself. Makes sense now?
Not really. I still don't understand why you called him out in public. If he blocked your PM just let it drop. As an outsider looking in it just makes you look immature and petty.
Originally posted by coreyls18
actually you are half right. Supgreg is a good guy dont get me wrong, he tried to run the offense of my team and he failed at it. That was basically it. He wasnt as active as id like, and so i removed him as OC without even discussing it.Then when he got online next i received a nasty PM from him. I tried to reply and he had blocked PMs from me, lol. The way i see it is like this...Im paying for the team and im paying to play this game. Im not about to let a random stranger continue to run my offense at a subpar level, so i decided to run it myself. Makes sense now?

I can't speak for anyone else, but I could really care less why you guys were beefing. That's between you and him. I'm just wondering what the point of posting all this in here. What was your ultimate goal?
I am the owner of the Piranha Monkeys. He hired me as his OC, I brought my AI over, he used for one game against the best team in his league, the Berlin Ballers, they still lost. So he cut me from being an OC the next day, basically kept my AI.

I told him to choke on on my AI. Glad he did.
I just remembered, I have the PM I sent him saved in my outbox. Here it is:

"Real cool. Well, at least I know what kind of person you are now. You gave me 1 game, against the best team in your league. Hope you choke on my AI."

Posting of PMs is against the rules, unless you are the one who wrote it, then it is OK.
you must miss A3 Supgreg
we actually used his AI two games, both games it sucked, which is why i removed him and his AI and his playbook. Ive created my own, and its working great. I was just being lazy before so didnt want to create one and thought bringing someone in would work, but it doesnt unless they know what they are doing.
Originally posted by coreyls18
we actually used his AI two games, both games it sucked, which is why i removed him and his AI and his playbook. Ive created my own, and its working great. I was just being lazy before so didnt want to create one and thought bringing someone in would work, but it doesnt unless they know what they are doing.

There it is!!!

Originally posted by coreyls18
I was just being lazy before so didnt want to create one

There it is!!! That is exactly what I was looking for. Looking for the opportunity to jack someone else's AI.

Also, it's about time you get your facts right.

I signed on as your OC on 11-21, your next game was 11-22 against Berlin. 11-23 is when I sent you the PM. So I was only officially the OC for 1 game, not 2.

Now it looks like to me, you are saying you used my AI for 2 games. If you did, you used it against UK Patriots and scored 66 points, which, I might add, is your highest point total all season. Because, remember I did the research, I wasn't your OC until 11-21.
Originally posted by Fulchalin
you must miss A3 Supgreg

Not sure what this means.

But yeah, I wish I was undefeated in A3.

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