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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Week 3 Eastern-Conference RANKINGS
Alright we're 3 weeks in and we're starting too notice who's the creme of the crop.

1. Canadian Bacon (3-0) - Still the best. No debating that.

2. Toronto Terror (3-0) - Quote before the season started from me, "Do not, I repeat DO NOT look pass this team. Don't be surprised if they get into the Top 2 this year" Well - They just went out and beat the Yaks, that's a great start.

3. Paradise Cheeseburgers (3-0) - One quality win thus far, that offense looks damn good.

4. Sherbrook Generals (3-0) - They still need to prove themselves against a Top Tier team, but damn that team looks pretty good!

5. Lumberjack City Yaks (2-1) - They lost too the Terror, but Toronto is a tough team and obviously the Yaks will rebound.

6. Gravenhurst Ghost Ridahz (2-1) - Only loss was too PCB, but right after that they did a number on Aspermont. That earns them the 6th seed.

7. Manitoba Moosemen (3-0) - Haven't played anybody worthy enough of grouping them with the Top teams in the conference. All be it, they are indeed 3-0 and winning is all that matters!

8. Aspermont Roughnecks (2-1) - They got beat by Gravenhurst, but I fully expect them too bounce back.

9. Windsor Red Light (2-1) - They got hammered by the Terror, which is what most expected, but then they went out and BEAT the Tornadoes?!?!? WOW what a win.

10. Concordia Tornadoes (2-1) - They lost too a team they should've destroyed... Sign of things too come?

11. Blood Eagle Elders (2-1) - Winning the games they should, losing the ones we expected. They keep that trend up, they'll be in the playoffs.

12. Windsor Vampires (0-3) - Bar none, toughest schedule in this conference. First four games are all against undefeated teams. And it only gets harder... I feel for you guys. I really do lol

13. Toronto Expellers (1-2) - They've got a touch game coming up, don't really expect them too hold there own...

14. Eden Sin (0-3) - Looks to have a decent team, but winning is everything, and so far they are nothing.

15. Halifax Fire (0-3) - They've got ways too go, but after this season, they have a chance to be a pretty decent team in this conference with all the moving of teams.

16. Nigeria Slugs (0-3) - Hey, they scored a touchdown!
Last edited Nov 16, 2008 13:54:54
"Hammered" is such a strong word for a 48-24 win over a team you match out 6 points higher than with 10-12 levels of advantage, especially since the next week they beat an evenly matched, evenly leveled team 44-37. All in all the rankings look good for the present strength of the conference, but I imagine it will fluctuate a fair amount before the end.
Last edited Nov 16, 2008 13:39:52
Originally posted by Jpowers22
"Hammered" is such a strong word for a 48-24 win over a team you match out 6 points higher than with 10-12 levels of advantage, especially since the next week they beat an evenly matched, evenly leveled team 44-37. All in all the rankings look good for the present strength of the conference, but I imagine it will fluctuate a fair amount before the end.

When you Double somebody's score, the other team got hammered.

And you look WAY too much into those Match up Bars. ..
Originally posted by LionsFan0513
Originally posted by Jpowers22

"Hammered" is such a strong word for a 48-24 win over a team you match out 6 points higher than with 10-12 levels of advantage, especially since the next week they beat an evenly matched, evenly leveled team 44-37. All in all the rankings look good for the present strength of the conference, but I imagine it will fluctuate a fair amount before the end.

When you Double somebody's score, the other team got hammered.

And you look WAY too much into those Match up Bars. .. about whooped?
Nice read..keep em coming although your should switch the BEE and the Expellers. If we make the playoffs this season I'll be seriously surprised. That doesn't mean we are gonna lay down for anyone though. We will claw and scratch our way through the field.
^ Entirely not about this but i love Megadeth! Long Live Dave
Originally posted by ImBrotherCain
^ Entirely not about this but i love Megadeth! Long Live Dave

Right on brother.
thanks for your effort Lions!

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