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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > Subject: (Insert name here) has rejected your contract offer from the Northern Demons
I had a FA PM me back that he was interested. I sent him a sick contract and also put that I was willing to negotiate if it wasn't enough. He signed with another team for the same deal.
Part of me thinks that our problems would be solved if this whole damn league were just promoted to Canada AA. Just move the whole damn thing.
Brett Snyder
Originally posted by MissingNola
Part of me thinks that our problems would be solved if this whole damn league were just promoted to Canada AA. Just move the whole damn thing.

I agree
I've had the same problems with 2 teams I recruit on. Greedy ass bastards out there. Want max money to play on a shit team.
For me, the money doesn't even make that much of a difference, so long as I can pay for my training and get new equipment, the money doesn't mean squat. All I look for is playing time.

Too many people on here are idiots.
Brett Snyder
Originally posted by Feff

Too many people on here are idiots.

I completly agree, I feel what gets poeple are good pm's. Talking them over more then buying them over.
haleykrl DTD
Originally posted by Brett Snyder
Originally posted by Feff

Too many people on here are idiots.

I completly agree, I feel what gets poeple are good pm's. Talking them over more then buying them over.

4th Quarter
Originally posted by haleykrl
Originally posted by Brett Snyder

Originally posted by Feff

Too many people on here are idiots.

I completly agree, I feel what gets poeple are good pm's. Talking them over more then buying them over.


I've been trying both and still falling flat on my face.
Same here as 4th, though the PM's do help. If you can actually get a dialogue going, then I think your chances of getting the player improve to maybe 50/50. If you can get them to respond.

I wonder what the hell some agents want out of GLB and why.

As an agent, things I care about on a team, in a rough order:

1) Good forum, fun people to gloat or commiserate with; people I can learn GLB info from.
2) Having multiple players on the team
3) Equipment money
4) Having a starter on the team

Things I really don't care about or care less about:

1) Salary - even the minimum is enough to train on, if you don't sign for 3 seasons at minimum
2) A team that beats everyone - that fun wears off after a while if there's no anticipation regarding the outcome
3) Past team record - I feel that an over-reliance on this when agents pick teams is serving to cement the disparity within conferences and lessen the overall level of competition in the GLB universe. I'd pick an 8-8 team to join before a 16-0 team, all else being equal. See #2.

I take PT as it comes. If it's down below 20 plays per game, I might ask that energy settings be adjusted. Other than that, I don't much care if all my other criteria are met.
Originally posted by Supahfli
The problem with recruiting for this league, is that the lvl/build players you need to compete see us as a typical A league. The guys we want to sign, want to go Pro or AAA. They don't see that our league can compete with many teams in AA leagues, and some that are in AAA leagues outside of Canada/USA.

That and a lot of scum suckers out there who can't take a few seconds to respond...

You hit the nail on the head. They see the offer is from an A league and toss it because they want to go AAA or Pro. It sucks bad. If you get 1 player you want your lucky and if you get 2 your over joyed.

Donnie Brasco
Yeah, you kinda hope it evens out once the higher leagues have filled their rosters, but it's still incredibly difficult to sign an FA if you don't know the agaent by chance. And I aggree with the statement that there are too many idiots out there!

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