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Forum > Players Looking for Teams > Defensive Line > LVL 20 NT looking for starting job... Very active, will boost!
I go on this site every day, so if you as an owner can do what you are supposed to do, I as a player will do everything I can do by boosting and logging on every day.

I Need to start however.
Soul Reaper
No offence but you have way to many points in special abilities and not enough in strength to be a DT or NT..You will get pancaked on every play.

It would take boosting and a couple seasons for him to be a viable option at DT or NT.

Maybe he could be hid as a backup but he is definately not starter material.

My advice would be to retire him and start over concentrating on his attributes first and only adding a point here and there to his speicial abilities.

Last edited Nov 8, 2008 09:59:28
Originally posted by Soul Reaper
No offence but you have way to many points in special abilities and not enough in strength to be a DT or NT..You will get pancaked on every play.

It would take boosting and a couple seasons for him to be a viable option at DT or NT.

Maybe he could be hid as a backup but he is definately not starter material.

My advice would be to retire him and start over concentrating on his attributes first and only adding a point here and there to his speicial abilities.

That player sucks..

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