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Forum > Pacific Pro League > Oceania Conference > FFL...? Where'd they go?
I remember back when I had a player in OPL, there were always the FFLivewire Cans and the Caninites. Whatever happened to them...? I always thought they were ridiculously good.

And whatever happened to the Brisbane Gods? They must've had a big fall from grace
The Lurker
The Cans and Caninites sorta merged, and they became the Banzai Pipeline 'Nites. They're still ridiculously good, and made the championship game again this season. As for the Gods, some really great teams started getting promoted into the Pro league, and the competition caught up with us. We were the 5th seed in the playoffs this past season. OPL is quite stacked now.
Last edited Nov 2, 2008 10:31:14
Originally posted by caesarrodneybengal
I remember back when I had a player in OPL, there were always the FFLivewire Cans and the Caninites. Whatever happened to them...? I always thought they were ridiculously good.

And whatever happened to the Brisbane Gods? They must've had a big fall from grace

no idea who you're talking about.
As Lurker said, both the Cans and Caninites consolidated agents primarily due to lack of interest, so we're now known as the 'Nites. You can still see our affiliation with FFLivewire through our "team site" link.

The Gods are still a very good team, they just aren't as elite as they once were, primarily due to the heightened competition each season as well as their transition to a new owner (from within). I wouldn't say they "fell from grace" at all. They're still very, very good (stomped us in the regular season), but there are 10 very good teams in each conference now where there were 3-4 in s1-s2 when they were dominant. Making the playoffs every season is nothing to scoff at.
Fallen from Grace????......hardly. I think we are very proud of what we have accomplished as a team. We have won a championship, made the playoffs every season, endured a sudden abandonment from our owner, and had to replace said owners players. We were able to accomplish this amid teams folding, teams merging, bad teams getting relegated, good teams getting promoted, bortifications, new AIs being installed, rookie owner/OC(me) learning on the job, and having to recruit and retain talent every season. We have a great team culture established and we are not going anywhere. We may not be at the mountaintop right now, but only 4 teams have in the OPL. I actually think we made out pretty well. Come to think of it....I'd rather have fallen from grace, then to have never been there....
Sorry if I offended anyone, I really did not mean to. I just was always so mad to get the Gods in the playoffs and I was so afraid to play them that anything but #1 is a surprise. I haven't really kept up with OPL so I didn't know about all the heightened competition and such. It sounds to me like OPL is one heck of a league now. I'm proud to say that I spent 3-4 seasons there.

And I guess fallen from grace is kinda harsh so I apologize about that. I really do have loads of respect for you guys because you would always crush us in playoffs and I was always afraid to play you guys. I did not mean to offend you because I hold tons of respect for you guys.
its all good....i think its just some pent up frustration with recruiting...what team did you play for anyways?
Originally posted by Alex Wondertramp
...what team did you play for anyways?
Yep the Outlaws

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