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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #8 > Need another round of demotions pronto
I think Memphis wants to stay in BBB this season. The Menzingers would rather have the trophy before moving up, but would rather move up than steamroll everyone. The others from #15 will tell you, we're some scrappy mofos and we're used to working for what we get. I doubt anyone from Scranton is looking forward to a bunch of empty wins against gutted and sold teams.
While I was not going to initially post here, I felt that I should say a little something. I appreciate your concern for our team and its morale. I admire your effort to wanting to provide for a better league. I take exception to the fact that you come into the league and lightly look over the reaming teams and think that those from your previous league would be better. Whether that is true or not is yet to be seen, I hope that the Elves can prove you wrong.

We will not be taking part of this move because we beleive we can compete on a daily basis. Yeah there are going to be a couple of games where we are over matched, but our best effort will be put into giving each team our best game. While your initial reasoning dealt with ratings, the Elves are not far behind in those ratings you cite. The teams decline last season came from a few things unrelated to "ratings".

We aren't looking forward to those empty wins either, which is why we want you to move up.

I understand wanting to win the trophy and move up though. I'm just hoping, with all the upheaval, we can patch together a decent league.

No offense to the other teams intended, but the East in A8 does not seem that competitive. Of course, having said that, I'm sure we now have a big target on our backs (but what else is new). The West is OK just because a bunch of BBB 15 West teams moved up. And the BBB 15 seems like it won't be that fun either.

Here is the danger for you. You coast through the season not being challenged often, get bored, don't keep your tactics fresh, and then find that your team has taken a step back. Competition makes better teams. Take it from me.
Originally posted by Mykos
While I was not going to initially post here, I felt that I should say a little something. I appreciate your concern for our team and its morale. I admire your effort to wanting to provide for a better league. I take exception to the fact that you come into the league and lightly look over the reaming teams and think that those from your previous league would be better. Whether that is true or not is yet to be seen, I hope that the Elves can prove you wrong.

We will not be taking part of this move because we beleive we can compete on a daily basis. Yeah there are going to be a couple of games where we are over matched, but our best effort will be put into giving each team our best game. While your initial reasoning dealt with ratings, the Elves are not far behind in those ratings you cite. The teams decline last season came from a few things unrelated to "ratings".


I didn't mean to offend. And I admit that my assessment of teams was based on, like, 10 seconds of research. So I'm sure I'll be wrong for many teams. Look forward to playing you.
Originally posted by Nike-Joe


I didn't mean to offend. And I admit that my assessment of teams was based on, like, 10 seconds of research. So I'm sure I'll be wrong for many teams. Look forward to playing you.


I know your just trying to get the best league possible and I admire that effort. This past season we fell victim to a few things that took precedence over GLB. Hopefully most of those issues will be worked out so our focus can be a bit clearer. I look forward to a match-up with your team as well, since that would likely be in the championship game.
Well played sir.
Yep, don't worry about Phoenix. They know how to turn on the kick ass switch. I remember Seattle used to be a hell of a force when they started. I think they just didn't boost and got slowly outpaced...they may indeed be better off in BBB. As for the others, I definitely agree. Let's do some moving!

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