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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #5 > Western Conference - Week 13 Power Rankings and Predictions
Last week was cut and dry with some surprising scores but no major upsets. This week top 5 teams should have fairly easy W's with only Saskatoon facing a challenger of any note.

Game of the week- Chilliwack vs. Genosha to lock up a playoff position.

Playoff Hunt:

The Top 6 teams are slotted with only UG and Alberta looking to move up or down. The final two spots will be a battle between Genosha, PGW, Chilliwack, and Manitoba. Genosha and PGW are in the drives seat with Chilliwack looking to play spoiler. Only a miracle could propel the lions into the playoffs, but they still have an outside shot.

#1 Calgary Destroyers 12-0-0
The Destroyer's keep marching forward. A dominating performance vs a very good Shilo team proves their mettle. This week they face a Saskatchewan team that can do little to stop the improving offense. Expect some big numbers but no where near the 112 Niagara dropped on them early in the season. Prediction - Calgary by 77

#2 Niagara Nightmare 11-1-0
Whipped the stuffing out of the Care bears. The Care bears offense was forgettable, much like generic 80's cartoons, hmmm. This week the Nightmare face the unsuspecting Buffalo Bison who appear to be bringing a knife to a gun fight. Expect the Nightmare to mount the Buffalo over their fireplace as Hammerhead goes for 300+ yards. Prediction - Nightmare by 91.

#3 Saskatoon Sasquatch 11-1-0
The Sasquatch must have filled up on Jack's link beef jerky, they looked a little sluggish vs the Pikoii Jellyfish. This week they face an Alberta team that had an offensive explosion vs. the over matched Saskatchewan last game. Saskatoon brings too many weapons to the table and a smothering pass defense as well. Prediction - Saskatoon by 17.

#4 Shilo Silly Nannies 10-2-0
The Silly Nannies gave it all they could vs. Calgary and showed that with few tweaks and the unpredictable playoff games that they have the ability to pull off an upset or two. This week they face the faltering Lions who have no weapons to crack the Nannies well honed D. Prediction - Shiloh by 28.

#5 Unsavory Gentlemen 8-4
Nom, nom, nom, Cupcakes taste good after the early season woes of the UG. Last week a feast of Buffalo flavored tarts, now they get the Jelly to spread on em. This week they face a Pikoii team that performs above their level but still offer little in the way of competition. Expect the score to be modest but convincing. Prediction - UG by 28.

#6 Alberta Irukandji 9-3-0
The Irukandji thrashed the Thrashers in what appeared could be a much closer game. They have a tough 4 games coming up, with only the UG game looking as a possible W. However they have already solidified the #5 or #6 playoff spot by virtue of the other remaining playoff contenders having multiple games vs. one another. Prediction - Saskatoon by 17.

#7 Genosha X-men 6-6
Genosha hung the Hangmen out to dry as they pummeled them mercilessly in a game that looked to be much closer on paper. This week the X-Men face off in a playoff deciding game vs. the Chilliwack Care Bears. Expect this game to be tight, unlike Druez's mom, from the start. Prediction - TOSS UP

#8 Prince George 6-6
Totally dominated the in last game and should cruise to a victory vs. the Hangmen, especially after the beating the Hangmen took at the hands of Alberta. PGW has the second easiest road to a playoff spot behind Genosha and with a win here should be able to guarantee a position. Prediction - PGW by 42.

#9 Chilliwack Care Bears 6-6
A shut out vs. the Nightmare is not unusual, but giving up 48 points as well sends the Care Bears plummeting down the rankings. They look to rebound and stay in the playoff hunt by beating the X-Men. This is without a doubt the game of the week with the Care Bears having the opportunity to spoil a number of teams playoff hopes. Prediction - TOSS UP.

#10 Manitoba Lions 5-7-0
The Lions are all but eliminated from the playoffs due to losses vs. Genosha, and PGW. BUT...they still have a chance. You better believe they are pulling for the Hangmen to defeat PGW. The PGW have the only schedule where they could conceivably lose 3 of their final four games. Yeah the chances are small, but it's Manitoba's only hope. This week they face a Shiloh team that is out for a revenge...well you know. Prediction - Shiloh by 28.

#11 Northside Hangmen 4-8-0
What the hell? How does a team with this lineup put up these type of numbers, oh wait, just ask the Kelowna Bulls. The Hangmen have been eliminated from the playoffs but have the chance to play spoiler to a number of teams. This week they face PGW in a playoff deciding game. Don't expect much of a fight, the Hangmen are about as hung as a neutered Chihuahua. Prediction - PGW by 28.

#12 Saskatchewan 4-8-0
The Chicago Cubs of A#5. Okay the 1985-2005 Chicago Cubs that sucked but people loved, not the Cubs of today that are good but suck in October. Now that that's out of the way... The Thrashers thrash would be well suited for the Broadway musical, not the football field. This week they face the powerhouse Destroyers in what appears...oh hell it appears to be a Romero film with the Thrashers playing the part of the zombies. Prediction - Calgary by 77

#13 Demos 2-10-0
The demos continue to improve but with their OT being in the mid teens they have little chance of protecting their QB or opening up an outside running game. This past week saw their D give up 70 vs. PGW. After last weeks poor performance they have a chance for a W vs. Ste. Marie. Unfortunately this is like the 2008 Presidential election, there are no winners. Prediction - Demos by 7.

#14 Sault Ste. Marie Harbingers 2-10-0
After going 2-0 to start the season the Harbringers have lost an impressive 11 games in a row. Expectantly they were blown out by the Lions in week 12. This week they have the opportunity to pick up a W vs. the equally inefficient Demos. This game will not be pretty in any way shape or form but it will decide who avoids being in the bottom 3. Prediction - Demos by 7.

#15 Buffalo Bison 1-11-0
The poor Bison are in for a world of hurt this week as they face the stingy D and potent O of Niagara. I would love to slam these guys but I actually feel pretty bad. Expect this to be the equivalent of Brian Bosworth vs. Bo Jackson (yeah I'm that old) Prediction - Niagara by 91.

#16 Piikoi Jellys 0-12-0
I was actually impressed by the play of the Jelly's vs. a powerful Saskatoon team. For their overachieving play last week I will avoid slamming them, mainly because it would be like beating up Corky from life goes on...dammit I tried. This week they face the Unsavory Gentlemen who apparently cannot kick start the offense enough to score more than 45 against the Buffalo. Expect the Jelly's to score very little, but don't be surprised if the UG do the same. Prediction - UG by 28.
Last edited Oct 15, 2008 09:43:49
Great work on this. Thanks for spending the time to do it.
serious they should pay you in flex points or something
Mr. Finch
Originally posted by Ragh9364
serious they should pay you in flex points or something

Couldn't agree more. Absolutely hilarious and pretty indepth too. Keep it up bro!
Gieff's oral was lacking.
Originally posted by Oscarr

#13 Demos 2-10-0
The demos continue to improve but with their OT being in the mid teens they have little chance of protecting their QB or opening up an outside running game. This past week saw their D give up 70 vs. PGW. After last weeks poor performance they have a chance for a W vs. Ste. Marie. Unfortunately this is like the 2008 Presidential election, there are no winners. Prediction - Demos by 7.

#14 Sault Ste. Marie Harbingers 2-10-0
After going 2-0 to start the season the Harbringers have lost an impressive 11 games in a row. Expectantly they were blown out by the Lions in week 12. This week they have the opportunity to pick up a W vs. the equally inefficient Demos. This game will not be pretty in any way shape or form but it will decide who avoids being in the bottom 3. Prediction - Demos by 7.

Great job on the list.

I love the fact that we have 3 teams playing for the final 2 playoff spots.
Originally posted by Vysie
Great job on the list.

I love the fact that we have 3 teams playing for the final 2 playoff spots.

Don't count out the lions, it would be a miracle but stranger thing's have happened.
Originally posted by Oscarr
Originally posted by Vysie

Great job on the list.

I love the fact that we have 3 teams playing for the final 2 playoff spots.

Don't count out the lions, it would be a miracle but stranger thing's have happened.

You are right about that. However, I was talking about the fact that 3 teams actually control their own destiny. Win out and you are in the playoffs. The lions need help from the other teams.
we lost by 7 to shilo and I think that ends playoff hopes. We will win out but I dont think it matters.
Originally posted by rackhound
we lost by 7 to shilo and I think that ends playoff hopes. We will win out but I dont think it matters.

That was a quality effort against a very good team.
I'm looking forward to the next power rankings.
mad respect goes out to the Care Bears, you guys stood toe to toe with us and never gave up, good game

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