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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Willow Creek Phantoms: The Fallout... (The True Hollywood Story)
Well guys here's the story...

1) WCP was bought and paid for by Fixxxer101.

2) 95%+ of team put together in Season #3, was done by Jokerpac32.

3) In season #3, Fixxxer101 and Jokerpac32 were the only GLB players to do any work with the team, with about a 60/40 split in Jokerpac32's favor.

4) Together they won their conference.

Now we move onto season #4...

1) Of all the new player changes and upgrades brought too the team, Fixxxer101 was responsible for just 2. Jokerpac32 did all the rest.

2) When it came to scouting, Tumor and Iggster would chip in with open builds and not much more. Fixxxer101 wasn't doing anything to help.

3) Jokerpac32 posted on the team forums "Scouts Needed" reply here. Asking for agents to help him scout, game plan, etc. Not one agent stepped up.

4) Fixxxer101 realizing that Jokerpac32 has done 98% of the work for WCP since it's creation, and doesn't want too deal with the day to day operations, since Jokerpac32 has been doing it... Informs Jokerpac32 he wants to transfer the team into Jokerpac32's name making him the official owner.

5) Jokerpac32 replies, that's not needed... Telling Fixxxer101 you paid for the team. But Fixxxer101 tells him no... telling him that he's been doing all the work, he might as well be owner.

6) As soon as Jokerpac32 takes over, Fixxxer101 begins to do nothing to help support the team. While he's doing nothing, the only help coming in, is still from Tumor and Iggster who post open builds.

7) After the entire off-season and several games, having to spend countless hours supporting the team Jokerpac32 is now burnt out do to the lack of help. His girlfriend now becomes pissed do too it and makes him sleep on the couch a few nights since she thinks he loves GLB more. Since he's giving more time too it then her. Jokerpac32 wasn't thinking clearly as all he was worried about was not letting down a team of 40+ agents, and trying to do all the work alone.

8) After this happening Jokerpac32 posts a thread on the WCP team forum, informing everyone he's considered selling the team due too lack of support from his other GM's and Fixxxer101. But is only considering it... He even made sure when he posted it, it looked like this... "As of right now I'm CONSIDERING gutting WCP and selling the team, due too the lack of support and help I'm getting scouting and game planning wise, but must speak with Fixxxer101 before any decisions are made".

9) That night Jokerpac32 had a game too coach with his High School, J.P. McCaskey. Immediately following the game, Jokerpac32 enters the teams coaching office and logs into GLB too see if Fixxxer101 has PM'ed him. But too his surprise, All 3 of Fixxxer101's players have been traded away, along with all of Iggsters players, as well as the teams highest level WR, and a few other players. All without one ounce of communication or contact. When all that was said was Considering, thus making it perfectly clear, it was only an OPTION.

10) Jokerpac32 and Fixxxer101 finally talk and Jokerpac32 asks right away, "What are you doing? I never said for sure." Fixxxer101's reply is "Oh, it must of been a misunderstanding and mis-communication." For one how can you misunderstand "Considering", and no decisions will be made until Fixxxer101 and I speak?

11) Now remember Jokerpac32 is the official owner at this point and has clearly put forth the time and effort while Fixxxer101 has done nothing, but be the guy who official bought the team in the first place.

12) Now that Fixxxer101 has begun the gutting process, he than demands Jokerpac32 re transfer the team back to him, so he can obtain the flex points. All awhile, Jokerpac32 is pissed because Fixxxer101 began selling "His" (It's in Jokerpac32's name) team without talking to him first.

13) Fixxxer101 than has agents tell him where they want too go, Not Jokerpac32 when he's the guy that's doing all the work. never informing the agents to talk too him. and doesn't even speak to or PM Jokerpac32 informing him for one second of this. Thus leaving Jokerpac32 in the dark and out of the loop.

14) Now with the team 35% gutted, Jokerpac32 begins to trade players and what not. Now remember he knows nothing of Fixxxer101's communications with other agents about going here or there. With Jokerpac32 as the official team owner, you'd think they'd go through him. So with him out of the loop he's totally unaware of anything.

15) So Jokerpac32 officially trades away the entire team, the team is sold, and Jokerpac32 is awarded the flex points.

16) Fixxxer101 than trips over this and leaves an unnecessary phone message on his answering machine at home and a PM here on GLB along the same childish lines.

17) Fixxxer101 than PM's the owner of the B.C. Buffalos, another team Jokerpac32 GM's informing them, to watch out for him as he'll screw the team. Again not unnecessary anfd childish.

18) Fixxxer101 than spills lie after lie, or twist after twist to former GM Tumor, to make Tumor feel Jokerpac32 was the bad guy.

Long story short... Jokerpac32 did 98% of the work for WCP. He than became the official owner, only to see the teams former owner trading and selling players without speaking too him first. Jokerpac32 is in the dark and begins to make his own moves. How does he know what players want too go where if their not contacting him "The teams owner". And as owner the team is sold he collects the Flex Points. So hell after all his time and efforts doesn't he deserve that lousy $8.50 package of flex points for all his times and effort? Or should Fixxxer101 have the right to complain about such a thing since he was the original buyer, and the guy that started gutting the team without any communication?
Last edited Oct 6, 2008 07:21:45
I'm sure there's no bias at all to this story. If the team doesn't exist anymore, why's it matter?
I love e-drama.
Originally posted by wr50l
I love e-drama.

couldn't say it better myself... I'm not the one bashing, some people need to grow up.
Originally posted by jokerpac32
Well guys here's the story...

1) WCP was bought and paid for by Fixxxer101.

2) 95%+ of team put together in Season #3, was done by Jokerpac32.

3) In season #3, Fixxxer101 and Jokerpac32 were the only GLB players to do any work with the team, with about a 60/40 split in Jokerpac32's favor.

4) Together they won their conference.

Now we move onto season #4...

1) Of all the new player changes and upgrades brought too the team, Fixxxer101 was responsible for just 2. Jokerpac32 did all the rest.

2) When it came to scouting, Tumor and Iggster would chip in with open builds and not much more. Fixxxer101 wasn't doing anything to help.

3) Jokerpac32 posted on the team forums "Scouts Needed" reply here. Asking for agents to help him scout, game plan, etc. Not one agent stepped up.

4) Fixxxer101 realizing that Jokerpac32 has done 98% of the work for WCP since it's creation, and doesn't want too deal with the day to day operations, since Jokerpac32 has been doing it... Informs Jokerpac32 he wants to transfer the team into Jokerpac32's name making him the official owner.

5) Jokerpac32 replies, that's not needed... Telling Fixxxer101 you paid for the team. But Fixxxer101 tells him no... telling him that he's been doing all the work, he might as well be owner.

6) As soon as Jokerpac32 takes over, Fixxxer101 begins to do nothing to help support the team. While he's doing nothing, the only help coming in, is still from Tumor and Iggster who post open builds.

7) After the entire off-season and several games, having to spend countless hours supporting the team Jokerpac32 is now burnt out do to the lack of help. His girlfriend now becomes pissed do too it and makes him sleep on the couch a few nights since she thinks he loves GLB more. Since he's giving more time too it then her. Jokerpac32 wasn't thinking clearly as all he was worried about was not letting down a team of 40+ agents, and trying to do all the work alone.

8) After this happening Jokerpac32 posts a thread on the WCP team forum, informing everyone he's considered selling the team due too lack of support from his other GM's and Fixxxer101. But is only considering it... He even made sure when he posted it, it looked like this... "As of right now I'm CONSIDERING gutting WCP and selling the team, due too the lack of support and help I'm getting scouting and game planning wise, but must speak with Fixxxer101 before any decisions are made".

9) That night Jokerpac32 had a game too coach with his High School, J.P. McCaskey. Immediately following the game, Jokerpac32 enters the teams coaching office and logs into GLB too see if Fixxxer101 has PM'ed him. But too his surprise, All 3 of Fixxxer101's players have been traded away, along with all of Iggsters players, as well as the teams highest level WR, and a few other players. All without one ounce of communication or contact. When all that was said was Considering, thus making it perfectly clear, it was only an OPTION.

10) Jokerpac32 and Fixxxer101 finally talk and Jokerpac32 asks right away, "What are you doing? I never said for sure." Fixxxer101's reply is "Oh, it must of been a misunderstanding and mis-communication." For one how can you misunderstand "Considering", and no decisions will be made until Fixxxer101 and I speak?

11) Now remember Jokerpac32 is the official owner at this point and has clearly put forth the time and effort while Fixxxer101 has done nothing, but be the guy who official bought the team in the first place.

12) Now that Fixxxer101 has begun the gutting process, he than demands Jokerpac32 re transfer the team back to him, so he can obtain the flex points. All awhile, Jokerpac32 is pissed because Fixxxer101 began selling "His" (It's in Jokerpac32's name) team without talking to him first.

13) Fixxxer101 than has agents tell him where they want too go, Not Jokerpac32 when he's the guy that's doing all the work. never informing the agents to talk too him. and doesn't even speak to or PM Jokerpac32 informing him for one second of this. Thus leaving Jokerpac32 in the dark and out of the loop.

14) Now with the team 35% gutted, Jokerpac32 begins to trade players and what not. Now remember he knows nothing of Fixxxer101's communications with other agents about going here or there. With Jokerpac32 as the official team owner, you'd think they'd go through him. So with him out of the loop he's totally unaware of anything.

15) So Jokerpac32 officially trades away the entire team, the team is sold, and Jokerpac32 is awarded the flex points.

16) Fixxxer101 than trips over this and leaves an unnecessary phone message on his answering machine at home and a PM here on GLB along the same childish lines.

17) Fixxxer101 than PM's the owner of the B.C. Buffalos, another team Jokerpac32 GM's informing them, to watch out for him as he'll screw the team. Again not unnecessary anfd childish.

18) Fixxxer101 than spills lie after lie, or twist after twist to former GM Tumor, to make Tumor feel Jokerpac32 was the bad guy.

Long story short... Jokerpac32 did 98% of the work for WCP. He than became the official owner, only to see the teams former owner trading and selling players without speaking too him first. Jokerpac32 is in the dark and begins to make his own moves. How does he know what players want too go where if their not contacting him "The teams owner". And as owner the team is sold he collects the Flex Points. So hell after all his time and efforts doesn't he deserve that lousy $8.50 package of flex points for all his times and effort? Or should Fixxxer101 have the right to complain about such a thing since he was the original buyer, and the guy that started gutting the team without any communication?

2% is better than nothing.
Originally posted by jokerpac32
Well guys here's the story...

1) WCP was bought and paid for by Fixxxer101.

2) 95%+ of team put together in Season #3, was done by Jokerpac32.

3) In season #3, Fixxxer101 and Jokerpac32 were the only GLB players to do any work with the team, with about a 60/40 split in Jokerpac32's favor.

4) Together they won their conference.

Now we move onto season #4...

1) Of all the new player changes and upgrades brought too the team, Fixxxer101 was responsible for just 2. Jokerpac32 did all the rest.

2) When it came to scouting, Tumor and Iggster would chip in with open builds and not much more. Fixxxer101 wasn't doing anything to help.

3) Jokerpac32 posted on the team forums "Scouts Needed" reply here. Asking for agents to help him scout, game plan, etc. Not one agent stepped up.

4) Fixxxer101 realizing that Jokerpac32 has done 98% of the work for WCP since it's creation, and doesn't want too deal with the day to day operations, since Jokerpac32 has been doing it... Informs Jokerpac32 he wants to transfer the team into Jokerpac32's name making him the official owner.

5) Jokerpac32 replies, that's not needed... Telling Fixxxer101 you paid for the team. But Fixxxer101 tells him no... telling him that he's been doing all the work, he might as well be owner.

6) As soon as Jokerpac32 takes over, Fixxxer101 begins to do nothing to help support the team. While he's doing nothing, the only help coming in, is still from Tumor and Iggster who post open builds.

7) After the entire off-season and several games, having to spend countless hours supporting the team Jokerpac32 is now burnt out do to the lack of help. His girlfriend now becomes pissed do too it and makes him sleep on the couch a few nights since she thinks he loves GLB more. Since he's giving more time too it then her. Jokerpac32 wasn't thinking clearly as all he was worried about was not letting down a team of 40+ agents, and trying to do all the work alone.

8) After this happening Jokerpac32 posts a thread on the WCP team forum, informing everyone he's considered selling the team due too lack of support from his other GM's and Fixxxer101. But is only considering it... He even made sure when he posted it, it looked like this... "As of right now I'm CONSIDERING gutting WCP and selling the team, due too the lack of support and help I'm getting scouting and game planning wise, but must speak with Fixxxer101 before any decisions are made".

9) That night Jokerpac32 had a game too coach with his High School, J.P. McCaskey. Immediately following the game, Jokerpac32 enters the teams coaching office and logs into GLB too see if Fixxxer101 has PM'ed him. But too his surprise, All 3 of Fixxxer101's players have been traded away, along with all of Iggsters players, as well as the teams highest level WR, and a few other players. All without one ounce of communication or contact. When all that was said was Considering, thus making it perfectly clear, it was only an OPTION.

10) Jokerpac32 and Fixxxer101 finally talk and Jokerpac32 asks right away, "What are you doing? I never said for sure." Fixxxer101's reply is "Oh, it must of been a misunderstanding and mis-communication." For one how can you misunderstand "Considering", and no decisions will be made until Fixxxer101 and I speak?

11) Now remember Jokerpac32 is the official owner at this point and has clearly put forth the time and effort while Fixxxer101 has done nothing, but be the guy who official bought the team in the first place.

12) Now that Fixxxer101 has begun the gutting process, he than demands Jokerpac32 re transfer the team back to him, so he can obtain the flex points. All awhile, Jokerpac32 is pissed because Fixxxer101 began selling "His" (It's in Jokerpac32's name) team without talking to him first.

13) Fixxxer101 than has agents tell him where they want too go, Not Jokerpac32 when he's the guy that's doing all the work. never informing the agents to talk too him. and doesn't even speak to or PM Jokerpac32 informing him for one second of this. Thus leaving Jokerpac32 in the dark and out of the loop.

14) Now with the team 35% gutted, Jokerpac32 begins to trade players and what not. Now remember he knows nothing of Fixxxer101's communications with other agents about going here or there. With Jokerpac32 as the official team owner, you'd think they'd go through him. So with him out of the loop he's totally unaware of anything.

15) So Jokerpac32 officially trades away the entire team, the team is sold, and Jokerpac32 is awarded the flex points.

16) Fixxxer101 than trips over this and leaves an unnecessary phone message on his answering machine at home and a PM here on GLB along the same childish lines.

17) Fixxxer101 than PM's the owner of the B.C. Buffalos, another team Jokerpac32 GM's informing them, to watch out for him as he'll screw the team. Again not unnecessary anfd childish.

18) Fixxxer101 than spills lie after lie, or twist after twist to former GM Tumor, to make Tumor feel Jokerpac32 was the bad guy.

Long story short... Jokerpac32 did 98% of the work for WCP. He than became the official owner, only to see the teams former owner trading and selling players without speaking too him first. Jokerpac32 is in the dark and begins to make his own moves. How does he know what players want too go where if their not contacting him "The teams owner". And as owner the team is sold he collects the Flex Points. So hell after all his time and efforts doesn't he deserve that lousy $8.50 package of flex points for all his times and effort? Or should Fixxxer101 have the right to complain about such a thing since he was the original buyer, and the guy that started gutting the team without any communication?

Whatever helps you sleep at night man. I am not gonna argue. Your the one taking this all way too seriously to srew a FRIEND over for 910 flex points man. LOL
Oh and I paid for ALL of his flex points for his players while he was my gm. He never had to pay for shit. I am glad this helps you vent joker. The first four letters in your name says it all.
You two ladies mind if I sent this into some big shot hollywood director?

you both could star in it, dont worry

"Crisis in Willow Creek"

Based on the real life events of the GLB team Willow Creek Phantoms

No comment
Wow, lots of details left out there joker. Just like E True Hollywood Story. Only posted the stuff to make you look good. LOL. Roughnecks are now screwed with him a GM there. I warned you Texas. You just wait. Have fun all.!
Guys. No one asked me but, can we pause for a two have been great contributors around here and fierce opponents.

We respect you both. Let's have the admin delete this and get rid of it.

It sucks that such things happen and regardless of who did what...we don't know motivations and shouldn't question such.

I can't support either side because I don't know either of you but I do know this...I loved playing Willow Creek. That's all I have to say on the subject. Can we vote to delete this thread and not let it be a sour ending to a very nice, competitive team?

Life's like a box of chocolates...if the chewy one's have drool on 'em, the dog got hold of it. Let's not let the dogs get hold of this. Let's put it away and move forward.

Vive le Willow Creek.
fixxer didn't have to twist anything to me, he isn't the one who traded my players away on season 8 contracts after i asked if i was going to be traded to a team not of my choice to be given day 40 contracts so i wouldn't be stuck on a team, and dont bitch about no one helping people offered and you never said anything back, I only had the gm powers of the depth chart and forum control. How many times after your crappy tactics didn't work did you post in the forum I quit, i can't take it. Way to try to make yourself look good joker. Hope the Roughnecks have better luck with a gm who wants to quit after every game.
Child Support
lol is right....this shit is so dumb...jokerpac is an idiot...who posts 50 points about someone else...ITS A GAME...all that preparin and scoutin and all those countless hours without your girlfriend....and you still couldnt topple the HOOD...peace
Originally posted by TDERIGG2
lol is right....this shit is so dumb...jokerpac is an idiot...who posts 50 points about someone else...ITS A GAME...all that preparin and scoutin and all those countless hours without your girlfriend....and you still couldnt topple the HOOD...peace

Anyone who neglects outside life for this game is stupid. I probably spend about 30 minutes to an hour game planning at most. Anything over that is dumb because the offensive AI sucks, so you can't game plan defensively for anything specifically except for running or passing.

Offense gameplanning might be different but I've never done that.

Oh and this thread is rediculously stupid

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