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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #1 > Final A1 vs A2 rankings
I'm locking this in after 27 votes:
First place votes in parantheses

1. Texas Roughnecks 6-0 (21)
Avg. Ranking: 1.77

2. Oklahoma Thunder 5-1 (3)
Avg. Ranking: 2.74

3. DC Warriors 5-1 (1)
Avg. Ranking: 3.85

4. Oklahoma City Spartans 4-2
Avg. Ranking: 5.56

5. Orlando Dogg Pound 5-1
Avg. Ranking: 6.15

6. H-Town Hitmen 4-2
Avg. Ranking: 6.35

7. Eleven Wise Monkeys 5-1
Avg. Ranking: 6.78

8. Rochester Vendetta 6-0
Avg. Ranking: 7.33

9. Oregon Ducks 6-0
Avg. Ranking: 7.65

10. Canton Hall of Famers 4-2
Avg. Ranking: 9.40

11. Little Haiti Voodoo 4-2
Avg. Ranking: 10.68

12. Austin Longhorns 4-2
Avg. Ranking: 11.32

13. French Lick Dirty Whorns 4-2 (1)
Avg. Ranking: 12.88

14. Omaha Mavericks 3-3
Avg. Ranking: 13.38

15. Murder City Devils 3-3 (1)
Avg. Ranking: 13.81

16. Bristol Bullets 4-2
Avg. Ranking: 14.15

17. Compton 'nilla Wafers 0-6
Avg. Ranking: 16.60

18. USA Eagles 1-5
Avg. Ranking: 16.78
Last edited Oct 2, 2008 17:49:58
Interesting notes.

-One person had "fun" with the voting and appeared to rank teams backward as Texas received a 16th place vote, Oklahoma a 15th, DC a 14th, Oklahoma City a 13th, etc. all the way down in a reverse order of what I put up through Murder City getting a 1st place vote.

In real votes: (excluding the one above),
-French Lick is the lowest team with a first place vote (which also qualified them for the biggest spread between rankings as they also had 2 16th place votes.
-6 teams received 2nd place votes. However only DC, Oklahoma, and Texas received more than one 2nd place vote.
-The 21 votes Texas received for 1st place is the most any team got for any specific spot, next was Oklahoma Thunder with 16 2nd place votes, and then Little Haiti with 14 votes for 11th. The rest is a bunch of teams with 12 and 13 votes for a single spot.
I'm honestly shocked we got that many 1st place votes.

It is obvious we (French Lick) are not a 1st place team. I think someone was just having fun.

Other than that I think the rankings look pretty good. I think some teams in the East are a little underrated, but some of that is to be expected. Oregon is a good team, and they have excellent gameplanning.

I think Murder City will prove their worth as well as the season goes on.

Overall I think it was a pretty good job.
I agree that Oregon is under-rated at #9. Murder City beat us in the pre-season. Granted that was while Bort had off-tackle rushing all fucked up, but they're still a force to be reckoned with.
MCD should probably be a little higher, but it looks pretty good for a ranking list at this point of the season.

IMHO: No offense to French Lick or MCD, but both of the ballots that had them as #1 should have likely been thrown out. I would think most objective voters would admit that OKC, Thunder, TxR, and DC are the top of the heap. We scrimmed the Dogg Pound, and they are pretty solid as well, but I think those four are a little ahead. I would put us and the Ducks in about the same category, but we both still have a lot of key games ahead of us to tell the whole story.
Luke 28

No mention of Monkeys?
Originally posted by Luke 28

No mention of Monkeys?

was a good game, you guys owned us there. Of course you lost to Orlando who lost to DC who lost to you

It was close for awhile with you guys and H-town, at one point the rankings had you tied.

Should we do this after every game? Take the top 8 teams (by record) in each conference and put up a poll for everyone to vote on the top 16 teams in the league?
Originally posted by Luke 28

No mention of Monkeys?

I wasn't trying to mention everyone. You guys are in the same category with the three teams I mentioned and several others that I didn't. The season is way too young to separate out that group into "better" and "worse" categories. It's about 8-10 teams (and maybe a couple more than that) that all look about the same between the guys at the top and the guys at the bottom.

I think every few games should be plenty often enough. Maybe doing one every Monday or some other day of the week would be plenty. JMHO.
Originally posted by jearly

Should we do this after every game? Take the top 8 teams (by record) in each conference and put up a poll for everyone to vote on the top 16 teams in the league?

I like it.
it's fun...why not
Vendetta checking in at #8. Hey-ohhhhhhh!!!!

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