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I almost feel like Sally Field with Bort's latest announcements.

Much of the stuff that has been a LONG time coming.
Holy crap!!! About time!! This is the first update that I'm 100% AMEN!!! for.
That's a solid list. Revenue sharing should exist, but hopefully it won't be too much.
Best set of updates in a while, agreed.
Bah, on second thought there is 1 item I don't like.

Gutted teams being dropped all the way to the A's. As a GM of an A team should I be forced to play 'crap' teams? I think it would be better to simply drop gutted teams 2 levels rather than all the way down. This will help alleviate the strain on the A leagues and distribute it from the AA's to the A's. Potentially we're talking about a lot of gutted teams being sent to some A leagues.

I guess the thought is that it will work itself out in a couple seasons. Those couple seasons are not going to be very fun though for the A leaguers.
Wow, people are absolutely flipping out about revenue sharing.

I don't get it . . . maybe I'm too far removed from being a struggling level 13-18 team. But when Tonga was that low, we didn't "plan" for playoff income, even though we've never been lower than a #2 seed. Playoff money was bonus money, and it went a long way towards building our stadium, but it was never in the budget.

As an owner of a team that has always experienced the playoff windfall, I welcome revenue sharing. It just makes sense. Not 50/50 or even 60/40, but 20-30% doesn't seem to be asking a lot.

Part of it might be playing in competitive leagues where the difference between a 7/8 seed and a 1/2 seed is fairly minimal. In mean, if the playoffs started today, we'd be playing Fiji Sea Turtles, and I hardly consider them a team that would "squeek" into the playoffs, barely making the 8 seed as a less talented and poorly run team.

Maybe there are some leagues where making the playoffs is no big deal, where pathetic teams manage to make it in due to league disparity, but that isn't the case in any of the leagues I'm involved in.

SO what's the problem with revenue sharing?
Originally posted by tahl
Bah, on second thought there is 1 item I don't like.

Gutted teams being dropped all the way to the A's. As a GM of an A team should I be forced to play 'crap' teams? I think it would be better to simply drop gutted teams 2 levels rather than all the way down. This will help alleviate the strain on the A leagues and distribute it from the AA's to the A's. Potentially we're talking about a lot of gutted teams being sent to some A leagues.

I guess the thought is that it will work itself out in a couple seasons. Those couple seasons are not going to be very fun though for the A leaguers.

The flip side is the good A teams will likely get promoted under this scenario as well.
Glad to see they are finally taking care of gutted teams!
Overall very solid list imo.
Stupid list, I can't stand this list.
It's about time.

Something positive to look forward to at the end of the season. Oceania PRO is finally going to truly be a PRO league.
Originally posted by tahl
Bah, on second thought there is 1 item I don't like.

Gutted teams being dropped all the way to the A's. As a GM of an A team should I be forced to play 'crap' teams? I think it would be better to simply drop gutted teams 2 levels rather than all the way down. This will help alleviate the strain on the A leagues and distribute it from the AA's to the A's. Potentially we're talking about a lot of gutted teams being sent to some A leagues.

I guess the thought is that it will work itself out in a couple seasons. Those couple seasons are not going to be very fun though for the A leaguers.

The idea is more promotion, and remember there will still probably be more of a restructuring this offseason, moving non-guts with low levels (slow builds, farm teams, etc.) down to the bottom. My guess is Bort will also try to keep them in the same leagues as much as possible, working 1 league at a time, so there would be competitive A leagues and gutted A-leagues, with the long-term hope that the best teams move up faster and the guts move down to the bottom all the time.
Originally posted by McGruffHawk
Wow, people are absolutely flipping out about revenue sharing.

I don't get it . . . maybe I'm too far removed from being a struggling level 13-18 team. But when Tonga was that low, we didn't "plan" for playoff income, even though we've never been lower than a #2 seed. Playoff money was bonus money, and it went a long way towards building our stadium, but it was never in the budget.

As an owner of a team that has always experienced the playoff windfall, I welcome revenue sharing. It just makes sense. Not 50/50 or even 60/40, but 20-30% doesn't seem to be asking a lot.

Part of it might be playing in competitive leagues where the difference between a 7/8 seed and a 1/2 seed is fairly minimal. In mean, if the playoffs started today, we'd be playing Fiji Sea Turtles, and I hardly consider them a team that would "squeek" into the playoffs, barely making the 8 seed as a less talented and poorly run team.

Maybe there are some leagues where making the playoffs is no big deal, where pathetic teams manage to make it in due to league disparity, but that isn't the case in any of the leagues I'm involved in.

SO what's the problem with revenue sharing?

People are greedy.
Originally posted by tahl
Bah, on second thought there is 1 item I don't like.

Gutted teams being dropped all the way to the A's. As a GM of an A team should I be forced to play 'crap' teams? I think it would be better to simply drop gutted teams 2 levels rather than all the way down. This will help alleviate the strain on the A leagues and distribute it from the AA's to the A's. Potentially we're talking about a lot of gutted teams being sent to some A leagues.

I guess the thought is that it will work itself out in a couple seasons. Those couple seasons are not going to be very fun though for the A leaguers.

If 'that many' teams fall to the A leagues, then 'that many' will be promoted to AA

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