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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > Free Helmet Logos for anyone
pm jtwillis

Tell everyone in your league, they don't have to pay for helmet logos, just have them send me a PM with color of facemask and helmet and what type of logo they want. If they have a certain logo they want to use, have them email it to me. I love doing these things :-)

He just made 4 new one for me. Below are the other 3.
Last edited Sep 29, 2008 19:03:58
You trying to take food out of my mouth Minnsooner?
Originally posted by obijuan74
You trying to take food out of my mouth Minnsooner?

Sorry man, I didn't know you did them.
Yep, I'm one of the designers over at the Fantasy Helmet Project. No sweat though, my stuff looks better anyway.

Kidding aside he's doing a great job but he's not sizing them right, your helmet in your avatar as well as the other ones I've seen him do are scrunched up. He's obviously using the Thornbird helmet template and I have that one too. The base file for that template is rectangular instead of square so you have to create a new square file that you can keep in proportion down to the 75 x 75 square and then pull the finished helmet over into the new square file. Either that or he is purposely stretching them so they'll be taller to fill the 75 x 75 space. I'm all about filling the space but I hate taking things out of proportion. To each his own however.

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