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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #4 > Game 4 Lesbian Lick - A Quickie is better than none - Western Conference
All Right - Sorry for the tardiness, but a late quick lick is better than none.

Hawks (0-3) Vs Nation (2-1)

Will the Hawks soar to thier first win? Will the Nation use the Hawks to wipe? You know the answer, and it isn't pretty.

Nation 48 (59) Hawks 13 (7)

Bigga Bois (1-2) Vs Naturals (3-0)

Though the owner of the Nat's gave some great locker room material in his interview, the Bigga Bois will be the submissives and hte Nat's the dominators.

Naturals 42 (17) BB 7 (6) Close one!

Raiders (0-3) Vs Alcoholics (2-1)

Alcoholics and Raiders love to drink. They love to screw uglies while drunk. They love to rape and pillage. Well, at least the Alcoholics will after this game.

Alcoholics 52 (63) Raiders 12 (42) Nice shoot out!

Cougars (1-2) Vs Sidewinders (0-3)

What Cougar doesn't like a trouser trout? Cougars will gobble the Sidewinders, and spit them out.

Cougars 41 (24) Sidewinders 18 (22) Much closer!

Lesbians (1-2) Vs LUEshis (2-1)

As stated last night - Lesbians WILL give the LUEshis a cleaveland steamer today. ( look it up, I WONT describe it here). If not - I will use ANY icon Jerkaholic sends me until Wednesday.

Lesbians 35 (22) LUEshis 21 (27)

"out of the closet" Upset of the week:
Bengals (2-1) Vs Bolts (3-0)

Upset special here. Looks like it will be this week - But I've been wrong before, 3 times. The Bengals piss in the electric the Bolts throw out, and it will fry the Bolts players. What? I dont know...I'm tired.

Bengals 33 (33) Bolts 28 (29)

"strap on" Game of the week:

Wildcats (3-0) Vs Squirrels (3-0)

In the "strap on" game of the week, we will see quite a game. I've picked the Squirrels to loose before - and I will again. The Squirrels just dont have big enough junk to stand up the the 'Cats.

Wildcats 24 (31) Squirrels 20 (13)

"Licked" Snoozer of the week:

Nic (0-3) Vs Greyhounds (2-1) How do I say this? Greyhounds will doggie style Nic till they're done, and Nic will end up asking for more.

Greyhounds 68 (113) Nic 6 (0)

I will be back to my normal self next week. Thanks for reading, and I'm serious - Jerkaholic - send me an avatar to use if we loose. We wont, and If you're any kind of man, you'll use an avatar I send you. Period.

****EDIT**** Even though I lost on the only game I didnt want too - Sheet! 7-1 this week. And Jerkaholic, even though you probably didnt read this before the game - send me the avatar. GG LUEshis
Last edited Sep 28, 2008 12:50:04
Send me an avatar as well Jerk, we lose as a team so I'll wear a logo for four days after this coming Sunday..just like Von D did.

Can't wear another logo because my Boys lost to the Skins and I was engaged in another bet..
Last edited Sep 28, 2008 17:26:44
Okay. Your guys avatar is being worked on right now. Hopefully it is done by the night...
Whenever yer ready. I'll prolly change it in the AM man.
Okay. Here it is, something that pretty much represents the LUEshi/Lesbian "rivalry"
Here ya go, jerkoholic.. GG
Originally posted by Jericoholic
Okay. Here it is, something that pretty much represents the LUEshi/Lesbian "rivalry"

is that our QB back there? I think I see a P.

You guys are assholes but sweet graphics work!

Like I said, I was engaged in another bet(see my logo)prior to this but I'll wear it 4 days starting from this Sunday to make up for it
Our homie Michael who owns our slot receiver is a badass. he mad a mock up of your teams look based off your jerseys. This is just your QB alone, decent sized:

He came up with three possible avatars before J decided which he liked best:

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