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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > Do you want your team moved to another region?
Heheh You are a series of zeros and ones along with this perceived region you play in. What does you playing before I did, or wanting a team before I did have anything to do with it. Ahh your vote means more than mine, I mean, you were part a fantasy game a month or two before I was. I did not know this was a tribal culture led by the elders. The league voting seems to point towards wanting a restructure. You have no idea what they are planning in this, yet there is spamming of every regions forums by the same little boys crying wolf. I mean, if you live in the USA, and enjoy the fruits of democracy, perhaps you should look at the voting results and get over it yourself. Rather start thinking of ways to solve the problem of gutting, and achieving/maintaining a semblance of parity so that every league is competitive as possible and stays that way. I wanna stay here because I am from here is pretty childish as we are all little digital sequences on a server somewhere. So help, do not make demands.
Originally posted by Vortus
Heheh You are a series of zeros and ones along with this perceived region you play in. What does you playing before I did, or wanting a team before I did have anything to do with it. Ahh your vote means more than mine, I mean, you were part a fantasy game a month or two before I was. I did not know this was a tribal culture led by the elders. The league voting seems to point towards wanting a restructure. You have no idea what they are planning in this, yet there is spamming of every regions forums by the same little boys crying wolf. I mean, if you live in the USA, and enjoy the fruits of democracy, perhaps you should look at the voting results and get over it yourself. Rather start thinking of ways to solve the problem of gutting, and achieving/maintaining a semblance of parity so that every league is competitive as possible and stays that way. I wanna stay here because I am from here is pretty childish as we are all little digital sequences on a server somewhere. So help, do not make demands.

Yeah its a DEMOCRACY just like you said and I have a right to express MY OPINION and people like you don't need to come along with a bunch of big talk trying to call people childish just cause you disagreed with what I said and I dont care...There are lots of owners in other countries on this game that want a USA team, this is just a fact I am stating, why should I have to go to sleep and wake up and then be in South Africa or some crap?

All I said is I prefer not to leave my region, the fact is there is an option to vote for that in the polls, even if its not winning, its like you dont even know what a democracy means, I can still voice my opinion regardless of where I stand
Originally posted by Vortus
Heheh You are a series of zeros and ones along with this perceived region you play in. What does you playing before I did, or wanting a team before I did have anything to do with it. Ahh your vote means more than mine, I mean, you were part a fantasy game a month or two before I was. I did not know this was a tribal culture led by the elders. The league voting seems to point towards wanting a restructure. You have no idea what they are planning in this, yet there is spamming of every regions forums by the same little boys crying wolf. I mean, if you live in the USA, and enjoy the fruits of democracy, perhaps you should look at the voting results and get over it yourself. Rather start thinking of ways to solve the problem of gutting, and achieving/maintaining a semblance of parity so that every league is competitive as possible and stays that way. I wanna stay here because I am from here is pretty childish as we are all little digital sequences on a server somewhere. So help, do not make demands.

I would like to demand for you to shut the fuck up.
Look, If the owners of my team the AC Aces had wanted a team sooner, we could have had one. Thing about it is, we waited because we know where American Football is played and is popular... and contrary to poular belief, it's not in Africa. The problem is not that there is too much parity, per se. The problem si how they got that way.
There are so many Owners that used exploits with their buddies to create several teams and then used that team's resources to fatten one other team at the expense of the first team, and whoever had players ont hat first team. The owner then left that team Out there flappiung int he wind for the next guy to fix. Thats the problem right now.
region realignment right now, will only serve to punish a lot of owners who waited for teams to get into certain regions. It does nothing to fix the core of the problem.
We at AC city, know the hand we were dealt and are playing the hand we were dealt. We accept that we werte goping to get beat up this season, and were fine with it. Every team goes through a rebuilding process... Oakland, SF, and now the Rams as well. Dynasties only last so long, and thats how were playing it.
The problme is people buiilt up these monster teams, and left so many teams in ruins, and now theyre bitching about it. But PLAYERS screwed this up, not he developers. and until we can police ourselves into doing the right thing, it will continue. Players need to report players when they get wind of gutting and collusion. not on the forums, but by a support ticket.
Originally posted by Minnsooner
Originally posted by Vortus

Heheh You are a series of zeros and ones along with this perceived region you play in. What does you playing before I did, or wanting a team before I did have anything to do with it. Ahh your vote means more than mine, I mean, you were part a fantasy game a month or two before I was. I did not know this was a tribal culture led by the elders. The league voting seems to point towards wanting a restructure. You have no idea what they are planning in this, yet there is spamming of every regions forums by the same little boys crying wolf. I mean, if you live in the USA, and enjoy the fruits of democracy, perhaps you should look at the voting results and get over it yourself. Rather start thinking of ways to solve the problem of gutting, and achieving/maintaining a semblance of parity so that every league is competitive as possible and stays that way. I wanna stay here because I am from here is pretty childish as we are all little digital sequences on a server somewhere. So help, do not make demands.

I would like to demand for you to shut the fuck up.

maybe, he'd be less of a D*ck if we voted on it... then he couldnt complain cuz we did it democratically.
Well, first you tell me you count more than I do, then about ones right to voice ones opinion. Not to mention being called a d***, then being told to shut the eff up. Yes, polite and logical discussion. I do understand a persons attachment to playing for a particular league. Though now I do question some of your understanding of what I am saying. By the way, it was voted on, restructure. I was giving you credit for being able to discuss rather than argue. I wish you the best and hope that what they decide is something we can all live with.
looks like bort decided

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