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As a former member of USA A 1 I wanted to post this here.

Hey all,

If you haven't looked at Bort's polls yet you may want to because they will significanly change GLB if they are acted upon. Vote as you want but I just wanted to try to rally the troops to my cause. The significant leader currently is a plan to completely reorganize the leagues based on team level. All of the hard work done recruiting and building your guys in an effort to scratch your way to the top of your league will be useless, as you will now be placed in a league where everyone is designed to go 8-8 (of course this won't happen). Teams that are significantly lower level with superior builds and gameplanning - and there are many of them - will suddenly be relegated to inferior leagues again, even though they may have already won promotion multiple times against higher-level players.

This "fix" by Bort corrects something that is not really any problem at all. Bad teams get relegated and good ones promoted - give it time and it will work itself out in the wash.

Finally, and most importantly, this will be the end of our league as we know it. All of the friendly (and unfriendly) rivalries will cease to exist.

Fwiw I voted for the option that allows more teams to be relegated and promoted each season - I think this will speed up the more-even matchups Bort desires. I'd encourage all of you to vote for that option or the option that makes no change at all. Thanks.

gotta say I am astounded at the numbers wanting a massive restructuring... I'd definitely prefer an accelerated promotion/demotion system where the rivalries on the boards can be maintained/cultivated.
Last edited Sep 24, 2008 20:59:55
I can see the point, but the main problem is the many gutted teams - how to get rid of non-competitive teams - I prefer a mixture of the two options (the shuffling thing and the increased demotion thing).

Maybe there should be a minimum level cap for teams and not just a maximum level cap.
Originally posted by Kazistuta
I can see the point, but the main problem is the many gutted teams - how to get rid of non-competitive teams - I prefer a mixture of the two options (the shuffling thing and the increased demotion thing).

Maybe there should be a minimum level cap for teams and not just a maximum level cap.

Minimum level cap would leave the teams with all CPU players, which is just as bad.

A solution that I think would work is to take the team when it's originally gutted, put the tactics back to standard CPU tactics, but fill the team with CPU players with identical stats to all of the human players on the time at the time of their last game (Takes some admin intervention to figure it out, but would be well worth it.) This makes it so your CPU teams are playing as though they have human players on them.

That teams stays in the league for the rest of the season, all the human players are released and while they won't be winning games, they also won't be giving up 100+ point losses either.

At the end of the season multiple teams from the league below are moved up to fill in the void left by the gutted team. This goes all the way to the bottom of the leagues, moving up multiple people the entire time. Teams in the very bottom leagues are merged together in a way that attempts to keep low level leagues together after the merge. If that isn't possible, you'll just have to be better and move up from those gutted teams.

Meanwhile, when the team is originally gutted, a "G"-League (new league where teams are created after guts) team goes from CPU control to Human control, and they have all season to play against CPU and other G-League human teams. These teams are level 8 capped until week 8, level 10 capped until week 12, and level 13 capped at week 16.

At the end of the season all the human owned G-League teams are moved from the G-Leagues into whatever expansion league Bort creates with level 13 caps. Players on those teams are not allowed to boost over level 16 during the off season to protect against those players who joined at level 8, leveled above 13 in the first season, then tried to use their boosts.

Of course this is all too complex to actually get implemented.
Last edited Sep 25, 2008 06:10:32
Leave it as it is with a little more promotion and deregulation.Next season you will have just as many gutted teams as you have this year and this trend will continue every season since people will come and go.One solution would be to offer owners farm teams that stay in a seperate league for grooming future players.I have voted for the promotion and deregulation option since I do not which to see all the leagues revamped.
Why not just leave the cap levels in place permanently?

BBB leagues can no longer recruit anyone over level 19, A can no longer recruit anyone over level 24, AA no one over 29, AAA no one over 34 and Pros can recruit anyone. This would not affect players resigning to the team, only new players recruited from the outside. Eventually you are either able to win in your league because you are the highest levelled team left around - or you blow the whole thing up and start over again. Bort has talked about wanting to make it so that each team is able to have a few "stars" and a bunch of run of the mill schmucks - this just gets it to that point faster.

It would suck for awhile but relegated teams (on an accelerated path downward) would reach a level of competition faster than they are currently able to.

Gutted teams would drop faster with increased relegation - double the number moving up and down. There would be an increased fluidity to the leagues, but rivalries would be maintained by promoting teams upward more quickly that currently - eventually the teams that are treading water at higher levels would be forced to move to leagues where they are not perennial 8th or 9th seed teams and either have to compete or drop. Teams are rewarded (as in real life) for sticking together since resigning players are not subject to the cap constraints in place in each league and you can level faster in a season than the cap differences in each league would allow you to recruit.

I know permanent level restrictions would be unpopular, but I think that they may be necessary in order to fully grow this game - there are always going to be guys building players, so there will always be room for new players in the BBB leagues (or, a seperate global league somewhere in level between the D-leagues and the BBB leagues)


Originally posted by Bockaneer

gotta say I am astounded at the numbers wanting a massive restructuring... I'd definitely prefer an accelerated promotion/demotion system where the rivalries on the boards can be maintained/cultivated.



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