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Originally posted by HydrOshocK
Originally posted by jeremy042376

Originally posted by HydrOshocK

As for this ongoing banter about respect to the new teams. Might I point out that this war of words did not get started until one specific owner of a specific new team to this league went out of his way to start yet another flame war about an absolutely meaningless game that happened 3 seasons ago before any of us were very good. Things are WAY different now so nobody here is impressed with anything of that.

PyscoJester13 knows what he's talking about. The Legends were one of the original teams here when it was the USA CCC League and they had to climb a mountain to get out of here just like the teams before them. When we moved up those teams still out matched us by 2-3 player levels and it was a very brutal road to the playoffs. Things have changed now with the gutting and promotion of several teams but there are still a few here that are very powerful teams. Assuming you do well when you get here is one thing but proving it is another.

Judging by the talent level on their current roster I'm sure the Vendetta can make the playoffs in this league and make a run but that doesn't mean any of us are impressed with the chest thumping. Like I said before, if you beat us in week 15 you'll get all the congrats you deserve but please don't try to rub the past in our face because we are nowhere near the team we were back then and I honestly don't think anyone is impressed except yourselves.


Change = 0.02

If you think any of what I had to say has anything to do with BBB or the game with you guys, you need to take a reading comprehension class. My original comments were mostly based on the insinuation that we didn't know what kind of game planning went on in this division. We've studied the AI as hard than anyone in this game. We had some bumpy spots last season when we had a weakness exposed, but have been continually learning and tweaking since that point. It's not chest thumping or anything else to not put up with other people talking crap. If you can't take it, don't start it. You started it. And I'm not here to impress anyone.

Exactly how did I start anything man? That's the part where you guys keep losing me. There was nothing derogatory said about you or your team but your owner continues to be fixated on some pathetic game from a long time ago that had absolutely no meaning whatsoever. I can't help it if the dude has an instability problem. We are so far past that but for some reason it keeps being thrown in our face as if it was important. I'm through talking about that and I'm putting your owner on my ignore list so I don't have to read his drivel.

On the other hand you seem like a pretty reasonable guy. If you want to talk football and GLB then I've got no problem with you. I completely understand the bumps in the road. When we got here we had to deal with a pretty big gap in player levels as well as numerous nerfs by Bort that completely changed the game. Once advanced tactics were introduced everything changed. Now we actually have control over a lot of what happens in the game and its become a lot more of a thinking game.

One thing you'll find in this league is that there are a handful of teams that seem to give you trouble no matter how well you may be playing. Just when you think you've got something figured out they'll hit you with a brick upside the head. Best of luck to you this season. For what its worth I think you guys have a real shot to contend.

Originally posted by HydrOshocK
Originally posted by lawdawg95

Well, for me, it really doesn't matter. I live in Texas.

And Obama has about as much of a chance of winning Texas as Cerneo ever has of GMing a team to a league title.

Ouch! Never pass up an opportunity to throw Cerneo under the bus.

You guys are gonna make baby jesus cry.
Wow, gonna need a dump truck to pick all the shit up off this thread. It's seems like Roughnecks orangebloods week.
Ron Paul imo ldo.

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