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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > See Ya Whiny Butts!!!!
4th Quarter
We interrupt this thread for a GLB news break. This just in: The KC Chiefs are the second worst team in football.

31st -

30th -

31st -

31st -
I know, the Chiefs should be ranked last, Tyler Thigpen and QB by committee is painfull to watch.
Last edited Sep 24, 2008 14:55:06
dan rules
BTW, you probably aren't aware of this but there isn't a Kansas City in Canada.

back here to lament our win 2-0 baby. BTW isn't there a Kansas City in Quebec? lol
Originally posted by jstuart66
You Rams are quite a bunch and at this point I could give a shit about you throwing the game - Season 5 is here and I want to win a championship. You guys have a solid team and build great players but can you stop the 9th grade bullshit.

I used to come to this forum and enjoy reading the posts (Ken Sham where are you when I need you) and now all's I get is 3 high school kids quoting Three Dog Night, having a post called "see you whiney butts", and to top it all off having Buxx's girlfriend defending him (BTW where is she, still trying to sign her TE).

yeah, yeah I know I don't have to read this stuff - but you know what I enjoy playing in Canada A3 - love the owners and competitive nature of this league so please can we just focus on football and stop the non-sense?

Assassins ready for a beat down tonight.......(:

I hear what you are saying and I can respect that, but this is only banter albeit on a 9th grade level. BTW like your QB hope he does well and good luck on the season.
Originally posted by Thomas23
Originally posted by jstuart66

You Rams are quite a bunch and at this point I could give a shit about you throwing the game - Season 5 is here and I want to win a championship. You guys have a solid team and build great players but can you stop the 9th grade bullshit.

I used to come to this forum and enjoy reading the posts (Ken Sham where are you when I need you) and now all's I get is 3 high school kids quoting Three Dog Night, having a post called "see you whiney butts", and to top it all off having Buxx's girlfriend defending him (BTW where is she, still trying to sign her TE).

yeah, yeah I know I don't have to read this stuff - but you know what I enjoy playing in Canada A3 - love the owners and competitive nature of this league so please can we just focus on football and stop the non-sense?

Assassins ready for a beat down tonight.......(:

I hear what you are saying and I can respect that, but this is only banter albeit on a 9th grade level. BTW like your QB hope he does well and good luck on the season.

Thanks Thomas - Steve has turned out to be a pretty good player for us - that LB of yours Sacker Backer - would you mind Pm'ing me his build - he is an animal

I still consider you guys one of the 4 best teams in this league - yes you made a questionable call in last year's championship game but like I said I am past that and consider you guys a threat to our chances of advancing - so like anyone else I am looking to take you guys out when the time comes.
Glad to see the Rams are still hated for being afraid to move up.

BTW - The Yukon Badgers are currently 5-3 and in 6th place in Canada AA #2.
Last edited Oct 5, 2008 11:26:06
Originally posted by BadgerFootball
Glad to see the Rams are still hated for being afraid to move up.

BTW - The Yukon Badgers are currently 5-3 and in 6th place in Canada AA #2.

Well the Vikings are making big noise in AA . .

7-1 and currently in second place in the crazy tough Eastern Conference.
Last edited Oct 6, 2008 13:42:00
Yukon Badgers are now 8-5 and the Vancouver Vikings are 9-4.

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