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Originally posted by mikelj
My point is this, the BORG is an example and so is Mali, the best teams should play against each other, I dont think gutted teams get demoted fast enough, I have never been a big fan myself of how everything is broken up, once you are the best in your region that is it, so SA, USA, etc never play each other. I am for making just ONE Pyramid. That way teams can move up and down within one structure. Wouldnt that be the best system? C'mon I am on an Africa Pro league team, but as pro leagues go, Africa doesnt rate well overall, mostly due to its newness I would say.

That is my point. Wouldnt it be more fun to be the best of ALL teams? Rather than just Africa, or just Canada or whatever? THIS would be a much better way to rate teams.

Originally posted by zbuckley
If you look at the season 3 game log it was hardly a dominate performance but with each season this team gets better through effective recruiting and great management. Surely this team won't last forever nothing ever does but instead of complaining when you're witnessing greatness just relax and enjoy it

LOL, easy to enjoy when you are on the winning side...
I'm friends with these brothers and their last name is Rommel.
And their dad is in the military. They used to live in the Azores.
I think this is an interesting topic. I agree that I thought this would be a level playing field with APL being a new league, but it hasn't. The oinks have worked the system and thus APL was not a "start from scratch" league. I don't think there ever will be a start from scratch in GLB though. The powers that be have allowed and catered to organizations such as the org, which has made it part of that game.

I do appreciate how the Org has handled themselves on the forum. NOTHING BUT CLASS. I'm a huge sports fan and truly appreciate class in winning. Kudos to the Legionnaires for being classy in their dominance. I honestly think there is a lot to be said for that.

I don't like organizations, to me it is not football, but they are the reality of this game. The Bugeaters will continue to get better, while sticking to our ROOTS. Hopefully that will bring us a championship, but we will not sell out to get it. I'd rather build a winner with my group of friends than ride someone else's shirt tails to a championship.
Majech u really have no clue what you are talking about.

Everyone keeps talking about it wasn't a level playing field. I was #26 on the waiting list. I only had Africa as my region selected. I knew 2 weeks b4 I got my team it would be a PRO league team (confirmed by a PM sent to Bort actually). In case you missed it, we had recruiting posts in every forum in GLB, literally. So we recruited the highest lvl we could, since we were going to be in a PRO league, and the thinking was everyone else would do likewise. We had a grand total of 5 people recruiting. So because we had 5 people recruiting for us, it wasn't a level playing field? Or do you believe what those that don't have a clue say, and that is we stocked our team with USAORG vets? Because at he beginning of S3 we had 2 (that's TWO) USAORG players on the team. They were both backups on their team and wanted to be starters here. After that, we had a team fold in mid-season, and we brought in 4 more from that team. So for S3 we were up to 6 players from USAORG teams. That's 6 out of 46. If you want to be like the rest and say those 6 players gave us an unfair advantage, keep using that excuse.

As far as S4 goes, we had 0 (that's ZERO) players brought in from other USAORG teams. Again, if you want to continue saying those original 6 players are the reason for our play, have at it.

Try looking at at the team before you believe what others have posted, and proven wrong over and over, before you assume so much. It makes you look bad, truly. So thru S4, 40 of the 46 players had never played ONE game on a USAORG team before they got here, yet somehow we have this huge advantage? Do you really believe that? Our advantage is in a name. It's no different than Cape Town had drawing from the Orange Blood base. No different than you with your Nebraska logo (and yes, I expect a lot of shit this weekend after the game ). Same with the Gunfighters, etc. There are many teams, including those in the APL, that have "alliances" with other teams and groups of players. If you think we are the only ones, you are as naive as those posting the crap you believe. The difference in us and them is we advertise it in our name, nothing for us to be ashamed about.

And to answer your question before about being defensive, all of this stuff has been beaten to death honestly. I have no idea why I am going over it yet again. Maybe you weren't here in the forums in S3 to see it, maybe you did and formed your opinions anyway. This is the last time I address any of it. I appreciate your kind words about the class of the team, as I agree with you 100%. They have a tremendous amount of class and prove it over and over, something I am proud to be associated with (wish I could take lessons from them actually).

Best of luck to you guys in the Lion conference, looks to be another great season in the APL!

If anything, the Legionnaires should be praised for giving legitimacy to APL.

Originally posted by RTJakarta
If anything, the Legionnaires should be praised for giving legitimacy to APL.

Praise isn't necessary but silent admiration would do just fine

I added silent
Last edited Sep 27, 2008 06:59:48
I don't think it was an even playing field. I'm not saying this in a negative way towards you. My expectations were not realistic, and didn't fully understand how GLB worked. I understand your different examples of "networking", and agree with those examples. To say I don't have a clue what I'm talking about is pretty short sighted though.

How many GM's did you have in the beginning that either owned or GM'd for USAOrg teams? You say you had 5 recruiters that built your team, how many of those were USAOrg team owners or GM's? That is an advantage.

To say you don't have an advantage is complete denial by your part. That is the whole purpose of you having the USAOrg name, as you've pointed out. I am not attacking the Org, nor your team, nor your methods though. And I'm not complaining about anything, and I'm sure not making excuses. I'm just commenting on a topic that I found interesting and if that makes me look bad for some strage reason, so be it.
I don't think the VT/Nebraska game has been decided yet... not by a longshot.

Originally posted by Hokiemon
Majech u really have no clue what you are talking about.

Everyone keeps talking about it wasn't a level playing field. I was #26 on the waiting list. I only had Africa as my region selected. I knew 2 weeks b4 I got my team it would be a PRO league team (confirmed by a PM sent to Bort actually). In case you missed it, we had recruiting posts in every forum in GLB, literally. So we recruited the highest lvl we could, since we were going to be in a PRO league, and the thinking was everyone else would do likewise.

I did the same thing and ended up with the Coyotes l0l0l.


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