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The only issue with that would be without an NCAA ranking system you'd see a lot of teams get the #1 seed because the scheduled cupcakes. It would be awesome to be able to schedule teams I've played for and stuff but the opportunity for abuse would be huge.
Yea, unless and this would call for more implementation, but unless they implemented a "ranking system" where every team would have a "quality rank" like A, B, C, D,F etc.

And if you were an A team you could only schedule like, 1 D or worse team, and then B or better teams.

if you were a B team, you could schedule 1 F team, and 2 and/or c teams, etc.

If that makes sense let me know But yea, I agree, ultimately without some sort of restrictive ranking it would be abused. However unfortunately, it looks like MUCH of the league so far, thinkings restructuring is a good thing.
Enforcing some sort of broad restrictions on team power in a given league makes sense to me. Ideally, you'd have a system where higher-ranked leagues got better attendance. Each season you'd have a qualifying period for a few days prior to the beginning of the season. If you didn't hit a certain talent mark during that period, you'd be bumped to a lower-ranked league (where they'd presumably have worse attendance). Correspondingly, teams that were so far above the level of the rest of their league that they dominate would be bumped up a level (and would receive a cash bonus to compensate until their better gate kicked in).
To some regard I see alot of potential in the way you stated your case Grey

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