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To Fulgin and the rest of the Sea Turtles, I want to apologize for some of the hatefull things I said about their team. While I was there, I truly enjoyed they stay. There were times when I got frustrated with some of the methods but in the end I did my best to step back and let Fulgin run the team like he wanted. I tend to sometimes stick my nose where it doesnt belong but it's always in an effort to make the team better.

I really don't know what came over me these past few days. I think part of is my frustration with the boredom of the game and part of it is being replaced on a pretty darn good team. Call it a ego check if you will. I do think the situation could have been handled better by both parties. When I was first notified that I was being replaced, I felt like the carpet was pulled from beneath me. In a way it was. When Fulgin stuck to his guns and refused to release me, things just boiled over and got out of control.

So I do apologize and hope you guys have a good season. Maybe down the road there will be a spot for my K. I would love to rejoin the team at some point but understand if bridges have been burnt past repair.

Your avatar's hot. I want to kiss it.
I said before that the outburst was out of character. This is more in line with the TesT I came to know and ogle the avatar of.

Best of luck wherever you end up.
Best of luck to you TesT. During the offseason on GLB it is boring as hell and this kind of stuff happens. All water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned.
Originally posted by McGruffHawk
Your avatar's hot. I want to kiss it.

I've been told I wasn't posting enough in some of the teams forums this season. Keep the drool to a minimum please!

Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy
I said before that the outburst was out of character. This is more in line with the TesT I came to know and ogle the avatar of.

Best of luck wherever you end up.

Good luck to you too. I really do hope you're able to win a championship this season. I know how much work is put in on the Turtles and if anyone deserves a title its you guys.
Originally posted by vorenus73
Best of luck to you TesT. During the offseason on GLB it is boring as hell and this kind of stuff happens. All water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned.

When the new AI tactics were released, it really started turning me off to this place. Just too much at once and I really couldn't spend the time necessary to fullfill my GMing obligations. Some of these owners have been nice enough to keep me as a GM even though I don't do much.

GLB has become a owners "league" more than a players league. There's very little for a person to do once he reaches mid-20's level-wise. Set your training, add 5 points every 2 weeks and watch the game film. I didn't even do that much this season.

I dunno....we'll see what these new changes bring in season 5. I'm backing down on thenumber of players I'll own so maybe that will help with the boredom. Believe it or not, making MORE players made this less fun for me.
You were a a very solid part of our team Test, thanks for the time you put in.

Hope that things work out for your player.


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