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Forum > Pacific Pro League > Oceania Conference > Fulgin: Owner of the Sea Turtles
And for the record, there's plenty of owners/players out there who will tell you I'm a pretty damn good team-mate. I generally stay out of the forums unless I'm making some stupid lame joke or patting the team on the back for winning a big game. Infact this entire season I hardly posted on ANY of my teams forums. The game has turned....well.....lame IMO.

When there's build issues on teams, I've offered what I consider some sound advice. It must be pretty good when the same people keep asking. So I dunno. I've been asked by numerous people to help GM their team and I try to help as many as I can.

I am far from being a hypocrite, vindictive, or whatever else you think I am. What I don't do is blow smoke up peoples ass. I'm a straight shooter. I know that offends people, tough shit. All I do is want to win and I'll help a team achieve that to the bitter end. I offered my help and some ideas to Fulgin. He totally ignored them which is his right as an owner. He wants to run the team his way. Doesnt matter if it will never produce a championship. I would put money on him not ever winning a title.

So can take this and make your judgement on me. That's fine hommies. In the meantime, there's lots of other teams who I will be more than happy to help win titles with.

And in the end, that's the only thing that matters. What else is there to play for here? Respect? Honor? Character? lol....I dont care about any of those things.

Good luck in S5. I'll be watching!
Last edited Sep 14, 2008 11:36:03
I'd take both sides of this argument.

Originally posted by TesT
And for the record, there's plenty of owners/players out there who will tell you I'm a pretty damn good team-mate. ...

When there's build issues on teams, I've offered what I consider some sound advice. It must be pretty good when the same people keep asking. So I dunno. I've been asked by numerous people to help GM their team and I try to help as many as I can.

I fully agree. Having seen TesT around in other leagues and forums, I was excited to see him get signed two years ago. And what he has said about his contributions in the team forums is absolutely true. He has always been positive, helpful, and willing to work with the team.

But I also see this latest outburst being out-of-character for him. There are just different ways of handling players and teams, and we have two vastly different philosophies on the matter colliding here. Bo is offering to trade him and take less value than he could get to accommodate TesT. Sounds fair. TesT wants to be involved and kept in the loop on team developments, particularly in regard to his player. Not unreasonable at all. But to have the difference explode into this is... unexpected.

As a player who has been impressed with Bo enough to ask to bring the second of my two players onto this team, making the Sea Turtles the only team I have players on. I know that there are a majority of players on the team who have bought into the philosophy that Bo has built into the team. If you want to question his gameplanning or personnel skills, that's one thing. But if you are questioning his integrity or his honesty, or the loyalty that the players on the team have towards him and what he's building, that's something else. Bo deserves better.
Originally posted by TesT
Originally posted by Wicked

Please, Let this post die the ugly death it deserves!!


Until I run out of FP and I leave this place, this thread lives forever!

"Douchbaggery" or not! least he can take a little teasing, and not get bent..

I think there has been enough trashing in this thread. Time to let it go.


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