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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Team Demotion/Resets Rules
Originally posted by Team Nucleus
Originally posted by mmartian

Originally posted by Team Nucleus

The way I see it is we'll be punishing 80% of the good owners to eliminate the 20% bad ones.
Means more work for CFO's to manage every dollar oh so much close now.
Players will feel the impact right away when they start to ask for EQ money and they no for an answer.
That will lead to disgrunted owners and players.
That will lead to less incoming agents to the game and open the door for long loyal agents to leave.

IMO start a list a known violators and punish them instead of the whole.

exactly but look at it this way, why not add a little more time to what owners do now, whats an extra hour or two when owners have so much free time on their hands now.

your sarcasm gets me all the time I got to schedule when to go out to dinner with my girl cuz I have so much time on my hands to play with boss.

yes but going out to dinner with your girl should drop a ways on your priority list- there are other things more important

Summary of this thread updated with some DD responses from today (in the second post of the locked summary.)
last one here at dotball.Please turn out the lights
Team Nucleus
Draft Man
Originally posted by mmartian
Originally posted by Team Nucleus

Originally posted by mmartian

Originally posted by Team Nucleus

The way I see it is we'll be punishing 80% of the good owners to eliminate the 20% bad ones.
Means more work for CFO's to manage every dollar oh so much close now.
Players will feel the impact right away when they start to ask for EQ money and they no for an answer.
That will lead to disgrunted owners and players.
That will lead to less incoming agents to the game and open the door for long loyal agents to leave.

IMO start a list a known violators and punish them instead of the whole.

exactly but look at it this way, why not add a little more time to what owners do now, whats an extra hour or two when owners have so much free time on their hands now.

your sarcasm gets me all the time I got to schedule when to go out to dinner with my girl cuz I have so much time on my hands to play with boss.

yes but going out to dinner with your girl should drop a ways on your priority list- there are other things more important

Yes GLB I'm addicted but starting to feel immune to its effects of late.My girl will be happy

Originally posted by wileyw61
So since I am starting back at level 1 with a new team, should I give all the level 60-70 players that are going to other teams my 85 mil?

Well after reading for a week (sic) or so, I only got to page 18. It took me until Borts post below to agree this is a good thing.

Originally posted by Bort

If you want to drop down and start over, competing with teams who have not had the same amount of time as you to gain that advantage, then yes.

Think about the perspective of a younger owner for a minute. You just finished 2 corners on your stadium, and have a nice bankroll of $8M in lv 22. You're feeling like you did pretty well, you're geared up to pay for your players and probably bring in some new recruits with some good signing bonuses. Then you look at the other teams in your league. One of them has $180M and a full stadium. You don't know him or his motivations, but you know he can easily poach all your recruits, fully equip all his players, and he has an advantage over you. You look at his history and see he played in a Pro league last season. Does this inspire you to continue playing, or does it make you say "this is dumb, I quit?" According to many people in our survey, it makes them not want to try at all.

Think about it. It's not just stadium sections. It's free cash. You don't have to pay for those sections again. That's an extra $20-30M you get free and clear over the other guy.

If the premise of your argument is simply "but it removes MY advantage specifically, but makes the playing field more level for everyone else" then you're actually arguing FOR the change. You want to start over? You start over.

I have reset once, back to 28 (I think), to accomodate some of my players. It took me from inception to level 38 CAP back to 28 CAP and then this season, basically 6 Full Seasons, to Build a Full Stadium. I am going to request a mediocre demotion at the end of this season, as I think we will be better than 12-4, so that we only go up to 46 and I can keep my team together for another season.

I dont mind the Money, the Equipment or the Stadium changes (resets/demotions) so much, but the Gap between competition from 46 to Uncapped is ridiculous. I bet anyone would be hard pressed to show me one team with level 46-48 level players that is competitive in any Uncapped league.

I DC for a couple of those teams, one is AAA and the other is Pro, and there is no way my team will be able to compete for at least three seasons against these other teams unless I recruit higher level players. If I recruit higher level players, then all of the ones on my team at the moment, including 6 of my own players will be left out to dry. Basically we are resigning players between 46-52 to at least a season, maybe two, of absolute mediocrity. I think you guys realized the gap was so big, which is why you created 42 and 46 cap leagues last season.

Is there any plan to create a level 50 Cap league? It would go a long way toward easing the transition into Uncapped leagues.
Edited by Amrothlin on Feb 24, 2010 15:43:52
Originally posted by ImTheScientist
Originally posted by suby

This totally doesn't make sense. Does NFL delete the Ram's stadium and take their operating cash away because they are bad? I agree with the fan support and not selling tickets, but why take away the cash and stadium that every owner worked so hard for?

Next guy crying who cheated the system..............STEP RIGHT UP! Collect your fail prize.

Minors Lv 42 #3 (Western Conference)
Record: 0-8-0 (13th place)
Likely Cap Next Season: Lv46
Cash: $152,442,620.20
Owned by suby Co Owned by RaiderJM

Lvl 6's in minors lvl 42. Why didn't you demote? You choose to ruin the fun and competition of the lvl 42 league. You deserve what you get.

Are these guys that bad or did equipment costs drive them to it ... oh wait .... $152,442,620.20 can buy a load of equipment!
Originally posted by tieio
Originally posted by Paulieb

ok, How did I get more money for saying in the AAA

Are you serious? Really? Now you're just going to play dumb?

I don't think he's playing.
Originally posted by Larry Roadgrader

I don't think he's playing.

Originally posted by Amrothlin
I have reset once, back to 28 (I think), to accomodate some of my players. It took me from inception to level 38 CAP back to 28 CAP and then this season, basically 6 Full Seasons, to Build a Full Stadium. I am going to request a mediocre demotion at the end of this season, as I think we will be better than 12-4, so that we only go up to 46 and I can keep my team together for another season.

I dont mind the Money, the Equipment or the Stadium changes (resets/demotions) so much, but the Gap between competition from 46 to Uncapped is ridiculous. I bet anyone would be hard pressed to show me one team with level 46-48 level players that is competitive in any Uncapped league.

I DC for a couple of those teams, one is AAA and the other is Pro, and there is no way my team will be able to compete for at least three seasons against these other teams unless I recruit higher level players. If I recruit higher level players, then all of the ones on my team at the moment, including 6 of my own players will be left out to dry. Basically we are resigning players between 46-52 to at least a season, maybe two, of absolute mediocrity. I think you guys realized the gap was so big, which is why you created 42 and 46 cap leagues last season.

Is there any plan to create a level 50 Cap league? It would go a long way toward easing the transition into Uncapped leagues.

No me think this will improve league competition so much more.
Originally posted by Bort
Originally posted by SCACE

The irony in this Bort is that you realize there is a problem, you guys have come up with a way to deal with it, but you refuse to apply to everyone equally.
When you make a major change like this, go full bore. If you want teams at every level to be on an even playing field to start under the new rules, reset all cash and stadiums to the presets listed earlier and let everyone compete on that playing field.
Only doing so for future demotions still leaves countless teams with maxed stadiums and massive war chests in the lower levels and sadly those teams will maintain that advantage while others (under the new rules) aren't able to exploit the system like they did.
I'm not at all saying don't implement the rule -- I think its way past due -- but it unfortunately doesn't cover everyone and that is a problem.

I understand, and it's sucky, but I feel like I can't in good conscience start resetting everyone's teams based on a brand new rule. We debated on adding the rule, hemmed and hawed, and that's our fault, not the owners'.
Some people are already annoyed by the new rule, even with warning. Retroactively enforcing it is not something they're going to stand for IMO.
Over time, those teams will weed out as they demote again or promote back to the higher ranks where it doesn't matter as much.

This answer sums up everything that is wrong with GLB
Originally posted by Amrothlin
I have reset once, back to 28 (I think), to accomodate some of my players. It took me from inception to level 38 CAP back to 28 CAP and then this season, basically 6 Full Seasons, to Build a Full Stadium. I am going to request a mediocre demotion at the end of this season, as I think we will be better than 12-4, so that we only go up to 46 and I can keep my team together for another season.

I dont mind the Money, the Equipment or the Stadium changes (resets/demotions) so much, but the Gap between competition from 46 to Uncapped is ridiculous. I bet anyone would be hard pressed to show me one team with level 46-48 level players that is competitive in any Uncapped league.

I DC for a couple of those teams, one is AAA and the other is Pro, and there is no way my team will be able to compete for at least three seasons against these other teams unless I recruit higher level players. If I recruit higher level players, then all of the ones on my team at the moment, including 6 of my own players will be left out to dry. Basically we are resigning players between 46-52 to at least a season, maybe two, of absolute mediocrity. I think you guys realized the gap was so big, which is why you created 42 and 46 cap leagues last season.

Is there any plan to create a level 50 Cap league? It would go a long way toward easing the transition into Uncapped leagues.

We were slotted for a cap 46 and all our level 46-48 players re-signed (lost maybe 3-4 guys). When the new shuffle took place at the beginning of the season I woke up to find we were placed in AA (USA #1). We then added 3 players that were at or over level 50. We all actually thought that we were in for one hell of a rough ride when we looked at our levels and the levels of the other teams. But we decided it was time to let our builds progress and try to gameplan to our strengths and give these teams as good of a game as we could learning some things in the process. We have been pleasantly surprised with our season so far. We have been able to remain competitive because we buckled down and increased our scouting and gameplanning because we weren't going to lay down.

I'm not bragging. I am simply saying that if you suck it up and look inward at what your team can do and go out and try your hardest, you can at least compete. I don't think we'll take any trophies this season, but we are on our way to staying near the top of the rankings in our respective league.
good thing i already gutted
will new rules apply to teams that do not need to request demotion to remain at exhisting cap because they come in last place this season.....also will fan support at this time have effect on new rules (current fan support is 30/10/0)
Originally posted by ryan_grant-25
good thing i already gutted

Minors Lv 26 #5 (Zeta Conference)
Record: 7-1-0 (2nd place)
Likely Cap Next Season: Lv34 or 38
Cash: $88,814,011.95

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