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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Team Demotion/Resets Rules
Originally posted by Larry Roadgrader

Others will chime in and point out that you CAN be competitive while slow-building, but to address the question excerpted above--ANY team that isn't attempting to compete by definition needs some sort of negative reward as a consequence for that behavior. It wouldn't matter whether we were talking dotball or any other competitive environment.

No, really? You gotta be kidding me... Who would join a game with no intentions to be competitive? I believe thats the whole idea being slow building, is being competitive, right?
Originally posted by relim82
No, really? You gotta be kidding me... Who would join a game with no intentions to be competitive? I believe thats the whole idea being slow building, is being competitive, right?

In a couple seasons, yes. But in the couple of seasons while they're in Cap 14 and a promotion or two after, they're not trying at all.
I'm really confused to where that leaves us moving forward. We've worked really hard to maximize ticket sales and being smart about eq upgrades about players who weren't coming back and selling players for cash etc. because when we had a USA Pro team and ranked in the top 10 of all GLB teams, we couldn't afford to pay for most of the lvl 64 gear for our players. Now that our other teams are loaded with cash, we're wondering how much time we've wasted?!?!

On the other hand, I commend Hazy and Bort for trying to make things better. The current system isn't working and way too many guts. There are absentee owners and ones who just don't care. I like the idea of simply removing an entire region of teams since we have way more teams than can compete. Way too difficult to recruit good players--even in Pro.

I also like the premise of the archtype players coming in. Though I think all players who were created a season ago should get all their flex back. Also lvl 4 and 14 teams who were started with new players are going to be losing for awhile if they have all their players retire for the new players and are stuck in a higher league because they can't re-demote w/o losing their new stadium and cash they just spent.

I also think this is a critical time for this game. I've had several people who started the game with me and agents who have played for a long time leaving the game. Sometimes it was because of the game--but many times it was because they can no longer afford to play. The economy is a wreck and this stuff adds up. I'd think long and hard about the pricing of flex and how the game works moving forward to try and retain players. More players in the game also will likely result in more teams and easier recruiting making the game more enjoyable.
Edited by refguru on Feb 24, 2010 14:44:09
Originally posted by Snickerling
In a couple seasons, yes. But in the couple of seasons while they're in Cap 14 and a promotion or two after, they're not trying at all.

it'd be cap 4, and after the first season, all skill points would be used, so please explain where they aren't trying???

My question is this...

For the ONE season that we are slowbuilding, (we'd be level 1 players in a cap 4 league)... We'd have no SPs used, so it'd be OBVIOUS that we are going to get killed. Yeah, we are going to TRY to win, because thats the point... But logic says we won't be competitive.... Now why penalize us for wanting to make the best players possible?

The only way I see this working out, is if they make LEVEL 1 Minor Leagues as well, for the slow builders...
This is a fucking joke imo

It is the last straw for me
Originally posted by Paulieb
This is a fucking joke imo

It is the last straw for me


If you're in cap 4, you can't be penalized any more that you already are by starting in cap-4. Base funds... base stadium.
You'll promote to cap-14 the next season and your players will be of adequate level to not be penalized.

And that's not really slowbuilding as the term is most commonly used.
Edited by Snickerling on Feb 24, 2010 14:50:51
Originally posted by relim82
Originally posted by Snickerling

In a couple seasons, yes. But in the couple of seasons while they're in Cap 14 and a promotion or two after, they're not trying at all.

it'd be cap 4, and after the first season, all skill points would be used, so please explain where they aren't trying???

My question is this...

For the ONE season that we are slowbuilding, (we'd be level 1 players in a cap 4 league)... We'd have no SPs used, so it'd be OBVIOUS that we are going to get killed. Yeah, we are going to TRY to win, because thats the point... But logic says we won't be competitive.... Now why penalize us for wanting to make the best players possible?

The only way I see this working out, is if they make LEVEL 1 Minor Leagues as well, for the slow builders...

that's not slow building, that's stupid building.
Originally posted by Snickerling
If you're in cap 4, you can't be penalized any more that you already are by starting in cap-4. Base funds... base stadium.
You'll promote to cap-14 the next season and your players will be of adequate level to not be penalized.

Ok, but you start out at Fan Support: 30/10/0... What happens if you fall below that, because you arent competitive?
Originally posted by Ubasstards

by that I mean I will not spend another $ on this game!

to you too
It'll be reset to Originally posted by relim82
Ok, but you start out at Fan Support: 30/10/0... What happens if you fall below that, because you arent competitive?

It'll be reset to whatever is the base for Cap-14 when you promote... which happens to also be 30/10/0
Originally posted by Dustin Diamond
that's not slow building, that's stupid building.

LMAO, thanks for the laugh... Seriously needed it.
Originally posted by Paulieb
This is a fucking joke imo

It is the last straw for me

You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.

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