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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Team Demotion/Resets Rules
Originally posted by mm898989
I am totally against taking away stadium upgrades. It takes a damn long time to build everything. Many seasons. At the end of the day that is the only thing some have to show for many seasons of game play. If you want to make money less of a factor then tighten the bonus pay, salary limits and deal with the EQ issues. Don't penalize long time players for their loyalty.

Ultimately if this is to be a socialist environment than taking away a stadium is the same as dealing with these other issues. It all leads to the same thing. However, this game will still be very top heavy. People will be less likely to demote and just settle for some bad seasons. Either way competition probably won't increase.

Yeah plus team owners worked their butts off building their team stadium. Probably best is to not be able to fill up the stadium if teams request for demotion and of course that hit on fan support. A team loses its stadium and cash is when a team goes CPU.

Originally posted by relim82
OK, AFTER READING 91 pages on this thread, and not seeing anyone ask about my question... Here it goes...

What happens to slow build, or super slow build teams? All because they arent competitive and dont have high fan support, they'll be penalized?

Yes. You should be attempting to be competitive. If your team clearly has no interest in trying to win games, you will be financially penalized.

SSB teams apparently have multiple nerfs coming to stop new ones from existing soon. Normal slowbuild teams can compete fine as long as they are in the proper level cap.
Edited by pottsman on Feb 24, 2010 14:13:37
Originally posted by relim82
OK, AFTER READING 91 pages on this thread, and not seeing anyone ask about my question... Here it goes...

What happens to slow build, or super slow build teams? All because they arent competitive and dont have high fan support, they'll be penalized?

What makes you think SSB or SB teams aren't competitive? At low levels, they literally blow away competition. Maybe in higher tiers like AA, AAA they wouldn't be able to handle majority of the teams there.
What about the team I co-own.

We started in level 14 cap with level 1 players. We'll likely be in cap 18 next season with level 10-11 players. We aren't boosters. So we'll get destroyed most of next season, then get pushed down/stay in 18 cap and lose out on the progress we've made on the stadium? Or am I not understanding this correctly.
Originally posted by pottsman
I already bugged Tuba about it - apparently, he's the only one who is around today. Which is an issue.

Yeah, he let me know. Not an issue, he or I will get it done.
Originally posted by Riceloft
What about the team I co-own.

We started in level 14 cap with level 1 players. We'll likely be in cap 18 next season with level 10-11 players. We aren't boosters. So we'll get destroyed most of next season, then get pushed down/stay in 18 cap and lose out on the progress we've made on the stadium? Or am I not understanding this correctly.

You can request to stay in cap 14 as long as you don't have any players over level 14 and don't make the playoffs.
Right... but I'll lose stadium sections and $, right?
Originally posted by jdpbernal
What makes you think SSB or SB teams aren't competitive? At low levels, they literally blow away competition. Maybe in higher tiers like AA, AAA they wouldn't be able to handle majority of the teams there.

Ok.... I get a cap 4 team to create a slowbuild team... I get all these lvl 1 players that arent using SKILL POINTS because we are slow building... So that first whole season, we are going to get SMOKED...

Sure, seasons after the first season they are competitive, but not the season that they are slowbuilding...
Why roll out a halfass solution. If you are going to fix the EQ to make money not and issue then why not do it at the same time. The problem is that we are only looking at half the picture. We have to trust that DD, Bort and company are going to make it right. And just in case you are not aware many people consider your track record to be pretty bad.

Why not think these things through? Why not release the info at the same time so we as owners who pay for this site and this game can understand what is going on? If we as owners understood the plan and why the money will not matter as much then we would not be as upset by this change.

DD keeps saying the EQ is going to be fixed but if that is the case then the money does not matter. Why not do it at the same time?

This place has absolutely no vision. Everything is a knee jerk reaction. Where is the planning and forethought? Honestly I just think Bort is a dram queen. He loves to create these shit storms and watch everyone freak out. IMHO its getting pretty fucking old.
Edited by rellascout on Feb 24, 2010 14:27:09
Edited by rellascout on Feb 24, 2010 14:24:29
Originally posted by pottsman
Yes. You should be attempting to be competitive. If your team clearly has no interest in trying to win games, you will be financially penalized.

SSB teams apparently have multiple nerfs coming to stop new ones from existing soon. Normal slowbuild teams can compete fine as long as they are in the proper level cap.

LOL, ok... Here we go again...

Of course I want to win, but say I drop my team down to cap 4 (as low as I can drop it), and sign a bunch of lvl 1 players to slowbuild for the first season... But, keep in mind we are cap 4, so chances are we arent going to be competitive at ALL during this first season...

Now, why should we be penalized?
lounge guy
Too many f'ing rules, I quit
Originally posted by rellascout
Why roll out a halfass solution. If you are going to fix the EQ to make money not and issue then why not do it at the same time. The problem is that we are only looking at half the picture.

Originally posted by relim82

Now, why should we be penalized?

Others will chime in and point out that you CAN be competitive while slow-building, but to address the question excerpted above--ANY team that isn't attempting to compete by definition needs some sort of negative reward as a consequence for that behavior. It wouldn't matter whether we were talking dotball or any other competitive environment.
With all this "hub bub" I bet a lot of people scrap and start over ... which sucks but I guess needs to happen?
Originally posted by Ubasstards
sounds like only a couple of people are upset with this and they will keep posting repeatedly.

I say lock this topic and implement the changes before rollover.

Thanks to all for participating!


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