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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Team Demotion/Resets Rules
Originally posted by bhall43

granted that probably goes against Borts "the game was never meant for all players to have full equip" statement.

Its my belief that position will be revisited and revised. I can't imagine it being good for the game for teams to have to routinely tell some of their agents "Sorry, your dots aren't that important to us".
Edited by Larry Roadgrader on Feb 24, 2010 13:42:22
Originally posted by Larry Roadgrader

Its my belief that position will be revisited and revised. I can't imagine it being good for the game for teams to have to routinely tell some of their agents "Sorry, your dots aren't that important to us".


Would be hard for agents who don't own teams to feel appreciated. I agree with this.
Originally posted by Larry Roadgrader

Its my belief that position will be revisited and revised. I can't imagine it being good for the game for teams to have to routinely tell their agents "Sorry, your dots aren't that important to us".

well this was essentially what we had to tell agents at one point when level 64 first rolled around...the long since exploits tho have completely changed that however.
Originally posted by jdpbernal
I'm curious... I read somewhere in this 90 pages of this thread that there's some change with regards on how equipment is purchase or used or something like that.... What changes would they be? Cheaper cost of EQ?

From what I remember , something like the team owns upgrades and player salary will be tied into morale. Someone may remember the whole thing.
Originally posted by jdpbernal
I'm curious... I read somewhere in this 90 pages of this thread that there's some change with regards on how equipment is purchase or used or something like that.... What changes would they be? Cheaper cost of EQ?

can't go into the details right now, but yes. we are changing equipment setup.
Originally posted by Larry Roadgrader
Originally posted by bhall43

granted that probably goes against Borts "the game was never meant for all players to have full equip" statement.

Its my belief that position will be revisited and revised. I can't imagine it being good for the game for teams to have to routinely tell some of their agents "Sorry, your dots aren't that important to us".

Especially if your dots morale and game play is tied into your EQ , if I read that right last night ?
Originally posted by F8n4tune
Originally posted by Larry Roadgrader

Originally posted by bhall43

granted that probably goes against Borts "the game was never meant for all players to have full equip" statement.

Its my belief that position will be revisited and revised. I can't imagine it being good for the game for teams to have to routinely tell some of their agents "Sorry, your dots aren't that important to us".

Especially if your dots morale and game play is tied into your EQ , if I read that right last night ?

Players will no longer have cash, their salary will affect their morale, but the actual money will simply vanish from the team funds rather than going into the player's wallet for use on things that they shouldn't logically be paying for out of pocket anyway.
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
significant? not if that money has less of an effect on equipment, etc. thus the other changes are need as well.

If this is the case then the new equipment rules could have just been put into place when ready and this whole set of rules would have been moot.
There is a summary for the first 27 pages, what about the later 64 pages?? :O

should've read from the start.

Right from the bat, this helps create further parity, especially in lower leagues, which was the most frustrating part of joining this game for me (the lack of parity). I can see why people would be annoyed, but the simple solution is to not ask to reset. If you want to start over, you start over, properly. In most videogames, when you complete the game and play another round, you don't have your upgrades/lives/powers from when you completed it the last time (not in oldschool games anyway, I know some games have started doing this, and it is fun but you feel cheap and dirty when you do it) so for me this is a logical way to restore parity. Good for the organizers.

I am sure there will be a few bumps, but most people who are upset are upset because they lose the advantage they hoped they would have. But you shouldn't have a guaranteed advantage. Good on the creators.

I'm sure everyone has said similar things, so I'll let that be my 2 bits worth.
Originally posted by showa58taro
There is a summary for the first 27 pages, what about the later 64 pages?? :O

First 27 pages were last night when Bort/Catch/DD were all in the conversation.

The Q&A guys will get the summary caught up with any important stuff from today's continued discussion and post when it's done - likely tonight.
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
can't go into the details right now, but yes. we are changing equipment setup.

When will these changes be implemented? I know that sound kinda geeky....
I am totally against taking away stadium upgrades. It takes a damn long time to build everything. Many seasons. At the end of the day that is the only thing some have to show for many seasons of game play. If you want to make money less of a factor then tighten the bonus pay, salary limits and deal with the EQ issues. Don't penalize long time players for their loyalty.

Ultimately if this is to be a socialist environment than taking away a stadium is the same as dealing with these other issues. It all leads to the same thing. However, this game will still be very top heavy. People will be less likely to demote and just settle for some bad seasons. Either way competition probably won't increase.
OK, haven't read all this, but went through the "summary" and have a question about the team cash use and "full reset" vs the planned reset of only teams demoting..

I think I read that the team cash will be for advertising, and paying players, etc, no longer for equipment.

Stadium will be a source of income, along with media income, etc.

The biggest by-far use for cash in the past has been for paying for equipment. The "have" teams have been able to stash cash to pay for equipment, and that was also a big enticement for recruiting. If that is going away, then the "need" for the cash is gone.

Maybe you don't reset all teams to the bare minimum. Maybe there is a "demotion" request reset to bare minimum, but the overall reset puts teams on par for the league/cap they are in....sort of a cash/stadium cap for a league.

There is no reason a cap 14 team that was reset last season with a full stadium and tons of cash should be allowed to keep that and compete with advertising $ against teams that are struggling to build a stadium. The cash doesn't mean as much anymore, so reset it to 10x or 20x the "demotion" cash for the league...cap 14 is a $1.5M, so the max for any team in a cap 14 should be $15-30M range.

Stadiums can be reset similarly. Maybe 2-4 extra sections can be allowed above the "demotion" stadium level. It still gives them an advantage over demotion teams next season, but doesn't give them too much of an advantage.

Some of this goes away depending on what the cash/stadium size can be used for by the teams. Now that the biggest use of cash (equipment) is planned on going away, if the use of cash doesn't give a huge advantage in team play, then it's not a big deal either way. But if new uses for the cash become ways for teams to provide more access for players to perform better....i.e. allows more/valuable equipment endorsement deals, then those teams "with" the cash, still have a recruiting advantage over those "without" and owners/teams will try to do everything they can to get around the loss of stadium/cash by moving players around their network.

Simplify the system - you have your "demotion" level for leagues. Just add your "max" for leagues OR make sure the cash/stadium size does NOT give any least not at the cap league levels....maybe at Pro or WL there is a small advantage for having a full stadium and some extra "advertising" money, but at least most teams at that level already have full stadiums and at least a little cash....

Let the success of the team drive the cash level.
Edited by im4ut999 on Feb 24, 2010 14:10:10
Originally posted by turnit643
Originally posted by showa58taro

There is a summary for the first 27 pages, what about the later 64 pages?? :O

First 27 pages were last night when Bort/Catch/DD were all in the conversation.

The Q&A guys will get the summary caught up with any important stuff from today's continued discussion and post when it's done - likely tonight.

I already bugged Tuba about it - apparently, he's the only one who is around today. Which is an issue.
OK, AFTER READING 91 pages on this thread, and not seeing anyone ask about my question... Here it goes...

What happens to slow build, or super slow build teams? All because they arent competitive and dont have high fan support, they'll be penalized?

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