Week 6 Picks 66 participants remain, 18 without a pick
5STAR -- Buda Pests over The Cult of Personalities
Abercrombie -- Korb Destroyers over Warsaw Wrath
Al Capone -- The Osaka Buckeyes over District 9 Prawns
Aurorasdad -- The Osaka Buckeyes over District 9 Prawns
avgbrad -- None
Balls Models -- None
bigdogdch -- Korb Destroyers over Warsaw Wrath
bobisated -- Korb Destroyers over Warsaw Wrath
boilerup -- None
bug03 -- Odessa Mojo over South Otto Fragile Porcelain Mice
byrongame21 -- Halifax Explosion over Rhose Island Red Wolves
carbene -- None
cavalier -- Indianapolis Gurupies over Mentone Beach Assault
Chocoburgers -- None
Chugga -- The Osaka Buckeyes over District 9 Prawns
coachviking -- Djibouti Arms Dealing Doomsday Yodelers over C-Town MF'n Hood
cowtesticles2001 -- Djibouti Arms Dealing Doomsday Yodelers over C-Town MF'n Hood
DA KING of KINGS -- Korb Destroyers over Warsaw Wrath
Dan4GS -- Nashville Hounds over Three Kingdom Warriors
Disastermaster -- Indianapolis Gurupies over Mentone Beach Assault
dude_man123 -- Djibouti Arms Dealing Doomsday Yodelers over C-Town MF'n Hood
evileyez -- None
Farlig -- The Osaka Buckeyes over District 9 Prawns
Foggman -- None
fool -- None
hammydude -- Halifax Explosion over Rhose Island Red Wolves
hays23 -- The Osaka Buckeyes over District 9 Prawns
iGarf -- None
ijg -- Chocolate Blaze over Lincoln Navigators
jakobnielsen -- Buda Pests over The Cult of Personalities
jdros13 -- None
jesusmp2000 -- Halifax Explosion over Rhose Island Red Wolves
jroyal73 -- So Cal BDC over Stewart Ballers
Kirby -- The Osaka Buckeyes over District 9 Prawns
Kurt Davey -- None
L_R -- Halifax Explosion over Rhose Island Red Wolves
Landry Skins -- The Osaka Buckeyes over District 9 Prawns
lardaddy -- None
lemdog -- C-Town MF'n Hood over Djibouti Arms Dealing Doomsday Yodelers
looksthatkillbn -- None
manx -- Korb Destroyers over Warsaw Wrath
Mattisabeast -- Korb Destroyers over Warsaw Wrath
mhardman -- So Cal BDC over Stewart Ballers
mrmaomao -- None
NiborRis -- None
Ocho CinCo -- The Osaka Buckeyes over District 9 Prawns
odt -- Indianapolis Gurupies over Mentone Beach Assault
Papapoud -- The Osaka Buckeyes over District 9 Prawns
phrog -- Honolulu Hurricane Wife Carriers over Milwaukee Juggernauts
reddogrw -- Korb Destroyers over Warsaw Wrath
rocklee711 -- None
Ronin 49 -- None
schrauben -- The Osaka Buckeyes over District 9 Prawns
ShakeNBake -- Honolulu Hurricane Wife Carriers over Milwaukee Juggernauts
Sirwin -- Halifax Explosion over Rhose Island Red Wolves
SLZmonster -- Indianapolis Gurupies over Mentone Beach Assault
snakes22 -- None
tdougie1 -- Halifax Explosion over Rhose Island Red Wolves
temujin83 -- Indianapolis Gurupies over Mentone Beach Assault
tfishbone70 -- Korb Destroyers over Warsaw Wrath
thelanger -- Honolulu Hurricane Wife Carriers over Milwaukee Juggernauts
tjking82 -- Halifax Explosion over Rhose Island Red Wolves
tonnyrat -- Buda Pests over The Cult of Personalities
TrevJo -- Buda Pests over The Cult of Personalities
Veracocha -- The Osaka Buckeyes over District 9 Prawns
xp0 -- Honolulu Hurricane Wife Carriers over Milwaukee Juggernauts