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As a backup TE for Fiji, I'd like to congratulate the Invaders on their win. It was very close and I think it says alot for our builds/scouting that the game was that close with that much of an Overall rating deficit after the boosting.

As much as I think most of this thread is absolute nonsense, we give credit where credit is due. However, I like to think that it would be given as well.

Again, good game, and there's always next season.
Originally posted by tahl
LoL That has to be about the funniest thing I've read in weeks! Mom... Dad!!! They're picking on me!!!

LOL How is that ANY different than you holding hands with your stooges here? What is EVEN funnier than that is that you will be watching us play next week and its only our first year here! LMAO!!!
So, what we have here is a group of people who know what kinds of forums they feel comfortable in, and are importing people from those forums to try and make this one like the others.

If you want to be in a league where the forum is more about smack than sportsmanship, then fine. Just don't be surprised when every other team resents you for it.

Not "resents your team"... this stuff is independent of how good your team is or isn't. This is you as an individual and how you conduct yourself here.

Look around. There are lots of teams that won close games in heated rivalries... that gave respect and credit to their opponents, and they don't seem to be enjoying their wins any less than you are. And while you are looking around, notice that there are a lot of leagues where gloating and smacktalk are more common, even welcomed and encouraged.

If you miss the old forums, I'm sorry. This ain't EE AA. The league that has been here for season's before you respectfully ask that you not try to turn it into that.
Originally posted by nautilus
Originally posted by tahl

LoL That has to be about the funniest thing I've read in weeks! Mom... Dad!!! They're picking on me!!!

LOL How is that ANY different than you holding hands with your stooges here? What is EVEN funnier than that is that you will be watching us play next week and its only our first year here! LMAO!!!

Because nobody had to send out an SOS. The whole league has seen how you tripped all over yourself coming in here, they've seen your act, and multiple people independently decided to say something about how classless it's been.

Since you asked.
Originally posted by nautilus
Originally posted by tahl

LoL That has to be about the funniest thing I've read in weeks! Mom... Dad!!! They're picking on me!!!

LOL How is that ANY different than you holding hands with your stooges here? What is EVEN funnier than that is that you will be watching us play next week and its only our first year here! LMAO!!!

He may be watching you play, but he'll be playing too, as his team moved through their first game, too.
Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy
Originally posted by nautilus

Originally posted by tahl

LoL That has to be about the funniest thing I've read in weeks! Mom... Dad!!! They're picking on me!!!

LOL How is that ANY different than you holding hands with your stooges here? What is EVEN funnier than that is that you will be watching us play next week and its only our first year here! LMAO!!!

Because nobody had to send out an SOS. The whole league has seen how you tripped all over yourself coming in here, they've seen your act, and multiple people independently decided to say something about how classless it's been.

Since you asked.

"Classless" says the guy with a painted thumb as a profile pic. lol
What a shock, they wait to boost till the end which is a losers tactic.

Hey let them have their fun they won't get out of round 2.

Everyone knows that.
You know what, I'd leave you guys tickets to our next game you have something to do next week but wait, you'd have to stop holding hands with your buddies to get through the ticket gate.
Last edited Jul 15, 2008 21:26:21
Originally posted by AUSTIN316ISALEGEND
What a shock, they wait to boost till the end which is a losers tactic.

Hey let them have their fun they won't get out of round 2.

Everyone knows that.

A losers tactic???? What!? I'm not even going to dignify that with a response. I'll let you guys get back to holding hands.

We're perfectly content with our season, even if we lose next game. It was our goal to make the playoffs in our first year here and we did.
Last edited Jul 15, 2008 21:27:39
Originally posted by indymajor
Im in AA#3 forum also its always live there, but what the difference is we won today and well you didnt exactly do the same. I am the owner of my team not a GM and i have full confidence in my OC and DC that they have our next game under control. however with that said we did receive our second defeat of the season from our next opponents and have something special for them. But i see you took some advise and said BYE, i hope that means you realized that you still are a GM of a team that is alive in the playoffs and should be spending more time focusing on them, than licking your wounds or something else here.

You guys are acting like you actually did something besides watch a million blue dots and type in some letters and numbers. This is really sad.

It is good to take pride in a playoff win, but I've never seen anyone stoop to this low of a level in a computer simulation game.

I'm singling out your post for convenience, this applies to all of your teammates who have embarassed themselves here.
Originally posted by tahl
Dear Lord this guy just won't quit posting... Already added him up to my Ignore list.

For the rest of you who don't have it yet, or aren't aware that there is a script that ignores users here is the link for the forum page you can get it:

Sure does shorten these forums up!

I owe you one man, didn't know this was an option but will definitely be employing it right now.
Originally posted by Rodhands
Originally posted by vorenus73

Originally posted by Ballbright


It isn't a fucking opinion you moron

Read, educate yourself.

hey he took a maths-a class, you don't know who you're dealing with here. steve hawking step (or motor your way) aside.

not even remotely but to insinuate im a moron is moronic in itself...

fuck it none of you even know me for all u know i could be steven fucking hawkin (im NOT)

You guys were losing until there was less than 1:00 left in the game. And did we talk any smack when we beat you 25-0 early in the season? No.
loser's tactic? it's called being smart waiting and gaining a level on most of the league... And this is sports trash talk comes with the game. In the great words of Shaq "how's my ass taste?"
Originally posted by indymajor
Poor Fiji, you just need to give credit were credit is due. You got beat by the underdog and everyone is saying scranton came from now where. Its funny cause last season i predicted the Invaders as the most underrated team in AA#3 and they proved me right by winning it all. just seems like you didnt take them seriously. well how could you when 7-8 players on your defense are inactive. your second best CB for 3 weeks now. im sure he has his tactics set for the game plan lol....

by looking at your team i would honestly say you could lose to about 6 or 7 teams playing in AA#3 right now. So im not surprised that Scranton took you out.

Keep up the good work Invaders.

The tools are coming out of the woodwork!
Originally posted by nautilus
LOL yeah so what. The three of you played together and seem to be all sending your attacks from the same computer. Its ok for you to gang up on my one player in a new league for a little celebrating/trash talking? The teams of Eastern Europe 2 are our comrads in arms. They understand that its ok to celebrate after a victory. The few teams here, who ironically all lost, need to pull out your panty wedges and learn.


Then why didn't you stay there? Seriously, most of these people I have never even seen before, and now that you won a 1st round playoff game, you're taking over the whole forum to celebrate? Wow! It sure doesn't seem like you have won a championship before even though it says you did on your user profile.

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