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Forum > Canada > Canadian A Leagues > ********ALL CANDA A OWNERS PLEASE READ**********
Originally posted by Scrylla
Can we get a final word from Bort? I really don't want my team getting crushed in AA if we manage to get promoted.. Not to mention I really like our league here in Canada #3!

The latter is the only reason that I'm not really thrilled about promotion. A#3 is a lot of fun. But if the Maulers manage to beat 3 tough teams and get promoted, I'm not afraid of immediate demotion. We might be heavily outleveled, but once you hit the 20's levelling hits a wall, so we'll close the gap in a hurry. With our builds and almost all our starters being boosters, we'd be alright in AA. We're not going to be a threat in the higher level right off the bat, but we won't go straight back either.
Last edited Jul 15, 2008 13:52:40
Originally posted by just1idiot
Originally posted by Scrylla

Can we get a final word from Bort? I really don't want my team getting crushed in AA if we manage to get promoted.. Not to mention I really like our league here in Canada #3!

The latter is the only reason that I'm not really thrilled about promotion. A#3 is a lot of fun. But if the Maulers manage to beat 3 tough teams and get promoted, I'm not afraid of immediate demotion. We might be heavily outleveled, but once you hit the 20's levelling hits a wall, so we'll close the gap in a hurry. With our builds and almost all our starters being boosters, we'd be alright in AA. We're not going to be a threat in the higher level right off the bat, but we won't go straight back either.

Yeah. I am kinda torn because I would love the challenge of beating teams that are much higher then us. My biggest thing is, I'd much rather stay here and have another year where we can be rewarded for our wins with more revenue from ticket sales and playoffs, allowing us to make our stadium even bigger etc. If we are in AA, even though we will probably have some wins we probably wont make the playoffs. Our fan interest is sky high right now, but I'm afraid if we lose a lot of games next season it will see a drop.
Yeah, I didn't really think about that, and if they're getting rid of the experience bonus for playing against higher levels, you're going to catch up just as fast with an extra year in A.
Originally posted by THESpideyWVU
The player market is kinda intense right now, especially with some owners paying real money to recruits... That's a serious problem in my book, but their own stupidity as well.

I feel there's no reason to skip promotion, while there's a good chance the A teams will end up right back here after season 4, it's still not a good enough reason to skip it.

The real problem is everything that works now getting nerfed in season 4, no reason to make major changes like that 3 seasons into the game.

There is still a very good reason not to promote. Go chase after some of the top FAs. If you are a team with a winning record, then you make alot of those guys' team-cuts, and have a decent chance of landing some good FAs.

But try recruiting when you are getting your ass handed to you by more than 50 points each week.

There is something about humiliation that turns-off most FAs.

Does anyone know if the level 13 cap is getting lifted next season for all these new Canada A teams that started this season? I can't find any info on it and someone told me that the cap will still be in place until midseason 4. Anyone know??
From everything I have read it is getting lifted. Although I do not think I have seen an official post by Bort anywhere.
cool thanks man. I will keep an eye out for it and if I see it I'll post it here.
Originally posted by gunth82
From everything I have read it is getting lifted. Although I do not think I have seen an official post by Bort anywhere.

Is that official enough?
thanks Tunice. That answers both questions.
No cap next season is cool ... Canada AA should understand we only had half a capped season.

AA wouldnt have had anywhere to go anyway.
Originally posted by TuNice

Is that official enough?

Well I guess since it was from Bort I will consider it official
Originally posted by Bort
So, it sounds like a majority is against promotion for this season, with some that are for it? How many owners (out of a total of 256 teams) have signed off on the idea?

We could skip the Canada A level in promotions, but I have a feeling that bottom of the barrel Canada AA teams (some of whom have CPU players) might not like the idea.

This was sort of an expiriment to see if we could add teams mid-season in a better way; seems like it worked out ok, except you didn't have 8 more games to play catchup with the higher league.

We're going to lift the cap next season, so you are all probably going to have to do some recruiting since some higher level guys will be able to move in. Will it really make a difference if you're moved up and recruit or stay in the same spot and recruit? Thoughts?

Yes, I think it will make a pretty big difference, mainly due to financial constraints.

Canada A teams won't be able to afford to sign a whole bunch of high-level players. However, we are all in the same boat there, so the best teams will be the ones who spend that money wisely.

Canada AA teams have a lot more money to throw around, and already have a huge level advantage over A teams.

There is also the chemistry (real, not GLB-chemistry) to think about. We've only had 8 weeks to gel as a team, but to compete at AA we would have to overhaul our entire roster. Of course, even staying in Canada A we'd have to do some retooling based on the level-cap disappearing, but not to nearly the same extent. I don't want to have to get rid of half my players after only 8 weeks because they did such a great job.
No promotions.

Owner, Alberta Assassins
Canada A #3
Someone ask customer support because im interested to know as well
Yukon Don
Originally posted by RWCol2011
Someone ask customer support because im interested to know as well

Bort posted earlier, but didn't leave a clear answer as to what will/won't happen.

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