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Is it possible that Sly = The Strategy Expert?

Someone investigate, thanks...
kiss the .gif
Originally posted by Spread-em offense
I feel so honored to say that I know some guy via an online game who claims that he has money, talks,errr types likes he is educated and wealthy, and unlike most high rollers in this game who have spent the money on it, has not accomplished shit here.
I am so impressed.
Will you accept my friend request?
You are so important and valuable that I want to chase you around and be a part of your posse. Or maybe since the rest of us 3rd world country poverty living people, even though you dont have a fucking clue who you are talking to, should just worship your very existance.

Go fuck yourself. Some pussy behind a keyboard that talks a big game is not impressive to me or anyone else here. I am sure based on you illusion of your self worth that you have a 16 inch e-dick too.

I came here to troll cubs because it is fun, really easy to do, and he is a douche. I get here and find that cubs may be less of a douche than you. Until the last day or so, I thought in the GLB world that was virtually impossible.

keep sucking at GLB and continue dreaming big at life.

So your trolling which is effectively the exact same thing you get mad about me doing? Pot meet kettle
kiss the .gif
Originally posted by Sly
I admit there's going to be lots of times where I have no time to post for long periods because I have a real job. But I know you'll still be here to tell us about minor league stuff!

So your filthy rich own oil company but have to work? GG Sly
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN
Is it possible that Sly = The Strategy Expert?

Someone investigate, thanks...

Is is possible that hedgehogs are a farm team for the Nashville Hounds? I can probably find some evidence that they are, or at least were.
Originally posted by cubsluver22
So your filthy rich own oil company but have to work? GG Sly

You've been given everything you have and have accomplished nothing yourself. I could easily have sat back on my family wealth but I'm out there doing my own deals, making my own mark. What are you doing? Bussing tables in granny's restaurant. Now STFU loser and refill our water glasses.
kiss the .gif
Originally posted by Sly
You've been given everything you have and have accomplished nothing yourself. I could easily have sat back on my family wealth but I'm out there doing my own deals, making my own mark. What are you doing? Bussing tables in granny's restaurant. Now STFU loser and refill our water glasses.

Lmao you really are clueless! I can prove my statements can you? I've made 6 digits since my early 20s well before inheritance. Also your still dancing around build comparisons in the public view! We can compare DAI's in the public view too. I'm ready whenever you are coward start putting up it stfu! Open your builds, screenshot your best personally created AI, redact your addy from a tax return ad screen shot it or stfu! Enough with the shit talk lets get to proving
Alright you post all your statements, open all your build, screenshot your best DAI, including all plays and groups, and I'll compare.
kiss the .gif
Originally posted by Sly
Alright you post all your statements, open all your build, screenshot your best DAI, including all plays and groups, and I'll compare.

Some more slick talk and craw fishing put or shut up sty
First step is you post all your statements, open all your build, screenshot your best DAI, including all plays and groups. Get a move on!
Originally posted by cubsluver22

So your trolling which is effectively the exact same thing you get mad about me doing? Pot meet kettle

I have never gotten mad at you trolling, just mad at how bad you are at it.
kiss the .gif
Originally posted by Spread-em offense
I have never gotten mad at you trolling, just mad at how bad you are at it.

No you got mad when I signed my center with you for 1 season and stayed 3-4 and left. You got pissed because you needed centers badly and you thought I should resign. So fu, cry me a river and continue to be a hypocrite with your hired coordinators doing your dirty work. I can still outbuild you and DC you anyday of the week.
kiss the .gif
Originally posted by Sly
First step is you post all your statements, open all your build, screenshot your best DAI, including all plays and groups. Get a move on!

Some more craw fishing prove to us ur mass amounts of wealth, show us your best dot, something! We've been through this before and I have posted builds and you disappear. Your a fake and nothing you do it say is true! I saw 2 of your builds this offseason with insanely high eff levels and the entire build looked like a cat with the guts slung out of it, not to mention your equipment choices were laughable at best. Open your mouth, I got something I wanna serve ya
This is some funny shit. Glad I peeped this one out.
Sly what's a high roller like you do for the Summer? You break out the plastic pool, maybe hook a sprinkler up to the hose or even open up a fire hydrant? Maybe go big time and grab yourself one of those mist fans...Let me know!
Originally posted by cubsluver22
Some more craw fishing prove to us ur mass amounts of wealth, show us your best dot, something! We've been through this before and I have posted builds and you disappear. Your a fake and nothing you do it say is true! I saw 2 of your builds this offseason with insanely high eff levels and the entire build looked like a cat with the guts slung out of it, not to mention your equipment choices were laughable at best. Open your mouth, I got something I wanna serve ya

I guarantee you you didn't see any of my CCIA builds. Maybe a couple of experimental builds I put on other teams. But we can settle all this. You said you were willing to step up so time to do it! You post all your tax statements, open all your build, screenshot your best DAI, including all plays and packages. Get a move on!

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