Originally posted by Ubasstards
These people already donate to charity. Many of the charities have a "blank receipt" policy so you can exaggerate your contribution amounts on your tax return and actually make money by donating to charity. This is something these people do already so by them saying that they are doing it on behalf of your win total nothing is actually changing.
I guess long term the impact is taking revenue from the IRS so that your (low income people like madcow/trevjo/etc..) taxes remain at a high level.
I suggest you ask them to decrease their donation amount for each win. Nice work there, buzzkill
Yes, I personally donate to charites every year, and I also donate food from our company to food banks and to the relief efforts on the Gulf Coast (oil spill and Katrina), the midwest (floods last year), Oklahoma, Missouri etc (storms), all sorts of places.
I also volunteer my time at a food bank / kitchen locally, though admittedly I only manage to do that about 8-10 times per year when my goal was to do it every week
Not sure how charitable contributions are handled in the Norwegian tax code, but I agree, Cavalier is probably actually making money off this thing in some way, no doubt