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Forum > Casual Leagues > Casual Rookie Leagues > Who are the top 10 teams in this age bracket?
Goat Father
Originally posted by Dub J
It's casual so dots >>>>>gameplanning. If you have the dots how the hell do you not be competitive? Basically all you have to do is show up and win.

I will say I agree with you to a extent Dub. but when you have 2 teams facing one another that are build correctly then you have to gameplan. and yes I know there is only a limited amount we can do in casual but gameplanning plays a huge part in the casual game. especially against equal competition.
Originally posted by hatchman
I will say I agree with you to a extent Dub. but when you have 2 teams facing one another that are build correctly then you have to gameplan. and yes I know there is only a limited amount we can do in casual but gameplanning plays a huge part in the casual game. especially against equal competition.

I'm with Hatchman on this one. Go ahead and use 100% man and defend inside rushing on an 100% outside rushing team and see what happens.
Originally posted by Dub J
It's casual so dots >>>>>gameplanning. If you have the dots how the hell do you not be competitive? Basically all you have to do is show up and win.

I agree that Dot's totally trump gameplanning because all the gameplanning in the world cant compensate for shitty builds. great dots without any gameplanning will be successful every year no matter what. However, Championships are won with great Dots and Gameplanning. A good team doesn't necessarily gameplan against the other teams strengths though. It's about planning against your own weaknesses. Planning to cover things that your dots will struggle to do naturally
Dub J
Originally posted by hatchman
I will say I agree with you to a extent Dub. but when you have 2 teams facing one another that are build correctly then you have to gameplan. and yes I know there is only a limited amount we can do in casual but gameplanning plays a huge part in the casual game. especially against equal competition.


Just saying that if someone has dots that are being built properly and a full roster of them they should blow out all the weak teams and beat most of the rest with no game planning. If not, there's an issue somewhere.

Reminds me of a cap 13 team casual that was supposed to be a farm team for a higher level team. They joked all season about how they weren't gameplanning and that everyone would be eating their dust in Pro. I then saw a thread in the FAQ forum during the following offseason started by the owner of the team asking how many SPs you can save. I don't remember the exact amount but their dots had apparently not dumped a single SP all season.

Edited by Dub J on Nov 28, 2011 19:25:12
Kind of surprised nobody mentioned Albany Bullets lol....

Just beat Kama Sutras 73-10...

The top 3 from what I've seen would be

Badd Family
Twin Peaks Cherry Pie

As they should be. Kind of hard to compete with guys who make ENTIRE ROSTERS lol...
Originally posted by GimmeDaCheez
Kind of surprised nobody mentioned Albany Bullets lol....

Just beat Kama Sutras 73-10...

The top 3 from what I've seen would be

Badd Family
Twin Peaks Cherry Pie

As they should be. Kind of hard to compete with guys who make ENTIRE ROSTERS lol...

Well...there is the fact that at least half your team has used all of it's boosts.

Goat Father
Originally posted by GimmeDaCheez
Kind of surprised nobody mentioned Albany Bullets lol....

Just beat Kama Sutras 73-10...

The top 3 from what I've seen would be

Badd Family
Twin Peaks Cherry Pie

As they should be. Kind of hard to compete with guys who make ENTIRE ROSTERS lol...

Not making excuses or anything but I didn't do a defense on the Kama Sutras against your rushing QB's. If I had done so you may still have won but you wouldn't have won by no 73-10. you have played my DOA team 3 times this season and I stopped the RQBs everytime except the first time which I didn't have a defense in to stop the RQB's in that game. so don't let the 73-10 win against the Kama Sutras fool you. that loss was on me and me not paying attention to what teams use a RQB and what teams don't
Originally posted by robbi_knight34
You're welcome. I'm always here to help the weak

Wow, take yourself a little more seriously little guy.
Originally posted by Flu
Wow, take yourself a little more seriously little guy.

Now this is funny! Why don't you use little a little more!
Originally posted by Flu
Wow, take yourself a little more seriously little guy.

I take myself very seriously. It takes hard work and effort to be as awesome as I am. Some people have a hard time understanding that, and I get it. No hard feelings, when you're "ready" to compete, let me know. I'd love to send you a friendly and see how potent your team can be when you actually care.
Originally posted by hatchman
Not making excuses or anything but I didn't do a defense on the Kama Sutras against your rushing QB's. If I had done so you may still have won but you wouldn't have won by no 73-10. you have played my DOA team 3 times this season and I stopped the RQBs everytime except the first time which I didn't have a defense in to stop the RQB's in that game. so don't let the 73-10 win against the Kama Sutras fool you. that loss was on me and me not paying attention to what teams use a RQB and what teams don't

Run it back then.
Ill send now.
Goat Father
accepted and I will guarantee it won't be a 73-10 loss. I am not trying to take anything away from your team here. you may still win but I was honest when I said I didn't do anything to the defense to stop the RQB's. that was why the score was so inflated. you have a very good team but I am saying it isn't 63 points better than the Kama Sutras.
Originally posted by hatchman
accepted and I will guarantee it won't be a 73-10 loss. I am not trying to take anything away from your team here. you may still win but I was honest when I said I didn't do anything to the defense to stop the RQB's. that was why the score was so inflated. you have a very good team but I am saying it isn't 63 points better than the Kama Sutras.

I agree. I was expecting a close game.
Goat Father
Originally posted by GimmeDaCheez
Originally posted by hatchman

accepted and I will guarantee it won't be a 73-10 loss. I am not trying to take anything away from your team here. you may still win but I was honest when I said I didn't do anything to the defense to stop the RQB's. that was why the score was so inflated. you have a very good team but I am saying it isn't 63 points better than the Kama Sutras.

I agree. I was expecting a close game.

I am glad you didn't take what I was saying as a slap in the face because I never mean to come across like that. my teams are good teams and anyone that knows me knows I wouldn't lie or make excuses about a game. with everything going on I overlooked the game with your team. I actually forgot about the RQB's on another team the Kama Sutras faced earlier in the season. but I usually do not do the defense for the team. I usually just handle the offense unless we are facing RQB's then I do the defense also. I will do my best to make sure we are ready when we play again. that way we get a idea where both teams are.

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