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Actually the bottom of your post makes a lot of sense.
It's all good guys, point is, using what works is what the game is all about. it's not like we set out to game the system, we tried and tested some things and ended up finding something that worked, that is what any good OC would do. I am not sure I understand this mentality that we somehow "cheated" by not using more plays? How would it make sense to run a bunch of plays that do not work and lose just to please others?

As SSD said Originally posted by
Auto-Adjust probably increased the likeliness of using those rush plays due to great success.

So it is wrong to use plays that work well? I don't see the logic.

We were not out to make anyone upset, we were just in it to win and have a good time doing it.
Originally posted by tieio
So it is wrong to use plays that work well? I don't see the logic.

We were not out to make anyone upset, we were just in it to win and have a good time doing it.

LOL, I didnt say that you just saying that i can have a 1 input AI and do what you did...notice how the post was from 2 days ago? I dropped it...

Originally posted by zmj44
LOL, I didnt say that you just saying that i can have a 1 input AI and do what you did...notice how the post was from 2 days ago? I dropped it...

Sorry, I was unable to access the forums for the past while, I was one of the people caught in the dreaded forum fail. I opened with "it's all good", I guess I will leave it there too.
Originally posted by tieio
Sorry, I was unable to access the forums for the past while, I was one of the people caught in the dreaded forum fail. I opened with "it's all good", I guess I will leave it there too.

Lol its cool...BTW, see you in gold... (for those of you that dont know, the steamrollers will be merging with the FLNP)

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