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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > If you were to change the league structure
Serious question - why has it taken two weeks of forum bedlam and users disappearing and people screaming that competitiveness is what we want, not popcorn or coaches, for GLB Inc. to now appear to be serious about restructuring the leagues?

Was this not self-evident for the past 12 months or more?
This forum is for announced changes.

Lock it up Tuba.

I suggest if GLB is serious about league restructure without a lot of uproar, compile a list of promising ideas, then let the player community pick the best approach through a poll, and then implement it.
Originally posted by Jiddy78
This forum is for announced changes.

Lock it up Tuba.

Don't troll here. And anyways, DD owns part of this game so he can post wherever he wants, tbh.
Originally posted by DONKEIDIC
See my signature. Easy to implement. Basically polices itself. and everyone gets what they want. Players build however they want, while still having competition.

Competition throughout a players career.
Encourages boosting.
Helps recruiting at the higher levels.
Turns AA and above competitive again.

My suggestion would be to make a separate league each season to replace the current cap system. These separate leagues would last 7 seasons, after which the highest rated teams would fill in guts in the *Pro Pyramid. All remaining players would get picked up by teams in the *Pro Pyramid. All current systems for making, signing, trading, cutting, etc would remain the exact same.

Here is how it would work. I will use season 16 as an example:

Teams would be handed out as usual, except they would have the designation Season 16 Team. There would be no caps, or boosting limitations involved (other than the 3 boosts per season currently in place), instead, this league would be for players made between day 41 season 15, and day 40 season 16.

These leagues would slowly replace the current cap leagues. After season 7, the best teams(teams with the best records weighted on league level) would be promoted into the *Pro Pyramid, to fill in sell backs and CPUs.

The first season would start out with all the teams on the same level, randomly assigned to there respective League #. After the first season, the teams would be sorted into a **True Pyramid, based on current tie-breaker rules. Teams would promote demote based on the current League wide system in place now. As teams are sold back Players will retire as well. The way to handle this would be to slowly eliminate the bottom level of the pyramid.

From my calculations 30,000 to 50,000 players have been made this season alone. This is more than enough to fill out a pyramid style league, and be able to sustain teams folding, and players retiring.

All build styles would filter together and move up and down around the same times, thus have competition and rivalries:

My Idea allows for leagues to ebb and flow in response to demand. I would like to see it linked with the plateau at season 7 as well. Then you are pro caliber, and can now join a WL team directly, or a pro team, or a college team....
Contraction to a single pyramid would probably work just fine...
Originally posted by tonylieu

I suggest if GLB is serious about league restructure without a lot of uproar, compile a list of promising ideas, then let the player community pick the best approach through a poll, and then implement it.

There is an "uproar" with each and every change, it won't matter. Polls only add fuel to the fire.
Originally posted by Bort
How bout looking at the "one big pyramid" idea, combined with some of the other ideas? One thing that's good about the minor leagues right now is that the number of leagues can contract and grow with demand at each level. With a completely rigid structure, you end up with extra CPU slots, like we see in AA right now.

That's why I suggested a box structure:

Originally posted by jdbolick
As for how to fix the league structure, the old format was considerably better. If you feel like the tiers of the pyramid structure create gaps that are too large between one and the next, then you can always do a box structure instead of a pyramid. So maybe you have AAA <- AA <- A <- BBB <- BB <- B, but instead of the league numbers halving with each tier advancement, you could have roughly the same amount from B through A. Then I imagine you'd have either all the playoff teams or a certain segment of them (I have no idea how the numbers work out on this) advance between tiers each season. That way you're competing against the same teams and developing rivalries, but not thrown into a situation where you're level 30s going up against level 50s.

With that kind of structure you can maintain regional identity and develop rivalries, but be more flexible in terms of how many leagues you need based on the number of teams present. In some ways it would be a combination of the old system and the new system. You won't have BBBs feeding low level teams into uncapped A leagues because you're not bound to the pyramid structure where there "have to be" double the number of BBB teams as A teams, but you'll still be promoting that sense of history and continuity by having people advance through the same regional box.
Originally posted by BP

Ok D, here is your can thank me later via a large flex deposit into my account (I don't want a job, but thanks )

For everything above the Capped Leagues

Eliminate Oceania and One of the Europes

here is your new league set up

1 WL
6 Pro
12 AAA
24 AA

take the oceania and one europe teams and redistribute them. Teams that made the playoffs in those leagues in Pro go into pro in the other leagues, those that didn't get distributed into AAA. You make room in Pro in the 6 leagues by demoting non-playoff teams in order of record down to AAA. Then repeat those steps in AAA and down and all league will be filled up. 6 teams demote from WL each season from each region instead of 8 in this scenario.

AA is horrible right now, 24 leagues is probably perfect for how many teams/players you have.

Very simple solution. We'll have 6 great regions with great competition. Not 8 with waaay too many AA's and horrible competition below AAA.

For the capped leagues...a little tougher, but the level caps don't work. Even though SSB has effectively been killed, non-boosters with 8 old season lvl 38 players still ruin things for the boosters.

You have to decide how interested you are in keeping non-boosters around and if those profiles really bring you money in.

If they don't and you don't care about them

1) Leagues with date creation caps

if you do

2) Make boosting a requirement to enter non-casual capped leagues. How you would this is have a maximum level AND a minimum creation date for capped leagues that use a full AI setup. Make the casual leagues have no such rules. That way, casual players can play casually...serious players play seriously. You'd probably have to reduce the amount of regular capped leagues and increase the amount of casuals in this scenario

Just to qualify my plan, I currently own my own business...I did in gross transactions about 10 million dollars in 2008/2009 (no I didn't make that much..only a fraction, a small fraction, nobody ask me to buy them flex please ). I have no employees and do it all myself. I'm not some angry ass 16 year old with ideas, running businesses and putting together good solid plans is what I do. Take it for what it's worth.

Man you always post good stuff just when i'm feeling down. I really like this idea.

, hopefully it makes DD feel better too. I imagine right now is a very stressful time for DD and the boys, just listen to BP and change it per the plan above.

Then, let's talk about flex discounts based on your profile's start date. Old vets, who have a ton of knowledge and connections are people you WANT to stay around. There should be a massive discount on flex based on your user ID #. Maybe old skool guys are bored with the game, but would stick around and help the youngsters out if they got a fat flex discount for loyalty and helping your business grow, remember alot of us came on and pimped your business out to everybody we knew the first month or two...where do you think all of these people came from? it wasn't advertising TBH. But that's another topic.

D, serious bro...I have good
Edited by BP on Apr 28, 2010 10:12:18
Originally posted by BP
, hopefully it makes DD feel better too. I imagine right now is a very stressful time for DD and the boys, just listen to BP and change it per the plan above.

Then, let's talk about flex discounts based on your profile's start date. Old vets, who have a ton of knowledge and connections are people you WANT to stay around. There should be a massive discount on flex based on your user ID #. Maybe old skool guys are bored with the game, but would stick around and help the youngsters out if they got a fat flex discount for loyalty and helping your business grow, remember alot of us came on and pimped your business out to everybody we knew the first month or two...where do you think all of these people came from? it wasn't advertising TBH. But that's another topic.

D, serious bro...I have good

That is unfair to my multies .
Time Trial
Originally posted by Bort
Could have a single pyramid that goes down to say...level A or BBB, and put a cap of 60-something on for the lower tiers. That would be between 15 and 31 leageus, depending on if A doubled up AA or not, and if BBB doubled up A. Right now we have 56 AA+ leagues, with enough teams to fill around 35-45 of them or so.


Hi! Just want to say that I'm a big fan. However, you can't keep looking at the number of teams to determine league size, you need to look at the number of players that are going to be able to play at that level. The BIGGEST problem that you are facing right now is that there are too many teams trying to acquire too little talent.

There was a math thread that went out about a month ago that showed that there were enough players to have 48 players on every team for X number of teams.

There are currently 36597 players leveled 55+ owned by active agents (logged in in the last three days). That is enough for 762 teams to have 48 players or 23 leagues.

1x WL takes 1760 (assuming 55 players per team)
8x Pro leagues take 12800 (assuming 50 players per team)
16x AAA leagues take 23040 (assuming 45 players per team)

That is 37600 players. Oops. You have six more Casual uncapped leagues that still haven't taken from this pool.

So you see, you may have enough TEAMS, but there aren't enough PLAYERS to support those teams.

You don't really earn that much flex from selling teams (1000 + 400 per season) compared to players (who are obviously boosting to play at this level).

Honestly, THIS is the #1 reason why you have blowout games, poor league parity, and people selling off teams.

Best Regards,

Time Trial
Originally posted by tragula
Originally posted by BP

, hopefully it makes DD feel better too. I imagine right now is a very stressful time for DD and the boys, just listen to BP and change it per the plan above.

Then, let's talk about flex discounts based on your profile's start date. Old vets, who have a ton of knowledge and connections are people you WANT to stay around. There should be a massive discount on flex based on your user ID #. Maybe old skool guys are bored with the game, but would stick around and help the youngsters out if they got a fat flex discount for loyalty and helping your business grow, remember alot of us came on and pimped your business out to everybody we knew the first month or two...where do you think all of these people came from? it wasn't advertising TBH. But that's another topic.

D, serious bro...I have good

That is unfair to my multies .

You should have started your multis are just going to have to pay for your lack of vision, sorry bud
Kendo 1
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
How would you change it?

The goal being to keep the leagues as competitive as possible.

Fire those ideas out here.

4 types of league Hardcore/Normal/Uber Casual/Casual

each league is tiered


4 conferences per tier North/South/East/West

16 per conference. Tournament at end between 4 conferences to decide champion.
Straight 2 up 2 down promotion/demotion

Not enough owners for Casual Teams ? all casual West either goes CPU or is removed.

CGI motherfu****!

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