i was totally cool with the original plans
*this* pisses me off tbh:
1) Every player will now be given one set of EQ. You will be able to upgrade this EQ for free every 8 levels. You will not be able to sell this equipment. This is to prevent players from being able to rapidly change their builds over night.
In a sim that changes from season to season, you are removing the ability of players to quickly adapt... to changes that happen *quickly*? If DL get a boost, why restrict the ability of OL to swap out a couple of STR pieces easily into BL, AGI, etc? A team is now going to be stuck at the mercy of the flavor of the sim with little recourse to adapt.. and simmer over this fact all season. Or the dots can spend BTs to counteract this, only to have rug swept out from under them the next season? Cmon, that's ridiculous
Let's think about Endgame for a minute here... when GLB leaves Beta, is he sim really going to remain static from then on out? Is that the goal? Because to be honest, that would be boring as hell. Much of the fun of this game is adapting and succeeding from one season to the next, given the parameters of the new environment. Each season becomes it's own game, essentially. Most will appreciate when the pendulum swings to the sims take smaller swings... but do customers really want a static game?
i will bet that people do not want a static sim, as that shit will get old. If the goal is to mix it up from one season to the next to keep things fresh, then for the love of god allow dots to adapt along with it without being a huge PITA
can't there be some sort of compromise - ie allow on or two extra pieces of EQ to be swapped out without spending bonus tokens on them?
/overraction im sure